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  1. #1


    Just saw that the raw is out... can't wait for the subbed version by Triad...

    I really liked the first episode... It had a little bit of everything...

    Anyone here saw the first episode?

  2. #2
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Finally ep2 is out, I watched ep1 it was pretty cool. Reminded me of matrix and resident evil.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  3. #3

    RE: Interlude

    Yeah that first episode was kinda weird... entertaining nonetheless

    anyways... Triad just released episode 2

  4. #4


    Nice one, I've not watched this yet but I got the first one based on what people said about it and was waiting for the second one before I watched it (for some strange reason [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img] )

  5. #5
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Ep3 is now out, I think this is the final one. Not sure so don't quote me on it.[Triad

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  6. #6

    RE: Interlude

    Episode 3 is the final episode of the OVA

  7. #7

    RE: Interlude

    To tell you the truth, I didn't understand what exactly happened in this OVA...
    Someone can explain it to me please?

  8. #8

    RE: Interlude

    Well, I was a bit confused too. So everybody else please chip in.


    The world was coming to an end. So to preserve the people that remained, they used Mutsuki to create worlds for the survivors to inhabit. The survivors lost their real bodies and their subconsciousness is basically dwelling in Mutsuki with the eleven other children backing her up so to speak. The eleven others are in different worlds created by Mutsuki and Mutsuki is alone in that world with giant moon aware of what is happening. She cannot interact with anyone except her dog, Hedgehog. However, Aya (one of the 12) wanted to leave and take her boyfriend (the main character and also 1 of the 12) with her. Her "world" subsequently disappeared. She was left alone with memory loss and became a hunted person. (Pissed off the creator who had a crush on him!) The worlds started to disintegrate because they couldn't kill Aya. The disintegration became worse when that guy started to remember Aya. He hadn't left yet because he wanted to apologize to Maiko, his childhood friend who had died. Somehow he got tangled up in the "world" that he helped to create and lost that memory. When he started to remember Aya, the rest started to come back. Mutsuki became more upset, more worlds disintegrated etc.

    He and Aya got their full memories back and battled Mutsuki to leave. They won. They left. Aya was ahead of him so he is following her in the real world. Mutsuki was left to continue her sorrow and the remaining fake worlds are slowly dying. Those worlds officially die when she wakes up. She was shown crying in the end.

    "Interlude" refers to that period before they re-entered the real world, I guess. Aya was probably the "hope" for Mutsuki, since she was her friend. It didn't work out too well when her boyfriend was the guy that the creator had a crush on. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img])

    **End of spoiler**

  9. #9

    RE: Interlude

    i'll probably watch the last two episodes tonight...

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