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Thread: Dragon Ball

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  1. #1

    Dragon Ball

    Does anyone know where I can download Dragonball, not Z or GT but the first Dragonball series. I really want it and all I can find is Z and GT... Really appreciate it if someone could help out... Thanks!!

  2. #2

    Dragon Ball

    Well, I have found some sources for Dragonball. On SuprNova, if you go to the Dragonball Z section of Anime, they have some Dragonball (not Z/GT) episodes there. Also, if you go to the misc. section, thye have the Tournament saga (episodes 14-28) there. Now if you go to a site called RewindTV, they have episodes there, however you are going to have to use IRC. Hope I could help.

    EDIT: Also, Anime-Element has the first three episodes subbed, which you can get from here.

  3. #3

    Dragon Ball

    *does a lil dance disco style* Thanks so much... I never heard of super nova before and they have so many dragonball downloads..... again thanks so much I really appreciate it!! [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]

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