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Thread: Kabuto theories

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kabuto theories

    Kabuto really annoys me, the best part so far involving him was when Naruto obliterated him, even his cocky attitude couldn't save him from Naruto.

    Too bad Naruto was basically dead after that, Kabuto needs to die.

  2. #22

    RE: Kabuto theories

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    I almost got the impression from some of the dialog in the series and manga, that Kabuto may or may not be human (some of this is the freaky red eye thing). If so, Oro made Kabuto, not found him. Having Oro creating a person with jutsu doesn't seem that farfetched, considering he can jump into another body every three years.

    Or was I watching too much FMA at the time...

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    i hate to break everyone's balls here but kabuto isn't that strong. as stated he is only about as strong as kakashi. if kabuto was indeed stronger, he wouldn't have gotten fucked up by naruto.
    taking out anbu ninjas, getting his nervs confused an only taking a few mins to get his body back in working condition, an you call this not strong, you cant always compare everyone to itachi mutata.

    jaraiya himself said he was as strong as kakashi, kabuto looks like the type who dosnt fight with 100% likes to see his oppent release all they got so he can see there true fighting capabilities, but he underestimated naruto at that one time an got owned.

  3. #23

    RE: Kabuto theories

    Actually while reading through the mangas again, I noticed something Tsunade said. She said in Chapter 164 page 12, " This boy is not an ordinary medical ninja. His senses and strength may exceed even my own in my prime." She has all but conceded Kabuto's superiorty as a ninja.
    Sorry to quote myself, but Tsunade said he is more skilled than she was in her prime. I dont know if he could defeat Orochimaru because he swaps bodies and mantains the strength he had in his prime. But it think its clear that his power excedes that of Kakashi, unless Kakashi can in fact defeat Tsunade. Just my opinion.

  4. #24

    RE: Kabuto theories

    hold on a minute. if in fact kabuto's strength did exceed that of kakashi. then why did he run away from him when the village was under attack. also we haven't seen all of kakashi's strength. i think your judging his strength because he was defeated by itachi. send kabuto against itachi and see how long he lasts. yes kabuto is obviously a genius medical nin but kakashi is a genius at ninjitsu. who easily can hold more than his own against kabuto. notice both opponents are worried about facing one another.

  5. #25

    RE: Kabuto theories

    blah kabuto is as strong as kakashi PERIOD, kabuto at full strength owns current Naruto, don't count in the kyubi it's an unfair battle and ofcourse Naruto would win with kyubi powers, only thing Naruto has on Kabuto is rasengan nothing else Kabuto will rape Naruto in a one on one fight he can fuck up naruto's nervous system and anything else in his body for that matter it isn't even funny

  6. #26

    RE: Kabuto theories

    wow deluxskillz, that was the most childish post i have seen in a while. go suck kabuto's ass while your at it. sorry but really that last post was a bit lame. try to be a little more mature in your ranting. at least middle school level.

    anyway, i think kabuto is kakashi level. right now it seems to me that everyone is under itachi, including oro since he himself believes so.

    now if jiraiya fought orochi, both normal, do you think orochi would win? all three were handicapped in some way but i think orochi would have a really good chance against both of them if he was normal and so were they.

    i think his opinion of others is fairly good up to a point, he put kabuto on kakashi level and i think thats fair. all we know about kabuto is that he has been a spy since the day he was taken in by the medical specialist. we dont know why he serves orochi but its gotta be a good reason. orochi has constantly tested or teased kabuto and all of us are wondering why, the manner is quite odd. but then orochi also seems to trust kabuto since he immediatly knew that tsunade was the one who betrayed him. i think orochi is just teasing (in a weird but dangerous manner) kabuto and we are just reading too much into it.

    since the red eyes didnt come up in the tsunade fight, and he said he wasnt good with taijutsu, i think the eyes are either a berserk mode, or some other ability that doesnt allow for control even if it increases power. that or it was simply him expressing a very fearsome attitude/threatening jesture, not really a special ability, just him cowering the other ninja.

    even if he could surpass tsunade in medical skills she still has the super strength and i definatly think she is far beyond the others. without the blood problem she probably would have crushed kabuto. 1on1 naruto would lose to kabuto, but it was the interaction with others that allowed naruto to win. also you cannot take naruto's kyubi powers out of the equation for any reason, it IS his power and we consider sasukes sharingan his, so why not the kyubi powers for naruto? its his and as much of it as he can use we should consider into any 'stronger then so and so' equation.

    the idea of kabuto being in akatsuki is silly, he has been spying for orochi for too long for that to be the case.

