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Thread: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

  1. #21

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Gama Bunta and Mando were a classic act lol... they could do a comic sketch togather.

    It was funny to see Oro get beaten up like that.

    One thing... err where the hell did Oro go at then end? I mean lol if he just sank into the ground... and just stayed there... someone could have just dug him up again and started to slap him all over again.

    They seemed to play some classic 80's music for when the summoning happened.. nice touch.

  2. #22
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Ahh, so glad the site is up again. Can't believe it goes down just when things got interesting again!

    I dunno, the Sannin fight was cool and all, but Oro Vs. the 3rd was alot better.

    The best thing in the last 4 episodes was them showing what a powerful and tactical fighter Kabuto is. And he still hasn't even "lost control" like he almost did during the Chuunin exam. With his regeneration, and his having to maintain control of himself, make me wonder if Kabuto doesn't have a Demon inside him also.

    Course, then one would have to wonder why he didn't use it.

    Anyway, if there was a problem with the Sannin fight, it was a lack of variety. It was just big animals, Tsunade punches, Oro tounge wraps. I expected different techniques from the Sannin. And Jiraya just sat on his ass!

    That was pretty awsome though Tsunade using Gamabunta's sword.

  3. #23

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    I guess being able to summon those giant animals is one reason why Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade are called the Legendary Sannin. Its funny I expected the slug to be as cocky as Gamabunta and Manda. All I can say is the Rasengan can be pretty deadly when done properly.
    I dunno if its just me, but with the field they were fighting on, as well as when Naruto released the Rasengan, Episode 95 reminded me of the Cell Games.

  4. #24
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Pretty much everything about the Rasangan reminds me of DBZ....only explained better.

  5. #25

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: Melvinmaniacs
    I guess being able to summon those giant animals is one reason why Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade are called the Legendary Sannin. Its funny I expected the slug to be as cocky as Gamabunta and Manda. All I can say is the Rasengan can be pretty deadly when done properly.
    I dunno if its just me, but with the field they were fighting on, as well as when Naruto released the Rasengan, Episode 95 reminded me of the Cell Games.
    note: kabuto summoned the snakes, and the manda , with micheal jacksons seal on his arm.

    kinda weird.. kabuto said he had used most of his chakra to regenerate. and still he's able to summon the manda.

    whats also weird, that kabuto uses his own blood on the seal.
    so would mean , kabuto has a snake contract

  6. #26

    Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Ah, finally, the three Sannin fight. Fun stuff. I was disappointed that Jiraiya didn't do more, but perhaps that poison never fully wore off during the battle. *shrug* Itachi seemed wary enough of him at full strength...

    As for the next ep, for the first time, this will truly be filler, as it doesn't appear in the manga.

  7. #27

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    When Oro grabs Jiraiya by his tongue and slams him into the ground I was half expected Jiraiya to let out some stupid groan with the way he was lying there... it seemed more comical than dangerous what happened to him lol.

  8. #28

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Nice ep. In regards to your question, Masamune, I think that Kabuto did the seal of summoning, but used Oro's chakra for the summoning. Kind of like Naruto doing the transformation seal for Gambuta during the fight with Gaara.

    I wonder what will happen to Naruto now, since Tsunade had to sneak in her "kiss of death" in the end. [img]i/expressions/lips.gif[/img]

    I also wonder how scary Tsunade looks when her youth technique wore off. Her arms looked pretty scary there. I guess she was too scary for our young audience to see, hence, we did not get to see her face. Jiraiya looked kind of freaked out himself. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Is that the same sword Oro was using in the fight with the third? If it is, then how did he get it back?

    Oh well, as for next week's episode, I think it's the obligatory hot springs episode that every single Anime seems to have nowadays. I hope it is funny and fun.

  9. #29
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    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Originally posted by: thundrakkon
    Is that the same sword Oro was using in the fight with the third? If it is, then how did he get it back?
    it looks like the kusanagi sword is retractable. It kinda lives in one of the snakes in him, along with his big freaky tongue. I don't remember if we saw him take it back or not ... but the third was dead when he left...

    Could just be a forgotten issue at the end of the third fight though.

  10. #30

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Thought it was a pretty good episode too. I coulda sworn Enma took that sword though after the Third's fight.

