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Thread: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

  1. #41

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    i liked the way it showed that mando wasnt just a summon and that he is just as evil as oro, it will be interesting to see what devolops between oro and mando if they show it that is. i also think it was a bit pathetic the way jira was shown. oro states that itachi is stronger than him, oro was so incredibly confident when fighting jira that i would have to say ( i previoulsy thought the opposite) that oro is still miles ahead of jira just like when they were kids. so what he cant mould chakra oro HAS NO ARMS ffs. jira should have been able to hammer him in hand to hand combat a lone, and weak chakra moulding is far better than none at all. its weird the way itachi hesitated to attack jira when he seems soooo much weaker than oro.

  2. #42

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Not being able to mold chakra properly was one of the effects of the drug. He couldn't move properly either.

  3. #43

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    what did Tsunade mean when she said, "this is my life sacrificed for the fight"

    because she used those crazy seals of hers and she'll die faster? is that it

  4. #44

    Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: SeifeR
    what did Tsunade mean when she said, "this is my life sacrificed for the fight"

    because she used those crazy seals of hers and she'll die faster? is that it
    Tsunade did not use her seals.

  5. #45

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: SeifeR
    what did Tsunade mean when she said, "this is my life sacrificed for the fight"

    because she used those crazy seals of hers and she'll die faster? is that it
    I don't think it's because she use her regeneration jitsu... I think it's more that she had said earlier that it was stupid to gamble your life for another person, and people who lost their life defending others fools. By her saying this it's more to show that she has changed her mind, and she decided to fight and protect Naruto even if it meant risking her life to do it.

    After these eps I like Tsunade a LITTLE better, although I agree that her slug summon was pretty useless.

  6. #46
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Who cares about the crappy parts? It's still a good ending for a chapter. Now we get to start watching a whole new chapter! ....well, maybe, hehe.

  7. #47

    Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    I promise i won't spoil again.

  8. #48

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: SeifeR
    what did Tsunade mean when she said, "this is my life sacrificed for the fight"

    because she used those crazy seals of hers and she'll die faster? is that it
    Yes, because she was forced to use a jutsu that shortened her life span.

    Also some people are saying Mando... it's actually Manda but A-H just spelled it incorrectly. I can understand why since it's hard to tell when they say it.

  9. #49

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    they spelt 'Katsuyu' as 'Kitsuii' and 'Hachi'... i could understand the second time (cos it sounded off), but Kitsuii?

  10. #50

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Who cares?

  11. #51

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Enough bitching about the translation, people catch little mistakes and suddenly think that they've accomplished something. None of it was really bad enough to take away from the episode. I don't really care for monster battles, but it was still a good special.

  12. #52

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Itachi hesitated to attack Jiraiya because he knew it would bring about too much attention, heck Gai was already there. And he thought twice about fighting Gai. Why? Because he was already pretty weakened from using the sharingan technique in both scenarios. Last thing he needed was all of konoha on his ass, and the series Naruto favors strategy over raw power. I mean that kunai is just as lethal in a genins hands, but skill, strategy and experience is what seperates things. (Example: You'd never see anyone take a kick to the neck without flinching because of a silly power level number)

    Jiraiya was poisoned give him a break, orochimaru had no arms but his legs work. While I agree Katsyu isnt as cool as Gamabunta, she's not too useless. Both of them got into tight spots, however it was just Tsunade bailing Gamabunta out rather than Katsyu doing it (she's a slug after all). Oh and of course orochimaru is the strongest, they mention it in 65-66. They say that he wasn't like before, because he's in a younger body, he could take more punishment and last longer than the other two. Using youth as an advantage.

  13. #53

    Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Fighting is awesome.

  14. #54
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: kupalmaru
    Originally posted by: SeifeR
    what did Tsunade mean when she said, "this is my life sacrificed for the fight"

    because she used those crazy seals of hers and she'll die faster? is that it
    Tsunade did not use her seals.
    she did use her forehead seal which makes her regenerate faster.

  15. #55

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    She has more than one seal?

    Should I even ask this question?

    Also, doesn't Shizune overreact to everything? I mean, come on she even started screaming when Tsunade was about to summon the slug... I mean what the hell? How is that gonna hurt Tsunade is she performs a Jutsu that a genin can do?

  16. #56

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    she was screaming about the regeneration seal, not the summon. But its understandable that she can overreact... remember Sasuke freaking over a Jounin fight, and Anbu freaking over ahokage battle... well, this is about 3 times worse than the hokage battle, and she is just an attendant, really. She has some ninja skill, but she is mostly an attendant. So alot of people would be freaking out in her case. Some more than others.

  17. #57
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    I was also mightily unimpressed by the snail. Considering it was supposed to be like the Queen of Snails, the least it coulda had was a cool shell....

    ....that shoots missiles or something.

    Is that the same sword Oro was using in the fight with the third? If it is, then how did he get it back?
    It's likely that Orochimaru has the ability to "summon" the sword much in the same way ninjas can summon animals. The sword is probably bound to him in some way, and even though Enma took it, it probably returns to Oro every time he regurgitates it.

    ninjas cant just teleport like that!
    Yes, some of them can.

    Fighting is awesome.
    Haha, yes...yes it is.

  18. #58

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    The slug had a cute voice though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  19. #59

    Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    I remain fascinated on how the slug would deal with a bag of salt thrown at it....

  20. #60

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    I wonder when we will se Jiraya fight for real,everytime he is in a fight kishimoto gives him a disadvantage so he cant fight.

    I want to see Jiraya kicking somebodys ass is it too much to ask!

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