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Thread: 224 by inane is out

  1. #81

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    Who says there isnt another way to get mangekyu sharingan? Sasuke's father told him not to follow Itachi. Itachi chose an "evil" path and obtained it by killing someone close to him. Perhaps Sasuke will obtain it by protecting someone close to him. I think this makes the most sense considering Konoha's culture and what this anime's all about ;]

    I find it entertaining how off people can be in their analysis of the manga. Good thing Mut@t@ and some others are here to put it straight. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  2. #82

    224 by inane is out

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Continuity mistakes happen all the time, I know I don't care enough to really be bothered by them.

    As for the impending Naruto/Sasuke fight, if Naruto counts as a close enough friend, Sasuke will destroy Naruto. Naruto has not killed a single person since the beginning of the series and that's probably the point of the whole story, not sucumbing to evil. Naruto would never be able to kill Sasuke, or even fight him too effectively, he couldn't even kill Haku after Sasuke was *killed*. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.
    Killing isn't easy. He would've killed Haku if he didn't stop him. He would've killed Gaara if he could stand.

    Thebaze - Maybe, somehow I doubt it, cause it hasn't been mentioned by the father when Sasuke asks. The whole protecting someone important for Sasuke would be out of character, and if that is how the arc ends, I will cry.

    BTW, srew Konoha's Culture, what does that have to do with anything. Not all Leaf-Nin's follow that.

    I find it entertaining how off people can be in their analysis of the manga.

  3. #83

    224 by inane is out

    I'm proposed a theory which nobody has considered in this thread. There is no definitive evidence counter it. I think that Sasuke vs. Naruto is the only obvious foreshadowing of the last ep - it's old news that they want to fight eachother. However, Sasuke won't kill Naruto, duh. So, I think the method in which Sasuke could obtain Mangekyu is yet to be seen. I also highly doubt he's going to kill Sakura no matter how much people want that to happen. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] On to an example of "off" analysis : I think people who said Sasuke needs to kill Itachi to acheive Mangekyu were extremely "off" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] 1. Sasuke hates Itachi and no longer sees him as any sort of close friend 2. Itachi would pown Sasuke if he doesnt have the next level sharingan

  4. #84

    224 by inane is out

    First of all, protecting someone would not be out of character at all for Sasuke. He protected Naruto when Haku appeared to be going for the death blow. He, although psychotic at the time, protected Sakura from the sound nins when he first used his curse seal.

    Second of all, Naruto would not have killed Gaara or Haku. He related with them on a deeper level, and wanted to bring them out of there situation. He wanted to show them that overcoming hatred and sadness can be achieved by believing in someone special.

    I think that at this point, Naruto with the amount of chakra he's released at his max compared to Sasuke, and how much the Curse Seal raises his power, Sasuke outclasses Naruto. I know for a fact though, Sasuke won't kill Naruto. The manga is named after him, and despite what its seems like right now, he is the main character. This fight will probably be interrupted by an even stronger ninja/ninjas, such as Kakashi, Itachi, or Jiraiya. If its Kakashi or Jiraiya, Sasuke will use his level 2 seal and fight them. If its Itachi, well then all hell breaks loose.

    {I'm starting to think that Itachi cares about Sasuke. I think he recognizes his potential, and doesnt want to see all that potential go to waste like " the rest of the clan." Everything he's done seems to have done with the intention of giving Sasuke a reason and a means to get stronger. Itachi could have kill Sasuke at twoo points. (the end of the clan and when he tries to abduct Naruto) However he tells him either how to get stronger or why he isn't stronger.

    Sasuke is the way he is because the two strongest people he met also happen to be two of the most evil in the series. He wants this power, and the method that Kakashi speaks of seems not to be as effective. So Sasuke in his quest for power and revenge choses the dark side.} IMO

    Dont flame me for it, just a thought.

  5. #85

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    shouldnt you be dead?! j/k

    anyways, Naruto would have killed Haku if the mask hadn't fallen off... think about it

  6. #86

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    Nice chapter. Itachi kills his friend to obtain Mange Sharingan and then tests it on the clan, that flashback should put away doubts that he was one that killed the Uchiha. He left Sasuke alive so that he would train and become a worth opponent later on I suppose. I like the ending because it should mean that Sasuke will be treating the fight with Naruto as a deathmatch.

  7. #87

    224 by inane is out

    did anybody else notice that right before sasuke started crying while he was attacking itachi it looked like the first swirl of his sharingan had started to develop
    p. 17 bottom left corner

  8. #88

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    no 'swirl' or 'dot' that signifies the sharingan there

  9. #89

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    i guess that youre right now that i look closer its just a darker ring in his eye (see how there is a darker ring to left of his pupil) i just assumed that that was a sharingan dot because they usually dont show sasuke's eyes like that (pupil and all) unless the sharingan is activated otherwise his eyes are all black
    my mistake

  10. #90
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: 224 by inane is out

    Naruto would have killed Haku if the mask fell off, but if Haku wasn't wearing one, would Naruto have fought him in the first place? I'll say no, Naruto has morals like that.

