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Thread: Elfen Lied

  1. #301

    RE: Elfen Lied

    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    Umm.. on ep 10 at 8:25, did the cops really say "Come out with your PANTS down?" I find that kind of odd...
    [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] *chuckle* Yah, I imagine that was a joke on the part of anime.fin - I don't really care for such jokes, myself, I prefer a straight translation.

    Anyway, what was said was: "Keisatsu da! Shuui wa koui shita!", meaning "This is the police! We have the place surrounded!" (Well, literally: "We have besieged the vicinity!", but you know how it is).

    - abunai

  2. #302

    Elfen Lied

    Originally posted by: Kuske
    WHOA!!! THIS ANIME IS CRAZY!!!! man seeing a cute girl killing ppl -_-" I like the anime but i might never go out with a cute girl again... JK haha
    How about Gunslinger Girl by AonE? It is more likely to happen around us than Elfen Lied. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] I just love the idea of an FN P90 in a violin case.

    BTW, nice to see you here, abunai.

  3. #303

    Elfen Lied

    g0at, I totally agree with Ryllharu on the point that the diclonius you saw in the episodes were not Lucy. They were 2nd generation diclonius, as referenced to in the episodes. In earlier episodes, they mentioned that many diclonius were killed and experimented on. This episode is just showing that situation.

    Nana was number 7, and they have, as far as we know, at least 35. As mentioned in the episode, the limitation of the facilities was the main reason why they started killing off the newborn diclonius, meaning there were already multiple diclonius in captivity.

    Also, I just want to mention again that any of the diclonius could infect/seed people, so the infected people's newborn becomes diclonius. That was what happened to Kurama.

    Stoopider, I agree that there seems to be some sort of mutation, but it is the third generation (non-directly from Lucy), that are different. Nana has a longer reach, and number 35 has twenty-six arms. The first generations were probably similar to Lucy, except they lacked the ability to reproduce themselves.

    Eurasian, they focused on the other diclonius probably to show that it was a widespread situation, that it is happening all over Japan, and it wasn't all Lucy's doing.

  4. #304

    Elfen Lied

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, flicked back a couple of pages quickly and didn't see anything about it, but if I missed it then never mind [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Could No35 be the one who appeared in Lucy's hallucination/vision/dream/whatever in ep 9? The one who was telling her to kill people and change the world into "her" world? I just remembered last night (I was making a home-made AMV to show my non-anime downloading mates some of the stuff from the series and came across that clip while I was doing so).

    Just a thought...

  5. #305

    RE: Elfen Lied

    it might be a possibility.... but im pretty sure that was just a split personality inside Lucy....

  6. #306

    RE: Elfen Lied

    Episode 11 by Anime-fin is out:

    Episode 11

  7. #307
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    God this series keeps getting more fuked by the minute. I love it. I really can't wait for the next EP.

  8. #308

    Elfen Lied

    Another good episode....

    Only 2 episodes left... by the way this is progressing, i think this will have a good ending...

    When i mean good, I do not mean story wise... what i mean is that it will not leave any plot holes... so I cant wait for the rest to come out....

  9. #309

    Elfen Lied

    Damn... That Diclonius is fucked up. I hope Lucy makes mincemeat (literally) out of that bitch.

    And that cousin needs to go. So does Nyuu. I want LUCY.

  10. #310

    Elfen Lied

    This is only 13 episodes long?!?

  11. #311

    Elfen Lied

    I know. That sucks.

    But, at least it'll be easier to complete on DVD, once ADV gets around to releasing em.

  12. #312
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Elfen Lied

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Damn... That Diclonius is fucked up. I hope Lucy makes mincemeat (literally) out of that bitch.

    And that cousin needs to go. So does Nyuu. I want LUCY.
    yes. #35 is pretty fucked up. she's scary. "can i kill her?" "hahaha...this is fun." *speechless* reminds me of the girl from THE RING!!!

    OMG! next epi...kouta remembers! and nana looks like she's gonna be crucified or something. that girl is the devil's child. so who is kurama's child...for some reason in this epi i got that #35 is kurama's child. maybe i heard it wrong. or nana is really kurama's child?

    I tried my best...

  13. #313

    Elfen Lied

    I believe Nana is Kurama's child.
    I agree 35 is really screwed up, and awesome at the same time.

  14. #314

    Elfen Lied

    It's pretty much safe to assume that Kurama's child is Nana, since he has a picture of her in his bedroom, the director talks about sparing her, and he let her go with cash to live on instead of killing her like he would any other diclonius.

    **Episode 11 Spoilers**

    Nana doesn't look good in the next episode. I hope she doesn't die....

