Yay! GW's back up just in time for my birthday. I'm turning 23 today, August 12th, and for anybody who is lucky enough to have the same birthday, I'll make them a special sig and avatar! Wish me/us a happy one!
Yay! GW's back up just in time for my birthday. I'm turning 23 today, August 12th, and for anybody who is lucky enough to have the same birthday, I'll make them a special sig and avatar! Wish me/us a happy one!
congrats. whatcha get?
Happy belated birthday! Sorry I was late on this one, but I hope you had a wonderful time yesterday. Wish you the best!
Happy B-day Lasaire (I kno im late congratulating u)! My B-day was almost close to yours, mines on August 19. Curses!! lol. Anyways, hope u had fun.
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
happy birthday lasaire, i know im late but thats just me.....
I know Im the latest one so far and thats not a excuse, so Ill just say happy belated bday
R.I.P Captain America.
happy belated birthday...2 days...sorry.
GO LEOS!!! leos r the best! (cuz i'm one)
I tried my best...
I'm using this generically titled thread to send a shotout to all the peeps whose B-day it is today (without littering the General Forum)
Shine on you crazy diamonds!
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Happy B-day, it's about 7 days to late but its as fun as ever!!!! =)
Happy Sweetest day, I mean, happy belated birthday....very belated....but better late then never....
Whoa, crazy thread ressurection. This is different....
But anyways, here's a happy birthday to kooshi and woofcat, two rockin fellow Canadians. Have a great day, guys!
This is chaos..... I thought we went over this already. Birthdays get there own threads that get locked
Whatever.... Happy birthday kooshi and wolfcat!!!! Go have fun at the bar [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
What the fuck is this?
Isso you were about 2 months and a week late. Besides, Lasaire hasn't been on in a long time so what is your reason for reviving an old birthday thread?
They're trying to cram the birthday threads into one thread, although making different threads and then just deleting or locking them would be easier in my opinion.
Oh! I missed masamuneehs post. If they bothered to check around they'd know that i gave that suggestion in the suggestion forum but Krb didn't think it was necessary.
I'll go ahead and say this now, this idea will get you nowhere and this thread will get locked so don't bother.
GotWoot Moderator
happy bday