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Thread: A Couple of Quality Suggestions...

  1. #1

    A Couple of Quality Suggestions...

    Just a couple of suggestions...

    Can you make a "Quick Reply" link text based? It is annoying when you want to quick reply, but have to wait for the whole page to load and the final thing to load is the "Quick Reply" picture...

    So a text base "Quick Post" link right beside the reply, edit, quote links... i think is necessary...

    And also... can you make it so that when you quick reply you get redirected to the last post instead of the first page?

    I think that's all... nothing critial... just something i though can make things flow better...

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali

    A Couple of Quality Suggestions...

    man... i just know where all the buttons/images are before they are even loaded, so i just click the blank area and bam.

    gues i've been here too much =/

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #3

    RE: A Couple of Quality Suggestions...

    I know where they are also... but sometimes for some reason the cursor doesnt find the link...

  4. #4

    RE: A Couple of Quality Suggestions...

    I understand that a ton of people come here just for Naruto and it alone, but it'd be nice if the updates would list the other shows put up, such as when 7 Samurai is subbed. Also, I'd love to know raw run dates on specific episodes, such as when the next set of Initial D's run, when the last Macross Zero is on, etc. A page that shows what day weekly releases run and when upcoming raws of interest run, not so much an ETA on when fansubs are out, mind you. Those can take a while and most of us are pretty understanding. =b

  5. #5

    RE: A Couple of Quality Suggestions...

    If you want that I recommend it basically posts every release... at least it tries....

    also posting ETA of episodes is a bad idea....

    first no one knows when they come out...

    and second leeches will always start complaining... "Why is this episode not out since it is already (input date)"

    And thirdly don't hijack my thread with your ideas that are completely different from what this thread meant... create your own thread lol!

  6. #6

    RE: A Couple of Quality Suggestions...

    I don't want ETAs, I already have those.

    I expect Naruto to be up within 2 days of raw. If it's up sooner, I have to make time to see that episode, judging from how fast it's released.

    I'd just like to see when episodes that the crew here are subbing run raw, so that I know to look for the sub whenever it's ready. Also, some updates on shows that are coming out soon that a group here will be subbing when it runs. And maybe recipes for food in the shows that they run. Mmmm, food.

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