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Thread: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden Topic 2

  1. #1

    HTTP Error 403: Forbidden Topic 2

    I have tried downloading different files from different sites and I keep getting this error

    Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

    I am currently not using a router or firewall.
    I have searched around the net for about 3 hours know and have found nothing. The only information I found was at the animesuki forums. There were two topics that had people with similar problems. A creator of one of the topics found a solution and gave a link to a different site. Here is the link he gave:

    The link does not work anymore, however, it must've worked at one time because another user was successfully able to use the link and fix the problem. If anyone could help me out I would REALLY appreciate it. I really want to download Naruto 95-96 right now, as well as some others.


  2. #2

    HTTP Error 403: Forbidden Topic 2

    What's the torrent file the leads to this problem?

    If no one else has this problem, then I'd lean toward examining your computer. Check it out for viruses/spyware/malware etc.

    If you have an HTTP/403, lots o' folks should have it too (unless, if course, you've been banned for various reasons).

  3. #3

    RE: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden Topic 2

    the tracker was down for a bit for upgrades

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