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Thread: BT seed request. prety please!!!

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  1. #1

    BT seed request. prety please!!!

    This topic is created for poor guys like me, in this particular moment, when the BT indicator has Blues, and i see myself and some other 9 people with _SAME_ % of Dldd torrent. there are lots of peers, but _ZERO_ seeds. even when this limit% was reached in just a few hours, things are goin nowhere.
    So here we are.
    A request:

    //Post it here like this: i need <torrent_name> for 24~(or less) hours. i have %%.%(aqurate % must be here/ it also has to be true) same as X people (same as % applys to X)

  2. #2

    BT seed request. prety please!!!

    A request:
    Current status:
    80.8% dounloaded
    peers:4 now (after torring for 8 minutes for a check)\ Max today:8
    peers status: 80.8% average
    also seen :0.808 distributed

    so thats why we need 1 peer.
    BTW: episode 01 torred OK. with only 1 peer ever seen by me, maybe i was @the club...

    Or if I shouldnt ask you for this kinda thing, say so, and Ill go to look for someone not-so-mean [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Thou U guys are good. Its just i'v got a flame to anime and cars and Naruto, so thats why the ruff
    Thanx for any of Your Attention on this matter//

  3. #3
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Jul 2003
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    RE: BT seed request. prety please!!!

    I'll seed you guys up for a little while.

    In the future, just make yourself a topic "Reseed request" and include the link to the torrent in your request, to make it easier for the person responding to your request. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

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