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Thread: The chuunin exam

  1. #21
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    RE: The chuunin exam

    Ok this may be a Semi spoiler not much to. so here is your warning
    ******************WARNING TINY SPOILER*****************

    We will hear from it in the future and its not all said and done with.

    **************END OF SPOILERS**************************

  2. #22
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: The chuunin exam

    Spoiler from this weeks episode belows


    Naruto is refered to as a Genin several times this week. So I assume he still is one. Which pissed me off cause, fuck, the shit he did on exam day was alot harder than completing the exam.

    I'm hoping they just haven't got around to doing the promotions yet, cause if his stuck as a genin for another year, I mean, shit, that'd just be stupid. Sasuke strong enough to be a chuunin, and naruto is even stronger than him.

  3. #23

    RE: The chuunin exam

    anyone explain why we never saw Jiraiya during the final exam before the assault on the city? Even just a shot of him sitting in the stands with his arms around two ladies would have been enough for me. Was just weird how he disappeared yet they show him standing watch over Naruto's apartment when he is sleeping.

  4. #24
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    RE: The chuunin exam

    i guess the exam is delayed because there is no hokage. just a thought, i'm most likely wrong but if not a hokage promoting a genin to a chunnin then who would do it? also, the last part of the exam was a tournament so with the participants missing like gaara and his sis..i don't think that the exam can commence without their return. who knows...we just have to wait and see

  5. #25

    RE: The chuunin exam

    it is undecided due to konoha is under attack.

  6. #26

    The chuunin exam

    Originally posted by: wirm
    I don't know about you guys, but I don't think any of the genins deserved to be promoted. The only ones among them with any leadership skills were Neji and Sasuke, and they're more bossy than leaders.

    I also didn't understand why those spectators said Shikamaru had qualities that were good on a chuunin. He gave up, that's not a quality. Knowing when to give up is well and good, but that doesn't mean you should be promoted.
    they said this because he did everything a chuunin would need to do, a chuunin would have a team to command, once he had his oppenent shadow binded the fight was over, his team would have successfully captured their enemy

  7. #27

    The chuunin exam

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    uhh logic......tensai is right......
    the kazekage and hokage were the only kages from the allied villages who join together for the exams, and if you watch the episode where the prelims end and the hokage explains the final exam, he says that its a month delay to give the daimyos AND the kazekage time to arrive as well as time for the genins to hone their stills

    Also, watch the scene where the hokage welcomes the kazekage to the stadium. The kazekage says something along the lines of "its a good thing the exam took place here this year, it would be a difficult journey for you at your age"......indicating that both kages are involved with watching the final matches regardless of the location of the exam
    the point is , he didnt [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    [img] UWm2FcU6WVKbZ3rULGCoPn2!rHRpM*Gr6eYs3cFEgsiK3M5B44 !9B*wRQs/capture.JPG[/img]

    edit: , for all who want to know. episode 81 6:07

  8. #28
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    The chuunin exam

    dude, i totally forgot about the chuunin exams. the battles i still talk about but who's going to be chuunin slipped my mind.

    yeah, the kazekage died before the tournament. as proven by Masamune.

    naruto has to become a chuunin!!!!! he has all the leadership qualities. he can also turn maniacs (i.e. gaara and neji) into non-maniacs. he pushed ppl [e.g. when sakura v. ino and he forced inner sakura to beat ino or whatever (i honestly hate inner sakura and sakura so talking about this makes me sick) & when shikamaru didn't want to fight temari and naruto pushed him into the arena). i don't really know if that is a good leadership quality, but WHATEVER!!!! Naruto is the strongest genin in the exam, thus he should be a chuunin. GO NARUTO!!!!

    I tried my best...

  9. #29

    RE: The chuunin exam

    I think that Shikamaru would be the best choice for Chunnin because even though he did quit, he had very good tactical skills, he is very calm in difficult situations (this is shown because he can think of such amazing battle strategies during a battle, like the one with Temari), he is a genius ( much smarter than anyone else i think, told to us when Asuma is talking to Kurenai), and even though hes lazy, he knows that when he is needed, he has no other choice (like when he stayed behind naruto and sakura to hold off the ninjas chasing them), even though he was very close to dying if Asuma did not come along. These are all skills that a leader needs.

  10. #30
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: The chuunin exam

    I don't think leadership is a nessecary quality for a Chuunin at all. Because, from what the show has shown, the Chuunin are usually not the only Chuunin on their team. So not every Chuunin would have to display leadership qualities, just the ones that are going to be Team Leaders.

    It'll be funny when Shikamaru is made leader of his team and Ino has to follow his order, but he'll probably be too lazy to bother giving them.

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