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Thread: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

  1. #21

    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
    Originally posted by: CrossPunisher
    Well, if you ever went to the anbu site, you'd see how they dont hide the fact that most of the people there dont like Naruto (whether it be the show or cause of the fans who watch it). If Aone starts slowing down......well theres not a whole lot to do about it so all I plan to do is sit and wait for them. For that kind of quality (as well as for being free) waiting on my part is the least I can do. Go Aone!
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    kinda ironic how the one named "anbu" stopped subbing naruto

    Depressing news... oh well... GO AONE! Gambate! Also, I wonder if we are getting a less "kid" version translation now... I dunno if its just me... but in many many many many other anime subs they would use shit, but in ANBU Aone subs for Naruto, it was replaced with damn. (Can't spell out the word but some people know what I'm talking about.) Either way, as long as Naruto subs are high quality and some what quick, i'm happy. ^_^
    I think you mean "Kuso"

    I guess it's just a general word you say when you're stressed or whatnot, I don't know if it has a direct translation or not....

    Anyhow, wasn't there a big thing about anbu/aone splitting up before? Is it for sure it's official this time?

  2. #22

    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    I must admit I am happy about a new translator. 94 was the first time I deleted an A/A sub for a S-O to keep, and I hope it was the last. AonE has my support, always have. Usually if they pick up a new show I watch it.

    Good luck to AonE here.

    Japanese jutsu names and whatnot would be really great. I really prefer reading kage bunshin no jutsu.

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Anbu and Aone splitting. I really never thought that would happen. I just hope the quality will stay the same.

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  4. #24
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    I am glad it happened. Maybe people wll start appreciating gotwoot more, since all aone fans that use bt will be focused here now. Besides, animeone is good enough to pull their own weight, it isn't like they need anbudom.

    Anbudom prolly thought they could do it quicker without aone, by the looks from what kara-kun said on irc:

    ( +kara-kun ) and i used it in terms of the relationship of ben affleck and jlo
    ( +kara-kun ) they were having a great relationship
    ( +kara-kun ) but... in bed
    ( +kara-kun ) ben was just getting slower
    ( +kara-kun ) and slower and slower
    ( +kara-kun ) so.. jlo, being the whore she is
    ( +kara-kun ) decided to kick him out
    ( +kara-kun ) and just do it to herself
    ( +kara-kun ) since shes faster on her own
    ( +kara-kun ) anbu is jlo

    that was supposedly meant in reference of the Naruto split between them, dunno if it means anything...

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  5. #25

    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Oh well.. it was fun while it lasted. Im just glad that Aone will still continue subbing it. Go Aone

  6. #26
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    In reference to what joker-kun post of kara-kun's message, does that mean anbu will sub naruto??? i don't get it. this was really unexpected. is this why the site was down? probably not...but i miss posting here.

    i'm glad to hear that Aone will still sub naruto. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    phreakatron, why did u delete 94? were the translations bad? i dl it but i didn't watch it so i don't know...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    even if i didn, i wouldn't know. i don't understand japanese that well.

    I tried my best...

  7. #27
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    I happen to notice that the last episode A&A released contained swears in it for the first time I can remember.

    That doesn't bother me at all, I'm all for including a swear if it happens to be the more accurate translation.

    I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

  8. #28

    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Best of luck to the AonE guys, I know that you'll do a good job even if the workload is harder! Ganbatte!

  9. #29

    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Originally posted by: CrossPunisher
    Well, if you ever went to the anbu site, you'd see how they dont hide the fact that most of the people there dont like Naruto (whether it be the show or cause of the fans who watch it). If Aone starts slowing down......well theres not a whole lot to do about it so all I plan to do is sit and wait for them. For that kind of quality (as well as for being free) waiting on my part is the least I can do. Go Aone!
    and u go to AonE's mirc channel u'll see that even some of the members on the team hate naruto so much that they wished anbu continued and AonE didnt

  10. #30

    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Originally posted by: CrossPunisher
    Well, if you ever went to the anbu site, you'd see how they dont hide the fact that most of the people there dont like Naruto (whether it be the show or cause of the fans who watch it). If Aone starts slowing down......well theres not a whole lot to do about it so all I plan to do is sit and wait for them. For that kind of quality (as well as for being free) waiting on my part is the least I can do. Go Aone!
    Are you freaking serious??

    How the hell can you
    1) Not like Naruto and be an anime fan.
    2) Call your subbing group ANBU when you don't like Naruto!!!

  11. #31

    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Oh well. As long as AonE releases, i'll be fine.

  12. #32
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
    Are you freaking serious??

    How the hell can you
    1) Not like Naruto and be an anime fan.
    2) Call your subbing group ANBU when you don't like Naruto!!!
    1: You can like anime but not anime of the shounen genres (ie: action, action/adventure, fantasy action-adventure). I know a lot of shoujo fans.
    2: You wouldn't NAME your group that, but how many people in ANBU do you think were there when it was named that are still there? You can join a group without knowing the source of its name because you like other projects... it's just that the people who founded/named the group DO necessarily like it.

  13. #33
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    I've always been a big fan of Aone, thus I will continue to download their releases as I normally would. Now and forever ( Or until they stop..btw dont stop! You Guys F*ing own!)

    Long Live Aone =D

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  14. #34

    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    well the full name is anbudom. and i think the group was tehre before naruto started wasnt' it?

    meh, either way. too bad about them spliting up, but this kinda stuff happens. so long as teh eps keep comming, im happy.

    btw, ciber, u said the translation would now be done by one of our own? care to expand on that?

  15. #35
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    translation and some editing were provided by ANBU in the joint. Timing, typesetting, encoding, qc (and usually a large amount of editing) came from AnimeOne, as was raw hunting.

    So with the same crew (though slightly juggled), the only real new point in the whole process is the translator.

    oh yeah ... and the group's name is ANBU, the channel name is anbudom. if I remember correctly, the "dom" is for "download only members" -- in other words it's their leech channel.

    They predate the anime, but not the manga.

  16. #36

    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    wow i can finally get on the forums and read this T.T ..but, as long as Naruto is done, that's cool, know they can do it ^_^

  17. #37

    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    There's one VERY good thing about this. When Naruto becomes liscensed, AonE will keep subbing like nothing is wrong, while if ANBU was still with them there could be a problem. This way, there won't be much of a difference at all whenever liscensing comes around.

    It sucks that we're losing our translator, but AonE can handle it alone, and quite possibly make some improvements as well.

  18. #38

    Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    ANBU didnt annouce that they were dropping Naruto. I would rather get ANBU's since their translation is better than all. Thats my opinion.

  19. #39

    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    Originally posted by: Goingin
    Wow, that came out of nowhere...
    But still great AonE keeps subbing it

    *thumbs up*

    actually, it probably came from somewhere...

    I figured it already after Ciber got totally pissed off about my comment on the "being slow and all"
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  20. #40

    RE: Important News regarding Naruto! Please read.

    they made a cute couple, but i for one am glad aone got rid of anbu. oh how i longed for this day

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