ahaha, gj narutomaster, although i was talking about where he yells CHIDORIIIIIIIIII and hes standing up with his hand in the air kinda.
ahaha, gj narutomaster, although i was talking about where he yells CHIDORIIIIIIIIII and hes standing up with his hand in the air kinda.
I like the one shot in the forest where saskue's neck is twisted around. I think someone here uses it (or used to use it) in their signature.
Here are a couple I like!
Naruto at the funeral. Very melancholic episode.
From the same episode, Kakashi looking serious.
Naruto and Jariaya losing for the brunette chick. LMAO!
I could not get any from the earlier episodes since I backed them up, but I like the scene where
Haku tells Naruto that he is a guy and Naruto gets freaked out and says something like "he is prettier than Sakura-chan!".
A few more..serious screencaps for enjoyment.
Boy, he's got a scared look on his face. He's about to get owned by Shino. go Shino!
>_>;; *snicker*
Lol, I like Sasuke's expression on that picture with Rock-Lee
hey how do i post pics?
Here's some I like:Sasuke looked kawaii younger
When Kurenai was using her genjutsu on Itachi, I liked the expression on his face, just showed how much a waste of effort it was to use that on him
Hmm and I think this picture is self explanitory ^^
edit: fate789 To post of image, click the image of a painting right next to the underline button on the top, then put in the URL of the picture to have it show
Couple of my personal favorites from one of my favorite episodes :
Super Pervert!
Yet again Jiraya at his best!
Pics Courtesy Nauto Chaos [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
This is a good one.
And a funny one.
This sig was made by KitKat.
Here's the other Naruto Chidori picture
When naruto trying to make a chidori, that's my vote.
[img][/img] lol that ones funny
hey it didnt work... can i out the location of my pic or does it have to be an url?
use the image button and it'll ask for the url of your pictureOriginally posted by: fate789
hey it didnt work... can i out the location of my pic or does it have to be an url?
I love the one where Naruto gets his picture taken for his ID or whatever, and he's got his face all painted up. CLASSIC
Originally posted by: Rock-Lee
That on is kewlOriginally posted by: Mae
This screencap is definately one of my favs
Yeah hes like ok you trapped me in that bubble now im gonna kick your ass [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
This sig was made by KitKat.
rofl, take that rock lee you fgt.Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
im particularly fond of this one
can someone post pics when sasuke got the shit beaten out of him from gaara and especially from itachi. i am very fond of those moments.
how do i get the url of my pic?
You need to Upload it to an site
I sudjest www.imageshack.us its free
Just go there hit browse find your screen cap and upload it. Then remember your URL and post it here under the Image tags.