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Thread: Girls Bravo

  1. #1

    Girls Bravo

    It's about a high schooler who is allergic to girls. He falls into an alternate world where %90 of the population is women, and he finds one that he isn't allergic to. He also gets hit/thrown about half the episode.

    The show's pretty rad, if you like this sort of thing. I think Lunar is doing the sub on it.

  2. #2

    Girls Bravo

    Saw the first two episodes, and while the first one is rather unique in its approach and interesting in its scope, the second one is little more than normal. I'll need to watch the next two or three to determine whether I'll keep or drop the series, but for now it doesn't seem good enough to suggest it to anyone else.

  3. #3

    Girls Bravo

    Yeah? Well, here's the thing about anime...

    If you don't recommend it to people until later, it makes it harder to share since fewer people are watching it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    You never know though, some people might end up digging it now. It's a general comparison, I've given it to a couple friends that like Love Hina style anime, and they enjoyed this. One stated Love Hina because the main character had his ass kicked throughout the series, as this one's does.

    Seriously, I prefer people to talk about anime as soon as it is out, it gets me interested in it.

  4. #4

    Girls Bravo

    I havent started it yet... i'm waiting till i get back to college to give it a try...

    Might want to try DearS also... the first episode reminded me of Chobits in a way

  5. #5
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Girls Bravo

    Most anime get a lot better as time flows.

    But I'm not a fan of this 1-male-142-female = fanservice series.

  6. #6
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Girls Bravo

    isn't miharu's voice the same voice actress as hikaru from kono minikuku mo utsukushii sekai???

    i think these kind of series r so cute. it seems that they will stay on Earth than Seiren.

    I tried my best...

  7. #7

    RE: Girls Bravo

    I'm willing to bet that they'll get here power working by mid-season, even if it doesn't take them to their intended destination. I can imagine them going to a world that's 90% male and bringing that ladies man along. What's his name? I didn't catch it during the episode.

    Also, what's the name of the fear of men and fear of women? I'm pretty sure fear of women was gynophobia, but I don't remember the other too well. Was it androphobia?

  8. #8

    RE: Girls Bravo

    I like the serie so I'll recommend it to other. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    RE: Girls Bravo

    It's a cool series. I'm glad I got recommended it this early, like how Budweineken recommended Otogizoushi. I'm going back and catching up on Madlax and Paranoia Agent right now, those are two I wish I had known about beforehand. I've been getting the batch on Madlax for day #3 right now, because I keep trying to catch up on those and my other current series. It won't be done for a week, at the rate I'm going. =/

  10. #10
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Girls Bravo

    Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
    Also, what's the name of the fear of men and fear of women? I'm pretty sure fear of women was gynophobia, but I don't remember the other too well. Was it androphobia?
    ur right!!!! about both fears.

    I tried my best...

  11. #11

    RE: Girls Bravo

    Maybe its just me, but if someone recommends me to watch a series that only turns out mediocre, then I'm not going to trust that person's opinion in the future. I don't see how you can reccomend an anime based on the first one or two episodes.

  12. #12
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Girls Bravo

    the main character (the guy) is just nothing but a male hinata. a pussy.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #13

    RE: Girls Bravo

    Originally posted by: Poiple Weezard
    Maybe its just me, but if someone recommends me to watch a series that only turns out mediocre, then I'm not going to trust that person's opinion in the future. I don't see how you can reccomend an anime based on the first one or two episodes.
    That's the thing, though... if no one vouches for/against it, where are you left? My opinion is that it's similar in style to Love Hina. If you like stuff like Love Hina, then this is worth at least checking out a few episodes of. You're not actually paying money for it, all it is is a download. Whatever you chose not to download in place of this is still going to be there when you're done getting this. If you don't like this style of anime, then you know it's not for you. That's what forums here are for, recommending shows and giving an opinion on it. If someone waited until 10 to tell me about a show, I'd get frustrated. It's taken me 6 days so far to get dowloads of old torrents on Madlax, and I'm about halfway to current. I would have rather taken it in, checked out the first three when they were fresh, and have something to get weekly; either that, or decided after 3-4 I didn't like it. It's too early to call it mediocre, imho. But I like to think my synopsis on it is accurate. So do the three people I've shown this to that like this style of anime, as well as this series. *shrug*

  14. #14

    RE: Girls Bravo

    Hmmm... I'm still hanging on to it... I hope that it has a good storyline to come instead of just the guy being the "Fatal Attraction"...(-_-)"... I'll be following up to 5 episodes before deciding whether or not for it to stay in my HDD Anime Section... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Girls Bravo

    I don't know if I'm in the mood for another Harem anime, but its worth a try if Lunar picked it up (though I bet it gets licensed in two weeks).

  16. #16

    RE: Girls Bravo

    It is ok, so far. The lead girl reminds of the character in Maburaho. It seems nowadays, so many Animes are just semi-clones of previous Anime, as if the writers do not have as much imagination to create something new anymore.

  17. #17

    RE: Girls Bravo

    At least they used a relatively new approach to the harem anime genre. A world almost entirely populated by women hasn't been done since Vandread, and even then the women hated men. I'm just worried that it won't have much substance or interest other than the premise to back it up.

  18. #18

    RE: Girls Bravo

    Ah, Vandread... If ever a series I wish I could have held on to. Had car problems and ended up selling that to get my car fixed, but it wasn't exactly an easy choice to make. =/

  19. #19
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Girls Bravo

    i finally got to watch episode 2. kirie...she's so funny, espcially around fukuyama. when she hit him at the locker hit i've ever seen. he spinned 360 degrees...HAHAHA. i really like miharu, especially the ending. she's so cute. i'm definitely going to keep watching this.

    I really really really think miharu's voice is the same as hikaru from konomini.

    I tried my best...

  20. #20
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Girls Bravo

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    the main character (the guy) is just nothing but a male hinata. a pussy.
    Holy shit this anime must be the spawn of the underworld impersonated into moving pictures.

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