The "dream" team retired long ago. These wannabe's were a bit too arrogant and got their asses handed to them. Despite being an American, I'm damn glad it happened to those men. They needed it to happen. However, the women's basketball, soccer, and beach volleyball teams kicked major ass. Mia Hamm will be missed in the women's soccer world.

However, my favorite thing to watch is swimming and gymnastics. There's just something about athletic 6 foot plus tall men in speedo's getting wet that mesmerizes me. And until the Hamm/Young incident I was happily surprised at the lack of politics in judging of the gymnastic perfomances. After that it went down hill.

I feel extreme sympathy for Paul Hamm. He's being villianized for something he had no control over, is subjected to a not so private letter trying to guilt him in giving back his gold medal, and has in many aspects has had not only his second Olympic experience tarnished but also his reputation and sport. Poor kid.