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Thread: Error Message - Please help.

  1. #1

    Error Message - Please help.

    Hey all. Whilst downloading eps 71-80 of naruto an error Message keeps appearing:

    Problem Connecting to Tracker - <urlopen error (10061, 'connection refused')>
    It appears from time to time and I just wondered what it was and whether it was effecting my download ( it was going at a rate of 26kiB/s the other day and 6KiB/s today ^^;; ...though my upload rate has stayed roughly the same - a bit slower though).

    Also, just wondering what the usual rate of download was for people. Mine is usually between 15 KiB/s - 32 KiB/s ( though usually the slower end). I've heard friends tell me that theyve had the rate much faster?

    Thanks for your time,


  2. #2

    Error Message - Please help.

    I've been having the same problem except for me the download stops completely. It also keeps switching between 10061, 10054 and "Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error -1"

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