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Thread: Help connecting to tracker

  1. #1

    Help connecting to tracker

    Hello i was downloading Naruto 81-90 i got 76.4% but now it says
    ERROR problem connecting to tracker -<urlopen error [10061, 'Connection refused']>

    ???? why did it do this out of the blue other web page torrents work but none of your do?
    is it you web page?/seed thaing lol
    I downloaded all the othere naruto's from you weeks a go so i no it cant be me?

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Mr. Quackers

    Help connecting to tracker

    Yeah i'm having the same problem, only i'm downloading episodes 21-30 and it is giving me the same error message.

  3. #3

    Help connecting to tracker

    Looks like a wide spread problem?

    I too have the same problem. My download is going very slow and it wont let me start up a different one either [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    (downloading 70-81 of naruto)

  4. #4

    Help connecting to tracker

    Man im gona go crazzy if this dont work soon hehe Fix it please

  5. #5

    Help connecting to tracker

    Man am going bonkers here man i am having the same problems

    ME_NEED_ANIME [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    I wounder is this the Wrath of the anime gods

    Please help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6

    Help connecting to tracker

    Well, mine is working..but it is soooo slow....8% in 7 hours....i feel like tearing it apart.

    I'm hoping the problem can be solved soon..or we can be told a solution..either way.

    ((I tried starting 81-90...but found that I couldn' just stopped at the "Connecting to peers" bit ))

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