  7. #27

    RE: Kabuto theories

    WTF childish!?? i stated the obvious fuckin moron

  8. #28
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Kabuto theories

    what it all comes down that its utterly pointless to say "who is stronger than who"........

    how many times do they have to show you guys this? take this for example......
    oro says itachi is stronger than him....
    itachi and kisame say that both of them combined cant beat jiraiya......
    oro was on par with jiraiya and tsunade combined...

    if one person being stronger than someone else will always gain the upper hand, then the above scenario would be nothing more than contradiction

    its all about the combination of all the skills of a ninja that determine the outcome.....including....
    ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu (speed AND power), weapon skills, chakra control/stamina, intellect, luck, determination, teamwork (which also adds WHO the teammates are into the equation)

    if you ask me, kakashi is more skilled in combat.....especially with ninjutsu.....while kabuto is more skilled in strategic fighting.....therefore they balance out
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #29

    Kabuto theories

    Imo, Kabuto carries the "mysterious badguy" card. So you'll never get
    any solid opinions regarding him. One things for sure. He ATE a rasengan and
    got up from it 4 pages later. A direct Rasengan at that. That's got to count for

  10. #30

    Kabuto theories

    I doubt that Kabuto is stronger than Tsunade. If that was the case why didn't Kabuto heal oro's arms.

  11. #31

    Kabuto theories

    I like the atasuki theory a lot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] dunno if it will happen though but there were hints that Kabuto had unusually strong power.

    Even tsunaded comented that kabuto might have been better than she was in her prime during their fight.
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  12. #32

    Kabuto theories

    I think it was said at some point in the series that Kabuto wanted revenge on Konoha for killing a loved one or something. I think he's simply aiding Oro b/c Oro wants to krush Konoha & so does Kabuto.

  13. #33

    Kabuto theories

    I think you're misunderstanding, pha. He could probably be stronger than Tsunade, but is clearly not as adept as she is as a medic. Why else would Oro need her?

    You're confusing the two.

  14. #34

    Kabuto theories

    Tsunade > Kabuto. (notice the period)

    Kabuto is around Kakashi level, taking out anbu ninjas, getting his nervs confused an only taking a few mins to get his body back in working condition, all of the above is something Kakashi capable off.

    Tsunade IS the weakest senin because she's so out of practice and she's past her prime, but she is definitely stronger then Kabuto now(as of chp 224). She said his senses and strength may exceed even her own in her prime but she never said anything about him being stronger then her and absolutely did not said he could beat her. What about summoning? Special medical jutsu? Why do people insist on Kabuto being the hidden dark horse super-mega-powerful-evil-dude-kind-of-guy? Kabuto may have an interesting relationship with Oro but he just simply CAN NOT be on the level of senin and he certainly CAN NOT be an Akatsuki member, although .... he could press information to Akatsuki.

  15. #35

    Kabuto theories

    He ISN'T Akatsuki but I do believe he hides some power.

  16. #36
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Kabuto theories

    Originally posted by: Destroyor
    Tsunade > Kabuto. (notice the period)

    Kabuto is around Kakashi level, taking out anbu ninjas, getting his nervs confused an only taking a few mins to get his body back in working condition, all of the above is something Kakashi capable off.

    Tsunade IS the weakest senin because she's so out of practice and she's past her prime, but she is definitely stronger then Kabuto now(as of chp 224). She said his senses and strength may exceed even her own in her prime but she never said anything about him being stronger then her and absolutely did not said he could beat her. What about summoning? Special medical jutsu? Why do people insist on Kabuto being the hidden dark horse super-mega-powerful-evil-dude-kind-of-guy? Kabuto may have an interesting relationship with Oro but he just simply CAN NOT be on the level of senin and he certainly CAN NOT be an Akatsuki member, although .... he could press information to Akatsuki.
    hahahaha destroyor destroyed every kabuto fan's hopes and dreams.


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  17. #37

    Kabuto theories

    on another kabuto related note. and to note to above.

    kabuto did summon oro's huge snake , and was still able to put up a good fight for tsunade.

    and dont think kakashi would be able to do that. seeing how fast he was exhausted with the zabuza fight.

  18. #38
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Kabuto theories

    that's because kabuto took a soldier pill.

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  19. #39

    Kabuto theories

    Also Kakashi was using his sharingan on top of copying all of zabuzas jutsus. so it's only normal that he would be tired even quicker. but give him a soldier pill and i'm sure both guys even out.

  20. #40
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Kabuto theories

    stopid broke-ass soldier pill
    if it makes such a difference with no side effect, then why doesnt everyone use them?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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