I actually buy anime, I use BT to know what I like and what I don't. The series I like, I buy to support anime here. Simply watching anime does not mean you support it, it means you freeload. You may enjoy watching it, sure; there's a lot to like in anime. But watching anime and supporting it are two different things. Sharing titles and recommendations is a good step, but buying helps companies to believe more anime is worthwhile to bring over. As much as it would pain me, I would buy Viz versions of Naruto, should it be licensed, simply to support it. I would be happier if anyone other than Viz/4Kids got it, even if it took longer to get the releases, but in the end I would support the show simply because I like it.
I understand that not everyone can afford to buy all the anime that is released, but I feel you should support the ones you like by actually purchasing the American releases. And again, the ANBU releases of Naruto get 30k+ in hits per episode. There's easily 40k+ people that watch the show online. Now think of how many other anime fans out there that have no way other than DVD releases to watch anime. You can't say they aren't fans simply because they buy the DVDs that you simply download. There's hundreds of thousands of people that don't do this for whatever their reasons may be. Not licensing a show as popular as this can kill them; simply think about how we feel week-to-week, but magnify that by the fact that some people may have only seen a few episodes at a convention, expecting a release on it soon. Then think about the fact that it isn't licensed. This may be hard for you to see, since you don't buy any anime you can't watch online. I, on the otherhand, deal with 10-30 people per day that do this. I sympathize with them, and the others across the nation, who really would enjoy this show, and maybe a few other animes based on their enjoyment of this show. This is true of many other titles, licensed and non. But Naruto is an epic scaled show, we're coming up on 100 episodes with no immediate plans of it wrapping up, and I still look forward to Thursdays because of this. Is it unfair to want to share that feeling with the rest of the world's otakus, even knowing that many can not have the access to anime that we have?