    I was expecting that to happen to #35's "mom", but it was still shocking nonetheless. If #35 can recognize her mom, then will she kill her mom? She stated that she knew the researcher wasn't her mom. Therefore, who will she recognize as her mom? Would she recognize Lucy as her mom, since Lucy is the queen? Lucy must have an ace up her sleeve.

    I figure that Bando, mechanical arms guy, will have to play a part in the defeat of #35, although I just can't see how yet. Also, Kurama so far seems to be immune to the attacks of the diclonius, or at least they don't attack him. I wonder if he would be able to approach #35, either, without her killing him.

    Oh yeah, finally, it looks like Yuka realizes how Kouta really feels about his cousin. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    **End of Spoilers**

    Awesome episode as always, and once again, it ends on a cliffhanger. A week seems too long to wait...

  15. #315

    Elfen Lied

    Nope, #35 is Kurama's daughter. The Director spared her life, but didn't tell Kurama what would happen to her. Therefore, Kurama devoted his fatherly love to Nana and treat her as his own daughter. Furthermore, in episode 10 we saw Kurama's daughter has orange hair, which is same as #35, while Nana has purple. Finally, read Director's comment on #35:


    Shirakawa: Explosives? But Director...

    Director: This will be a lesson to Kurama. It's the responsibility of a father that doesn't even have a human child. For me, this was just one way of making sure that he would not betray me.


    #35's human part recognize Saitou as her "mother," but when her Diclonius mind awakens, she could tell (don't know how yet) that Saitou is not her biological mother (Kurama's wife), so #35 finished her immediately.

    Saitou, as Kisaragi in episode 1, was purposely designed to look cute. The first time I saw her I knew she would be killed by #35. Poor girl.

  16. #316

    RE: Elfen Lied

    I agree with all dormcat's statements... #35 is Kurama's daughter...

    if not mistaken Kurama told the soldier to kill the Diclonious that arrived (which is Nana) because he feared that his true child will be killed... (unless he actually meant the diclonious that will be coming)

  17. #317
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    The whole issue of which one is Kurama's daughter is really confusing. dormcat's points are really good, but I can't see Kurama ordering Bando to kill Nana, the "daughter" he tried so hard to protect.

    Maybe Mariko aka 35, really is Kurama's biological daughter, but I wonder if he even considers her a daughter. The pictures in his office might provide a hint to which one he considers his "daughter." He had smashed the picture of him and his pregnant wife, but the ones of Nana and Kirisaki (or whatever her name was) were intact. A few episodes ago he cared for Nana enough to put himself in a very dangerous position by saving her against the director's orders.

    I agree with dormcat's conclusions, which is why I'm so confused right now, but the evidence in 10 seemed to support Nana as Kurama's daughter. We don't know how long ago the flashback in 10 was, but I thought it supported Nana's age more than 35's. Kouta IS in college now, but that isn't really concrete evidence.

    I guess we'll just have to wait to find out, but I'm still really not sure.

  18. #318

    Elfen Lied

    Dormcat made some really good points about number 35. She might, indeed, be his daughter. But that doesnt mean that he's telling Bando to kill Nana, either. Number 35 poses a far greater threat to everybody than Nana ever could, which is why I think in order to save people, and Nana, he's telling him to kill 35 instead. Additionally, he cut corners to save her life too.

    But then, he could also be telling him to kill Lucy. I mean, she did cut off Nana's arms and legs, after all...

    However, I'll go with Bando to kill 35. She's far more evil than Nana. And to a certain extent, Lucy herself.

    I really don't want Lucy to die. Whatever happens to the Nyuu personality, I don't really care... but Lucy herself is BADASS, and deserves to live... Though... I can't help but think she IS gonna die, for what she told Kouta back in episode 9. (flashback)

  19. #319
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    yah i think kurama sent bando to kill 35. he must hate her...he doesn't even want to be part of the release. 35...*chills*...she's 5 years old and she enjoys seeing other ppl suffer. i don't care much for nyuu either. i want lucy to come back as well!!!

    I tried my best...

  20. #320

    RE: Elfen Lied

    Well Id just like to make a few points, one Nana's mother died for what I think was a pretty darn good reason, you try giving birth to something with horns [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] bound to cause some damage, also the one getting shot I believe was Lucy tho I could be wrong.
    Also Anime4Life & Anirupt are also subbing EL but their a bit behind Anime.Fin by only 2 eps tho. And I was also very confused about that "Come out with your pants down" quote... But well it could be that diconlius cant use their powers when their all exposed and slightly chilly.. ya never know

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