    While next ep does look like a filler type, atleast it'll be entertaining. It's prolly just a transitional thing they thought they'd throw in to go from one arc to another. I do wanna see if she heals Rock Lee too, or hell, if he'd let her heal him. Knowing his attitude toward hard work he'll prolly refuse saying he'll work himself back into shape lol.

  11. #31

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    wow waht an amazing ep. probably one of the best since the zabuza arc. first off, i liked how they ended the whole thing in one (or ratehr 2) episode, instead of making if 3 or 4 like the 3rd vs. oro figt. having to wait a month for a fight to finish kinda takes away from the "edge of your seat" suspense.

    man, tsunade using oro's tounge to pull him up and then smack him around was just fucking hilarious! lmao!! i was half expecting her to bite it when he was trying to strangle her. as for jiraya, that flamethrower technique he did with gamabunta was bad ass....but he didnt' do much else for the rest of the ep which kinda sucked. i wanted him and tsunade to beat oro up together....tsundae punches him towards jiraya, he kicks him in the face back to tsunade, and so on.

    is it jsut me or did the slug do jack shit? he (she?) throws some acid and then has to be saved by gamabunta.....summoning the slug was a waste of chakra imo.

    lastly, i hate that they let oro excape ONCE AGAIN! for fucks sake, kill him already. he can't use his arms and hence no jutsu's. all he has is his tounge and a sword in his throat, yet against not one but TWO sanins AND shizune, who's supposedely as strong as kakashi, oro still manages to escape into the ground.

    and where exactly did kabuto go? i thougt the smoke was just to hide u while u jumped away somewhere......but they were in an open field. ninjas cant just teleport like that!

    well all in all, it was a good ep, and a nice way to end the arc. did anyone else get the feeling that they were being watched by itachi or someone else from atksuki (sp) while they were standing over naruto's unconcious body near the end?

  12. #32

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    This was one of the best episodes since the hokage fight.
    Damn Tsunade totally owned Oro. I was quite disappointed by Jiraiya. I expected him to do better. I used to think that Jiraiya was the strongest of the sannins, now I think that it's this way:
    Tsunade+Jiraiya>>armless Oro
    and before it was:
    Oro with hands>>Jiraiya + Tsunade

  13. #33

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Look at it this way... if Jiraiya got involved then it would really not be fair to Oro would it?

    Anyone think that at the end of the previwe for the next episode those two guys are another pair from Akatsuki?

  14. #34

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    I still Jiraiya is the strongest of the Sannin. All you guys doubting have to remember the whole point of this episode is to show how strong the 3 sannins still are even with big handicaps: Oro's arms prevented him from using jutsu, Jiraiya was poisoned and couldn't mould chakra therefore he couldn't perform any good jutsus, Tsunade had her blood phobia and was out of shape from not fighting for so long.

  15. #35

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    Thats what I'm thinking about too!! How in the world did Kabuto muster enough chakra to summon Manda?

  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    There's so many different ways to summon creatures, its hard to say
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #37

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    He took a soldier pill. If you remember from the chuunin exams when akamaru ate one it supposedly doubles your chakra

  18. #38

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    i dont think that kabuto sommuned manda, he just provided the seals and blood
    i think it was oros chakra because kabuto was already weakened, i didnt notice him take the soldier pill after he got rasenganed by naruto (something like what thundrakkon said)

    i liked this ep, but i didnt think it was that great
    it was good to see oro get his ass pummeled by tsunade though

    when shizune healed her legs, it looked like she was going to summon a creature too, if she was, i wonder what it would have been.

    even though i dont read the manga, the next ep does seem fillerish

  19. #39

    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    I think Saukra means after he got hit by the rasengan. I think the most reasonable explanation is that the summon was carried out using Orochimaru's chakra.

  20. #40
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto 95-96 Discussion!

    i think kabuto only performed the seals but the blood and chakra was oro's.

    oro is a sick bastard. that tongue...::chills:: i liked it when oro was going after tsunade and tsunade caught the sword between her legs. TSUNADE ~ she's my hero from now on. she kicked some serious ass. WHY DIDN'T SHE KILL KABUTO?!?!? she said she will. i know that she has monstrous stength, but i think it's ridiculous how she picked up that sword.

    that slug's voice sounds like those voices that comes out of the announcement speakers at airports or something. it's not even intimatidating. of all the animals...why a freakin slug?

    gamabunta is funny."new snake skin wallet" HAHAHAH!!!

    I tried my best...

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