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Thread: Episode 92 Discussion

  1. #121

    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Mongoose
    I thought it was a good tension builder. Obviously, now that Tsunade's true intentions are clear, the hammer's coming down next episode...

    The defying of physics in this ep was a little weird, though, I agree. Besides Naruto turning upside-down (which I almost think is someone royally screwing up the scene composition rather than something intentional), Jiraiya was somehow drinking water that came out his glass horizontally? Huh?
    Her intention wasn't clear, she was looking to be in preparation to heal Oro and Kabuto stepped in. No one said anything and it ended. So at this point you're not really sure what Tsunade's intention was.

    I'd be more concerned about Kabuto's intentions. It's been known he's been scheming and plotting since the Chuunin exams, maybe he's making a move now.

  2. #122

    Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Feannag
    Originally posted by: Mongoose
    I thought it was a good tension builder. Obviously, now that Tsunade's true intentions are clear, the hammer's coming down next episode...

    The defying of physics in this ep was a little weird, though, I agree. Besides Naruto turning upside-down (which I almost think is someone royally screwing up the scene composition rather than something intentional), Jiraiya was somehow drinking water that came out his glass horizontally? Huh?
    Her intention wasn't clear, she was looking to be in preparation to heal Oro and Kabuto stepped in. No one said anything and it ended. So at this point you're not really sure what Tsunade's intention was.

    I'd be more concerned about Kabuto's intentions. It's been known he's been scheming and plotting since the Chuunin exams, maybe he's making a move now.
    uhh Oro just said Tsunade betrayed him in the episode itself.

  3. #123

    Episode 92 Discussion

    I dont get why people think that jiraya drinking water is so weird. You can see the glass after a while and if the glass has enough water in it you dont have to put the glass vertical to drink.

  4. #124

    Episode 92 Discussion

    You know the episode sucked pretty bad when all you can talk about is naruto flying upside down and how the freaking water looks weird and no I don't think the episode sucks just because there wasn't any action. The last episode didn't have any action and i enjoyed it, this episode didn't take the storyline anywhere.

  5. #125
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 92 Discussion

    I wish people would stop giving other people crap when they complain about an episode with no action. While, granted, I'm fully capable of accepting storyline, and even entire episodes about it, there has to be some kind of balance. And ever since the assault on Konoha ended, the action to filler episode ratio has been about 1:8, which is rediculous, unless they plan on having 8 episodes in a row of fighting.

    What it comes down to is, storyline is great, action is great, but both in moderation. Right now there is a serious action drought, as there have been almost no fights, and those that we HAVE had have been one sides, two minute dominations.

    So give some people a break, they aren't bitching about a filler episode, they are bitching about the TENTH FUCKING FILLER EPISODE IN A ROW!

    *Though, I don't actually mean filler, since filler actually means "Episode that wasn't in the manga so we can slow down the anime". When I say filler, I actually mean, like, I dunno, we need a better word though for "episodes with no fights in them".

    First of all no is for know in slang.
    No its not, your retarded.

  6. #126

    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    Well based on the previews you kiddies will finally get your hardcore ninja action. My thought on Kabuto's interference is that it could be two things. It could be that Kabuto is betraying Oro and wants to stop his ambitions or it could be that Kabuto notices that Tsunade is just pretending to heal and threw the kunai to prevent her from maybe killing Oro.

  7. #127

    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: codeRed
    Well based on the previews you kiddies will finally get your hardcore ninja action. My thought on Kabuto's interference is that it could be two things. It could be that Kabuto is betraying Oro and wants to stop his ambitions or it could be that Kabuto notices that Tsunade is just pretending to heal and threw the kunai to prevent her from maybe killing Oro.
    Oro just said tsunade was the one who betrayed him.