    As for the upcoming Naruto/Sasuke fight, anything COULD happen, I'll just wait and find out.

  11. #91

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    Why wouldnt Naruto fight Haku if Haku didnt have the mask?
    he was just about killing Sasuke..
    and he was with Zabuza who was trying to kill them before..?
    what makes you think that Naruto wouldnt fight him..

    Haku's mask falls off, Naruto stops his attack, Haku says Kill Me and naruto goes in for the kill, haku stops him and goes to kakashi and zabuza

    i dont understand how you came to the point that naruto wouldnt fight haku if he didnt have a mask when he was about to kill him when he had it off.

    This could also be similar to Kabuto.
    Naruto didnt want to believe Kabuto is a traitor but is and still fights him.

  12. #92
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    Nice chapter. Itachi kills his friend to obtain Mange Sharingan and then tests it on the clan, that flashback should put away doubts that he was one that killed the Uchiha. He left Sasuke alive so that he would train and become a worth opponent later on I suppose. I like the ending because it should mean that Sasuke will be treating the fight with Naruto as a deathmatch.
    Yeah that was pretty cool, but I already said the thing about it being a death match in the thread a little while back, but in a different way.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  13. #93
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    224 by inane is out

    i want all the idiots who thought itachi was innocent to step up and admit your stupidity right now.

    EDIT: if i was one of those idiots, why the hell would i have posted this...


    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #94

    224 by inane is out

    weren't you one of them?

    Edit: because you are retarded

  15. #95

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    HE IS INNOCENT! ........ he didnt do it the manga lies!! -- i beat some fool is prob thinking that,

    anyway itachi is just a bad mofo killing everyone, after 224 comics i still think thats one harsh thing to do an people say this show is for 9 year olds,

    but how cool did it look in chp233 when the 3 uchiha ninjas quickly turned around an all there eyes where in sharingan mode, an then itachi slaped them all. only kool thing he has done so far.


  16. #96
    Sharingan Osaka

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    Okay, enough lurking from me.

    Been wanting to add my two.. *glances in pocket* okay, one cent to this conversation for a while.

    On the subject of if Itachi is actually evil or such? I dunno, the magic 8 ball says ask again later. I'll admit that I do believe he killed the Uchiha clan and like the recent chapter suggests, it was likely to increase his overall capacity. Though that got me thinking.. does that mean the Mangekyu Sharingan grows stronger with the deaths of other sharingan users? Meaning does it mean the less sharingan users there are, the stronger it becomes?

    Well.. maybe not. But it is an interesting thought to entertain as it would mean Sasuke (whom I really have no love for) would be possibly on par with his brother upon unlocking the Mangekyu within himself. Ah well, probably not but once more, makes for interesting thoughts for future conflicts.

    Now, onto how Sasuke would unlock it. Okay.. common belief would be that he'd kill naruto. I personally believe that'd be the case also. As for how, I figured it'd go something like.. after the flashbacks were finished, Sasuke would mention how despite everything that's happened that he did consider Naruto a friend. Then he'd possibly go curse seal lv.2 and attack with the intent to kill him, wanting to remove that last piece of his past and unlock his potential.. well in theory anyhow. I'd guess that Naruto wouldn't be able to believe that Sasuke, the guy that just admitted he was his friend would now try to kill him. This rendering him unable to fight back, Sasuke would do something like hit him hard enough to send him falling to his doom (the most likely solution due to where they are.).

    In my eyes, I think it takes a killer intent so strong that they're willing to kill their loved ones to unlock the Mangekyu Sharingan. I'm figuring that even if they didn't realize the person actually didn't die, like say in naruto's case.. but it appeared as such, that the mental confirmation that they killed a former loved one would possibly be the first step in unlocking the power. After all, Sasuke originally unlocked his Sharingan in a case of extreme danger to save himself and Naruto (my view on it anyhow). I'd think it's only fitting he'd unlock the other in a case of extreme violence in 'killing' Naruto.

    Well, wishful thinking on most of this.. but here's to waiting for the conclusion of all these flashbacks ^^

  17. #97

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    I agree that it is probably unlocked not by the actual death of a friend, but by the assumption that you just killed them.

    As far as "Meaning does it mean the less sharingan users there are, the stronger it becomes?", i dont agreee, cause Kakashi would be dead right now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  18. #98

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    An interesting note is how Sasuke developed his sharingan in the first place, which was protecting Naruto.

    I think it's pretty blatant that Sasuke will not follow in Itachi's footsteps and kill his best friend to obtain it. Why setup the tension between the two characters if you are going to make them a duplicate of each other. The reason why the sasuke - naruto tension works so well is how different they are.

  19. #99

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    Heh, you think there's a sharnigan for users willing to sacrifice themselves to protect people?(probaly not...)

  20. #100
    Sharingan Osaka

    RE: 224 by inane is out

    In response to Kakashi being a sharingan user, I meant by full blooded sharingan users. Since it's common knowledge that Kakashi isn't a natural user of the sharingan, I didn't bother including him in my theory above ^^

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