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Thread: Elfen Lied

  1. #181

    Elfen Lied

    man now i know why lucy is so screwed up main i would had done the same things to them kids thats the most sickest i thing i have seem i can handle people getting dismembered but that was alfull

  2. #182
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Elfen Lied

    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anime-Fin site is down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I tried my best...

  3. #183

    Elfen Lied

    you can get it at A4L-Arupt for eps 8

  4. #184
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Elfen Lied

    Wow, Episode 8 was really disturbing.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  5. #185

    RE: Elfen Lied

    8 was disturbing... ~they~ deserved every bit of what ~she~ did to ~them~

  6. #186

    RE: Elfen Lied

    Umm... wow... another disturbing ep alright. I want more! I can't believe I'll have to wait another week.

    **Episode 8 Spoilers**

    I know they had to make you hate those kids so much, but wow, they really deserved it. I don't know about the little girl, though.

    Since Mayu now knows about Lucy, does that mean that she is the next to go? It looks like Lucy is apparently loosening up. She might eventually be good? Though I bet if something ever happened to Kouta, the world will end soon after. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    It looks like we'll get to see what happened between Kouta and Lucy next week. Happiness!

    **End Spoilers**

  7. #187
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    thundrakkon, u and i share the same thoughts. i can't believe i hafta wait another week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ***************************spoiler**************** *******
    u know, i watched epi 8 during the day during lunch. i went to buy a nice Chipotle carnitas fajita and i was all excited to watch anime and eat it. yes....i couldn't finish it when i saw that room....SHOCK!!! i was SHOCKED!!!!!

    from the preview at the end of 7 on epi 8, i thought that was nana but it turned out to be lil lucy. they have the same hair cute!

    and that dude's head. wtf. they gotta stop showing it. cuz he died really ugly.

    YAH!!! i can't wait to see lil Kouta and lil Lucy. love at such a young sweet. i guess now we know why lucy doesn't hurt kouta. NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!! AW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ************************************************** ********

    once again....NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I tried my best...

  8. #188

    RE: Elfen Lied

    **************SPOILERS************* (though this thread is like 95% spoilers anyway [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

    Not wanting to make the thread seem like its in a loop, but I gotta say, those kids deserved MORE than they got! Seems like they got a quicker and easier death than the dog (yeah they got ripped apart but at least it was quick!). It was obvious what was going to happen but that was harsh!

    I wonder if number 35 will turn out to be Kouta's sister or something like that.

    ***************END SPOILERS****************************************

    The only problem with this series is that its so short (I forget if its 11 or 13 eps), and its rushed through without enough (for my liking) having been established!! These half-season (whatever you call them) series can be pretty painful when they end so suddenly...I can see this being similar...

  9. #189
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    yah, it's like 13 episodes. i wish it was 26 or something. 13 more episodes of lucy!!

    r u saying it's similar to konomini? CUZ IT'S NOT!!!!! man, i was so glad when it was over cuz konomini wasn't that good.

    I tried my best...

  10. #190

    RE: Elfen Lied

    I wonder if what Kouta calls his sister is in fact Lucy... maybe his family adopted her or something... If not im pretty sure that Lucy did something to Kouta's sister...

    Damn that poor dog... getting clubbered to death... I think that's the most disturbing scene of the whole series at the moment

  11. #191
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    HEY! i was thinking that too. that lucy might be kouta's "lil sister." cuz the flashback from the beginning epi showed a pink haired girl as kouta's sister. but u would think kouta remembers how lucy looked liked.

    I tried my best...

  12. #192

    RE: Elfen Lied

    I dont know what the deal with this series is... but everyone seems to have memory problems...

    Lucy, Kouta, Mayu... etc...etc...

  13. #193
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    HAHAHAHA!!! that's so true now that u pointed it out!

    maybe kouta was really shocked from something and it caused him to forget. like he's to traumatized. remember lucy tried to attack him and she saw a horrified kouta? that's what i think...

    I tried my best...

  14. #194

    RE: Elfen Lied

    Yeah that's a given that it is all caused because of the shock...

    But not everyone that has a shock has to lose their memory...

    But it's all good...

  15. #195
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Elfen Lied

    Just watched the ep, that girl deserved to get killed for telling on the poor dog and then laughing about it while she was pretending to cry. At the end of the ep was the boy that walked up to her Kouta?

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  16. #196

    RE: Elfen Lied

    I think he is. And as I interpret the other posts, I am not alone with that opinion.
    Anyway, good ep.

    @Swallow Your Soul:
    Think about it: a year has 52 weeks and 4 seasons (normally called spring, summer, autumn and winter).
    52 / 4 = 13.
    So a series with 13 eps and 1ep/week isn't half a season (for that would be 6.5 eps) but a whole season and a 26 ep series a double-season.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  17. #197

    RE: Elfen Lied

    Yeah, that kid in the end is Kouta. He looks like the same kid in the flashbacks, and he has that box, although I can't remember the significance of that box.

    In TV terms, a season is usually 22 episodes in the US, and in Japan, I think 26 episodes is considered a season series, too.

    I don't think that Lucy is Kouta's little sister. Kouta's sister had brown hair and a different haircut. I still think Lucy killed Kouta's sister. Lucy and Nana looks similar. I wonder if they were clones in some way?

    Swallow Your Soul may be right. That is an intriguing idea that number 35 could end up being Kouta's sister.

    Anyway, I can't wait until the next episode, and 13 episodes is way too short. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  18. #198
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Elfen Lied

    WHAT?!?! kouta's sister had brown hair. i coulda sworn she had pink memory is failing me.

    yah, i can't wait to see who 35 is! ah...another week...

    my fajita is still there...unfinished...

    oh, has anyone read the manga??

    I tried my best...

  19. #199

    Elfen Lied

    Just for you, I'll post this pic for a little while:

    'Pic Removed

    However, after looking at these pics, they do look kind of similar. But then again, Lucy and Nana looks similar, too. They even have the same style of shirts in these pictures. OK, I'll post another pic to show how similar everyone looks:

    'Pic Removed

    EDIT: Pics Removed.

  20. #200
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Elfen Lied

    I thought that Lucy might have been Kouta's sister for a while too, but a lot of the characters look the same. The preview seems to show Lucy looking on at Yuka, Kouta, and Kanae. It seems more likely that Lucy (now enjoying Kouta's attention and play) got jealous of Kouta and his sister and killed her. There have been flashbacks in the series (remembered by Lucy and Kouta) where Kouta yells "stop!" and has a little blood spatter on him.

    As for whoever number 35 is, I can't wait to see.

    These episodes have so much story crammed into them, that they seem like double eps anyway. 13 will probably be sufficient. Another great series, Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, had only 14, but there was so much going on in every eps, each one felt like 3.

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