Originally posted by: Hotsuma
Your jutsu is only as good as how well you've mastered it. In that case, Sasuke and his Chidori is mountains better than Naruto and his Rasengan.
I'd say that's probably just as logical as Eurasian's "logic". Realistically, no matter how good your style is with a featherduster, a thermonuclear missile will always be stronger. There's a lot of interplay here between the strength of the move, the skill of the wielder, and hell... the story behind all this. My sneaking suspicion is that Sasuke = owned. His best move will prove, yet again, not enough for Naruto, and will be forced to rely on his evil nature to even come close.

I think that this is all a bit unfortunate. We all know Sasuke can run circles around Naruto, and it seems a bit forced by Kishimoto that Sasuke isn't kicking Naruto's ass, but is rather just rushing in with his "finishing" move. The next chapter 227 is going to be verbal interplay between Sasuke and Naruto, and finishing off with Assuke opening up his can of level 2. Quote me on that one.
