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Thread: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

  1. #1

    Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    Hi. I'm somewhat tired of all this Naruto business, so i downloaded Samurai Champloo episodes and it is fantastic! So i made this:

    It's the first wallpaper I've ever done and probably will do, so I'm not looking for, "OMG THATS AWEOMSENESSS DUCK THING EVER!". But feedback is coo.

  2. #2

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    i will tell you the first thing that came to mind. that thing is: the edges need to be cleaned up somehow. the two pictures in the foreground have pretty rough edges and is extremely noticable. i would suggest be more careful when extracting them and to add a little blur to the edges. another thing that struck me as odd was the head of the girl. because it is floating there right next to someone who has a body, i find that head to be out of place. keep working on it.

  3. #3

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    it looks ok, rather simple, very simple
    i agree a lot with what Darkflare said though

  4. #4

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    Darkflare is right, you need to work on your cutouts and do something about that wierd head.

    Secondly, your composition needs alot of work. Right now your images are just kind of floating in space and make no sense as to layout. For example, why have the smiling man's head and the girl's head floating in the bottom right, bunched together like that? And why is the sword touching the top of their heads? You definately need to rearrange this some to make it a balanced composition.

    Remember that things look interesting in odd numbers rather than even. And try to have a balance between character images that are very close up and in the extreme far ground. Also variation between facials, busts, and full-length poses is more interesting that straight-on headshots.

    It's always good to practice in order to improve, so keep working on this one!

  5. #5

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    I agree fully with the floating head, but as for the edges I duno. I thought the edges were ok, gave it somewhat of a crisp feel rather then a completely blended 2D image.

    Points i dislike: Floating oversidzed girl head, Back of Jinn's(giant head in back) head, font is too fat.

    Oh, I'll pretend to give anyone a dollar if they can guess what anime that sword is from and what the Kanji says. (I think it says something... I drew it from a google search, however i'm no language expert.)

    oh, i only put the sword in there only because the images of Mugan and Fuu in that picture were captured with a flat head. The sword covers that up.

    i also drew the kanji stuff to hide jinn's weird fat back head.

  6. #6

    Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    Ok critique time fifemoo [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Points i like:
    Jin in the bg it blends well
    The japanese character in back, could use a little smoothing of its edges but its ok.

    Other qualms:

    Why cut the top of the heads off, just fill in whats not there or dont use the images, nothing worse than missing the top of your skull [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] just makes em seem less complete doesnt it?
    The cutting of the characters needs lotsa work it doesnt look crisp it looks out of place.
    The font on the wp needs changed, find a unique one.
    The floating head could work i guess even though it looks like a floating cut off head [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]( i kid) what you could do is work it into the bg a bit and lower the opacity or change it to hard light or overlay or something like that.

    Other than that just keep working with photoshop, skills come with making lots of stuff, so good start.

    Oh and how can u compare an anime that has 6 episodes out to one that has 90, if you were to take the 6 episodes of champloo vs the 90 we have seen of naruto thus far its hard to argue champloo is better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] but whatever.

    Keep it up G [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    Originally posted by: AlbinoFury

    Why cut the top of the heads off? just makes em seem less complete doesnt it?

    i assume you are talking about the explanation for why the sword is there. he said it is because they were screencapped with part of their heads offscreen, thus giving them a flat head that needed to be hidden.

  8. #8

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    ic now, i edited [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    Alright, I editted it slightly. I was working on another image that i believe is a whole lot better so far. It's got a thought out "composition", sexy edges, and no floating girl heads.

    But as far as this one goes, here's the final one i'm going to do. I smoothed some edges and just got rid of the girl entirely, i couldnt' get her to work despite her extreme cuteness.

    Thanks much for the feedback!

    Oh, how do you get sexy fonts in Photoshop? I seem to just have a generic selection. Is it based off what you have on your computer, or do you have to import the font into photoshop somehow? ...And, where can a person get free sexy fonts? kek thx support forum i mean fanart forum...

    (ps. i'm not saying the final is perfect and maybe not even better, but it's all i'm doing on that wallpaper due to my low attention span.)

    (pps (or is is pss?). Darkflare was righta bout the head issue, that's why the sword's still there T_T)

  10. #10

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    i would say get more high quality picture. but over all not bad.

  11. #11
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    yep, get a higher quality picture, or use the 1 ur using atm, but vectorise it then increase its size, stuff still looks out of place

  12. #12

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    That's a good place to start looking for fonts. Make sure you drop them in your Windows fonts directory and Photoshop will recognize them the next time it opens.

    I would definately find another picture of Jinn to use that doesn't have the top of his head cut off -- still looks wierd and out of place.

  13. #13

    RE: Samurai Champloo Wallpaper

    also if you do a search of the word font on this forum someone posted a bigass file with like 100 some odd fonts, so if u need fonts try that if the link still works [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

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