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Thread: The 3rd person who has it

  1. #101

    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    Well, I could really care less about this pointless craptacular speculation about whether Naruto's eyes will spill forth laser beams, or whether Itachi is actually a good guy trying to beat up the third horrendous Uchiha, but I can do one thing.... put to rest the possibility that the picture in 224 is of the mysterious third mangekyou user.

    The middle panel on page 11 of chapter 224 IS Itachi. The "two swords" are not swords, but rather are his arm guards, seen in the bottom left pane of page 12. In the middle-right pane on page 19, you can also see that Itachi has a pony-tail (nancy-boy), which is waving in the breeze.


  2. #102
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    would kakashi have mangekyou then if he killed his best friend? apparently he doesnt though, since it wasnt able to counter itachi's mangekyou

    either kakashi was holding back for no real reason against itachi, or he isnt the 3rd person
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #103
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    I suppose it's possible that Kakashi might have access to a gimped version of Mangekyo Sharingan... but I doubt Itachi would mention it. Perhaps there's someone else out there with Uchiha blood that isn't directly related to the main family. A bastard line perhaps?

  4. #104
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    definitely not kakashi. cuz well he's not an uchiha and that's been discussed.

    I tried my best...

  5. #105
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    maybe the flashback happened b4 Kakashi got the eye, and Itachi was talking about Obito?
    and then obito tried killing Kakashi to get the eye, but couldn't defeat Kakashi and lost, and Kakashi decided to take Obito's eye out as a reminder of what happened?
    actually, it goes very well with the fact that Kakshi is coming to stop the fight now, as he already knows what the results might be...

    anyway, that's my theory, and i'm gonna stick to it.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #106
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    Sounds reasonable, I like it.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  7. #107

    3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    Yeah, Kakashi did seem kinda sad when thinking about Obito.
    Maybe that's the reason, his best friend tried to kill him, so he feels betrayed and sad.
    But has any of you given a thought that maybe Itachi is lying, I'm talking about how you get the Mangekyou Sharingan. I know what Itachi said but his dad never actually told Sasuke what it was anything other that it was a terrible condition to be met.
    And the only thing that we know is written in the Uchiha shrine is, according to what Itachi said, the purpose the Doujutsu originally served, not how you get it.

  8. #108

    3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    Originally posted by: realtortato
    Yeah, Kakashi did seem kinda sad when thinking about Obito.
    Maybe that's the reason, his best friend tried to kill him, so he feels betrayed and sad.
    But has any of you given a thought that maybe Itachi is lying, I'm talking about how you get the Mangekyou Sharingan. I know what Itachi said but his dad never actually told Sasuke what it was anything other that it was a terrible condition to be met.
    And the only thing that we know is written in the Uchiha shrine is, according to what Itachi said, the purpose the Doujutsu originally served, not how you get it.
    I highly doubt it considering Itachi did kill his best friend, and this is definately true.

  9. #109

    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    i like the theory from Death BOO Z, it sounds possible.

  10. #110

    3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    but then wouldnt that mean kakashi could handle it an not get so hammered by itachi. maybe its who every pulls it off first an in that fight itachi did magekyou first.

    -- yeap sorry didnt read it properly .. but if you want you can still simplfy it.

  11. #111
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person


    I give you a 0 on reading abilities.

    i never said that Obito managed to achieve the Mengekyou Sharingan, i said that he tried Killing Kakashi in order to get it, at that time, Obito had 3 dots on his sharingan, and even though it's very hard to beat someone who mastered his sharingan, it's possible (if Gai could win against Kakashi, then so could Kakashi win against Obito).

    should I simplfy it furhter for you, or do you understand?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  12. #112

    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    Dude that quote in your profile is some funny a$$ shit.

  13. #113

    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    Its a possibility that the last person is also the last person to know ransangen(i forgot which chapter, jiraya or tsunade says naruto would be the fourth person to know ransengan, and jiraya and the fourth and naruto only make up 3).

    I think it still is a possibility that the 3rd mangekyou person is evil, if you consider how many "good guys" are elite and havn't been used yet in any real battle. Jiraya, Gai, others.

    but most likely he will be good, considering Itachi's group hasn't even been revealed yet.

    I like the kakashi killing obito theory, but it seems to me that kakashi's emotions toward obito are not regretful, more respectful. And i dont know if kakashi would respect obito for trying to kill him.

    I'd like to see someone strong from another hidden village thats on the good side for once.

  14. #114
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    that's a good theory Death BOO Z. it gets me thinking.

    I tried my best...

  15. #115

    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    i like your theory too...

    Death BOO Z's theory sounds A LOT like my theory from the '224 by inane is out' thread first page:

    Originally posted by: benjaminz
    maybe kakashi's best friend tried to kill him to obtain the mangekyou sharingan, but failed due to kakshi's super genius, and then gave his eye to kakashi in the end

    okay nevermind im shootin crap

    haha there goes the 'itachi is good' theory
    HmMmMm [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
    ...and in the same thread fourth page Death BOO Z says...

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    i liked the idea someone presented that Obito tried doing the same thing and that's why Kakashi lost his friends and got the eye...
    LoL, maybe I take back the 'okay nevermind im shootin crap' part [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    anyway, i also like that theory where itachi is a good guy and is out to get that 3rd mangekyou user also, but only because i think itachi is super cool and i want him to be a good guy because that cool older brother image is just like... cool, lol... ;(

  16. #116

    RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    hopefully we will find out when kakashi gets there to stop the fight.

  17. #117

    3rd mangekyou sharingan person

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: viciousHyuuga
    he said including him it would be 3 people who can use mangekyou, so if sasuke learns it would that make 4 or was he including sasuke as one of the 3.

    personally id like to see 2 new uchiha members.
    inane version.
    direct quote: including myself, there will be three people who an handle the mangekyou sharingan. in that case... ...hehe. therewould be a reason to let you live.

    i believe that means there are only three people; itachi, sasuke, and someone.
    Personally I think he meant in history as well.
    There was himself, and one or two others in the past who have achieved this. I mean someone had to write that scroll explaining how to attain it.

    Sasuke, if he gets it, would be the fourth, or maybe the third, depending on how Itachi meant by "will"

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by tuggumkee
    Its a possibility that the last person is also the last person to know ransangen(i forgot which chapter, jiraya or tsunade says naruto would be the fourth person to know ransengan, and jiraya and the fourth and naruto only make up 3).

    I think it still is a possibility that the 3rd mangekyou person is evil, if you consider how many "good guys" are elite and havn't been used yet in any real battle. Jiraya, Gai, others.

    but most likely he will be good, considering Itachi's group hasn't even been revealed yet.

    I like the kakashi killing obito theory, but it seems to me that kakashi's emotions toward obito are not regretful, more respectful. And i dont know if kakashi would respect obito for trying to kill him.

    I'd like to see someone strong from another hidden village thats on the good side for once.

    tuggumkee , the other nin who uses Rasengan was none other than Hatake Kakashi, it was revealed very recently in the manga which not that doubtful since he was Yondaime's student.

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    Last edited by Assassin; Wed, 02-07-2007 at 02:22 AM.

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