can't wait for GTA:SA, Halo 2 & MGS Snake Eater and the next Gran Turismo.
can't wait for GTA:SA, Halo 2 & MGS Snake Eater and the next Gran Turismo.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Ok, I just got Tales of Symphonia, and I have to say it's awsome. It's just like playing an anime. It's so much fun. the battle system is like a blend of turn based and real time. That's like taking Final Fantasy and Zelda and smashing them together! There's great multiplayer support, so your friends can help you battle. Did I mention the 80hours of play!?! So yeah, if you've got a GameCube, buy this, now, stop reading, run!!! ^_^
Yeah, i got Tales of Symphonia too, its pretty sick! Anyway, I'm a big RPG fan so I have all the Final Fantasies, Xenogears/Saga, and Chrono Series just to name a few. However, not too many people talk about tactical RPGs. If you like anime, building up to super high levels, and demonic Penguins, you'll love Disgaea: Hour of Darkness by NipponIchi. It's a great game, and I have about 200 hours racked up on it! Also, check out La Pucelle: Tactics, and a new one by NipponIchi coming out late August called Phantom Brave. They all are very good games (even Phantom Brave which hasn't come out yet) in my opinion.
um since this is a game thread, does anyone know when Xenosaga 2 is going to be released?
Well for games coming out. I will have to say for PS2 will be all about Kindom Hearts 2 9/14/05
PC: Doom 3, H2, CS:Source, and World of Warcraft
Also Im really glad because this year seems like there are going to be a lot of anime games being released ex Inuyasha, Bebop, Shaman King, FMA. Overall im really excited [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
GTA:SA hell yes
I just got FarCry and it is so sweet, but HL2 and Doom will really blow it away
anyone wondered what would happen in a fight between Freddy Krueger and optimus prime?
yeah disgea is damn hilarious
hey guys check this out
found this in ign site
a gameboy NARUTO RPG!! too bad it aint gonna be translate [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
hmmmm agree with Tsukiyomi. personally world of warcraft will be an awesome MMORPG, because blizzard had yet to let me down and second i totally share yer excitement on anime games especially shaman king and hopefully FMA.
btw i havent herd anything about bebop game whats it about?? fighting or rpg or even dating sim??
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
judging by the looks it's gonna be a brawler. graphics seems alittle inferior and lets hope u dont beat up multiple clones in order to complete a level. we know what happen to the last time someting like that turn up *cough sate of emergency *cough.
might still buy it because am a great fan of the anime myself.
anyone interested in classic game consoles might be interested in this gem my sister is selling on ebay
i tried to persuade her not to sell it but she's not going to use it.
made by Emerson!
iminyourbrain is it all in mint condition??
I remember looking at some screenshots for tales of symphonia, they looked alright, but i think one of the main characters were wearing some wierd looking overalls. thats the only thing i can remember about those pics.
i like zelda like most people, but the games recently dont look all that fun. four swords looks vaugely amusing and the minish cap game looks too unappealing. but hey, most people thought celda would be bad by just looking at it, and it was a great game.
my friend laughed at sam fisher when he first saw him. saying he wears a silly hat. but now he is a rabid fanboi of that game.
anyway i hope ToS will be good cos my GC is collecting dust. and they better release it in aus
yeah, its never been opened, cept for testing it out to see if it works or not. my sister got it from a garage sale after negotiating for like an hour. She got it unopened, and opened it and played tanks-a-lot.Originally posted by: Nara Shikamaru VI
iminyourbrain is it all in mint condition??
So.... Doom 3.... it's out.
I think it's a little linear, but what game isn't these days? Overall, I think it's very atmospheric, you feel like you're really there. I wouldn't call it scary, but rather it makes you jump, there's a difference. The monsters are well designed and animated, the bosses are pretty cool, and the environmental textures are amazing. Too bad my PC doesn't run it too well, I need an upgrade soon. Thoughts?
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
I've been playing it a little bit also, its a little jittery around a lot of monsters, but i haven't gotten very far. The graphics are great, the ambient sounds are greater. What can i say? Good game.
doom 3 was a game i thought about buying........
but then i discovered they only put the co-op mode on the xbox version......
therefore i dled it instead
.............%^$#%% xbox.......
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
currently exploring Naruto Taisen 3 on GC. totally different from PS2 version. the moves in Narultimate Hero 2 are much simpler but the environment and items allows a wider aray of tactics. overall i prefer Narultimate Hero but Taisen have 4 player options....
overall people that have PS2 or GC owe it to themselve to get it.
oh and recently got MGS3. abit dissapointment because the voice acting lack of emotions like it's previous installment. but overall a real awesome game. and for MGS fan out there saw this on IGN
a posibility for a MGS movie. i've been waiting for this since the first mgs [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I just beat Jak 3 a few days ago. A fine... rental.
The trilogy is wonderful and all, but after you beat these games, there isnt much more to do.
The difficulty of Jak 3 has been slightly toned down (amidst the constant bitching of reviewers. It's not that hard! really!!), and there is more of a calling for "sand-driving" stages and stuff.
Fine game, just ends to quickly.