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Thread: Screw A/H

  1. #21
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Screw A/H

    @Eurasian: I thought thinking of 'children are the future' was just what I did? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  2. #22

    Screw A/H

    Originally posted by: rdperalta
    Yeah.. its not nice flaming another sub group. I also dl the A-H versions and IMHO theyre doing a good job for speed subs. Anyone still remember when Bakasan was around hehehehe (the one man subbing team) but i always dl the A/A version for burning on dvd as backup.

    Its like this Bakasan (now A-H) for previewing and TW or A/A for burning
    but at least bakasan never made any mistakes with his subbing... just that he used poor quality raws

  3. #23

    Screw A/H

    I don't care if you're 9 years old, this thread is just stupid. And if you don't like the sub, then you don't have to watch it. It's fucking free, there's no reason to bitch so much.

  4. #24

    RE: Screw A/H

    noobs shouldn't talk like that. Now behave. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    I don't think ANBU or AonE cares whether AH is stealing their downloaders coz there are loyal downloaders anyway. Like me, for e.g.

  5. #25

    RE: Screw A/H

    i like A-H man... they didn't do anything wrong... who know's maybe they will start from episode 1 slowly... I remembered a certain group who started were TW left off, but they slowly subbed their begining episodes.

  6. #26

    RE: Screw A/H

    A-H is good

    I like their fast and pretty accurate subs, not as superb as the slower subbers like ANBU/AonE (separated from now on), but theyre a speed-subbing fansub, so give em a break.

    Like a lot of people i download A-H's eps for watching the ep soon after airing and use ANBU or AonE's for archives (and a second-time watching)

  7. #27
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Screw A/H

    too many haters...

  8. #28
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Screw A/H

    Originally posted by: rdperalta
    Yeah.. its not nice flaming another sub group. I also dl the A-H versions and IMHO theyre doing a good job for speed subs. Anyone still remember when Bakasan was around hehehehe (the one man subbing team) but i always dl the A/A version for burning on dvd as backup.

    Its like this Bakasan (now A-H) for previewing and TW or A/A for burning
    i always preferred bakasan's subs over all the other groups. too bad he quit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  9. #29

    Screw A/H

    Originally posted by: rdperalta
    Yeah.. its not nice flaming another sub group. I also dl the A-H versions and IMHO theyre doing a good job for speed subs. Anyone still remember when Bakasan was around hehehehe (the one man subbing team) but i always dl the A/A version for burning on dvd as backup.

    Its like this Bakasan (now A-H) for previewing and TW or A/A for burning
    bakasan was t3h shit.

    i mean seriously did it on his own. , in comparison to entire teams

  10. #30
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Screw A/H

    i remembered the days w/ bakasan. i remembered he mentioned about his girlfriend on his site. <-- completely random

    i think his subs came out faster than AH. bakasan's naruto subs r the only things i think about wed nites.

    I tried my best...

  11. #31

    Screw A/H

    Don't complain about so and so's subbing and taking away all of the downloads. It's FREE. Why complain about charity?

  12. #32

    RE: Screw A/H

    *points at the sign that says "dont join forums unless youre this tall"* ...guess you missed that one mdclips
    i dont think anyone cares about A-H "stealing" from AA. maybe you dont understand the way free commerce works...oh...thats dont because your nine years old. allow me to be the first to welcome you the the united states where we support the spirit of competition. some people will like A-H because they are fast others will like AA because of quality, but all that really matters is that the people get there naruto.
    as for the issue of stealing ...last time i checked naruto wasnt licensed to any american subbers, so its a free market for fansubbers my young friend

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