  8. #128

    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    not true, while you may gather this form the way its spoken ( i honestly cant tell a siam not familir with japanese speech patterns) the way its written could easily be that oro is asking kabuto if hes betraying him...... waiting.... than asking tsunade to do something

  9. #129
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
    OK even if Kabuto has a hidden bloodline, Oro still said he is only at Kakashi's level, which would still mean Tsunade should be able to handle him no problem. Well, almost.
    I doubt Tsunade is able to handle anybody but a genin/Chuunin easy. They made sure to point out that she got her fame from being a medic. And Jiraiya doesn't seem to hold her in high reguard when it comes to fighting. When they were drinking he flat out told her he'd kill her and she didn't object to that. And now at 1/3 his power and not being able to mold chakra properly he's still talking bout in the worst case scenario he'll kill her before she can heal Oro.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  10. #130

    Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
    OK even if Kabuto has a hidden bloodline, Oro still said he is only at Kakashi's level, which would still mean Tsunade should be able to handle him no problem. Well, almost.
    I doubt Tsunade is able to handle anybody but a genin/Chuunin easy. They made sure to point out that she got her fame from being a medic. And Jiraiya doesn't seem to hold her in high reguard when it comes to fighting. When they were drinking he flat out told her he'd kill her and she didn't object to that. And now at 1/3 his power and not being able to mold chakra properly he's still talking bout in the worst case scenario he'll kill her before she can heal Oro.
    uhhhh did you not see what she did to shizune? Did you not see her destroy the wall with one punch? Did you not see her broke the freaking street with one finger? Tsunade is a sannin that can kick some goddamm ass.

  11. #131
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Episode 92 Discussion

    I never said she didn't have exceptional strength, but at 1/3 his power Jiraiya still has no doubt in his mind that Tsunade is still weaker then him. Sure she can fight she is a Jounin afterall but I don't find it weird that she would have trouble with Kabuto.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  12. #132

    Episode 92 Discussion

    that music is so badass, whats the name of the theme thats playing in the background when tsunade is about to heal orochimarus arms?

  13. #133
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    its "orochimaru's theme".....from the second ost
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #134

    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    I think that Kabuto betrayed Oro because the flashbacks between them showed some distrust and after he threw the kunai, he jumped behind Oro instead of behind Tsunade where he could attack her. Overall, I think the episode was pretty good.

  15. #135
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    What's all this talk about Kabuto having a bloodline limit. It's ALWAYS like this when discussing some "new" character... hell people even thought KISAME had one... guys, bloodline limits aren't so fucking frequent that each and every char have them. If someone has it YOU WILL KNOW. Because it's a unique thing!!!!!! And the characters will point it out before we'll have time to ponder about it.

  16. #136
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    What's all this talk about Kabuto having a bloodline limit. It's ALWAYS like this when discussing some "new" character... hell people even thought KISAME had one... guys, bloodline limits aren't so fucking frequent that each and every char have them. If someone has it YOU WILL KNOW. Because it's a unique thing!!!!!! And the characters will point it out before we'll have time to ponder about it.
    I dunno bout Kisame and any other characters but it's been hinted at with Kabuto. When he was cut during the Chuunin exam causeing his eyes to go red the same way Haku's did when he was pissed that that guy had touched Zabuza. Later he dropped out of the 3rd exam for fear that the old blood in him would awake and blow his cover as a spy. Later during the final exam when Kakashi asked him if he was gonna run away again Kabuto said something like if I show the slightest hand you'll copy it.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  17. #137
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    That is true, there is a lot of mystery about him. But it's still quite annoying to hear the same bloodline limit bantering each and every week. Then again I might of course be wrong but... people shouldn't jump to the bloodline conclusion so quickly.

  18. #138

    Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    I never said she didn't have exceptional strength, but at 1/3 his power Jiraiya still has no doubt in his mind that Tsunade is still weaker then him. Sure she can fight she is a Jounin afterall but I don't find it weird that she would have trouble with Kabuto.

    Jiraya said he has to kill her doesn't mean how easy its going to be or that he would actually be able to do it. Just because one makes a claim doesn't mean that he or she is going to be able to do it and I seriously doubt that they would ask her to become hokage if all she can handle are genins and chunnins. That's just stupid.

  19. #139

    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    What's all this talk about Kabuto having a bloodline limit. It's ALWAYS like this when discussing some "new" character... hell people even thought KISAME had one... guys, bloodline limits aren't so fucking frequent that each and every char have them. If someone has it YOU WILL KNOW. Because it's a unique thing!!!!!! And the characters will point it out before we'll have time to ponder about it.
    Yeah. Look at Kurinai's eye, when she do the illusion thing. Her eye change, but I think she don't have a bloodline.

  20. #140

    RE: Episode 92 Discussion

    I am counting the seconds until my torrent completes so I can watch it!

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