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Thread: Random speculation

  1. #21
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Random speculation

    "flame" yeah, i can see it in this thread.

    jiraiya is horny, but he doesn't get girls...unless he pays them...

    sure, jiraiya and kakashi are horny, but so are most men.

    I tried my best...

  2. #22

    Random speculation

    kay, okay, children, keep this from being a flame war or it will get closed.

    secondly, I never would have paid attention to this theory, but for a piece of fanfiction on by Aoi Kami Sarah called Agete Toritsukete: To Give and Take which presents quite a nice view on Kakashi's parentage and how the Fourth came to teach.

    but, like the connection between Asuma and the 3rd, this will have to remain pure speculation until actual canon information is given to us by Kishimoto-sensei.

  3. #23

    Random speculation


  4. #24

    Random speculation

    who would have thought that a japanese cartoon forum would have kids posting! geez.

  5. #25
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Random speculation

    *bullshit theory limiter removel... level 1, level 2, level 3*

    here's another theory, while we're at it...
    ebisu is also related to them, he's Kakashi's brother and Jiraya's son.

    seeing how all of them are perverted jounins, and were trainning Naruto, it's kinda of logical...
    now, if you're asking why Ebisu is so cold towards jiraya, it's becuase Jiraya ran away from taking care of him and Kakashi while they were still kids, so he could write hentai.
    becuase of that, Ebisu decided to become a tutoer, and not to leave kids alone without guidence, and also, he developed a hate for porn, becuase he blames the hentai indstury for taking away his father, and that's why he was so pissed when he saw someone (jiraya) peeking on the girls open bath.
    on the other end of this story, there's jiraya, who resented Ebisu for not being a genius like Kakashi, and becuase of ebisu hate for porn, Jiraya suspects that Ebisu is gay, so he was afraid that he'll fuck him in the ass, so he sent the frog out.

    and even after that, when they talked, they used a too-formal language, like how shinji (evangelion) talks to his father...

    and about Kakashi, i think he told Naruto to train with Ebisu becuase he believed Naruto's sexy no jutsu could awaken Ebisu hentai genes and they'll all have a happy family reunion at a X rated movie.

    if anyone tries to say i'm wrong, he should be shot for being stupid.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #26
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Random speculation

    Originally posted by: Halo2298
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@ no. EDIT: wtf. what did i do wrong now? the question asked if we thought it was possible for kakashi to be jiraiya's son. so i responded with a simple no. did you want me to sugar coat it and give it a kiss too? Whats with the edit? first, all i posted was a 'no' but it seems i made halo2298 angry somehow. so, i responded but i didn't want to put up a OT post so i just edited my current post.

    Well, it's just that every time I bring up a topic that I think worthy of speculation, you instantly shoot it down without any explanation why. I mean, you say it's not possible for Jiraiya to be Kakashi's dad, so that means you know one of two things: 1) Who Kakashi's father is, or 2) That Jiraiya is incapable of having children.

    Do you know either of those things? The way you respond is always in the same rude manner. So then I asked if you you were saying that out of sage knowledge(aka. actually knowing something we don't) or just talking out your ass(which is what you usually do cause you can't help yourself).

    Anyway, that's all.
    he wasnt rude he just said no. and there is no possiblity for kakashi to be jiraiya's son. you dont even need an explanation for it.

  7. #27

    Random speculation

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    *bullshit theory limiter removel... level 1, level 2, level 3*

    here's another theory, while we're at it...
    ebisu is also related to them, he's Kakashi's brother and Jiraya's son.

    seeing how all of them are perverted jounins, and were trainning Naruto, it's kinda of logical...
    now, if you're asking why Ebisu is so cold towards jiraya, it's becuase Jiraya ran away from taking care of him and Kakashi while they were still kids, so he could write hentai.
    becuase of that, Ebisu decided to become a tutoer, and not to leave kids alone without guidence, and also, he developed a hate for porn, becuase he blames the hentai indstury for taking away his father, and that's why he was so pissed when he saw someone (jiraya) peeking on the girls open bath.
    on the other end of this story, there's jiraya, who resented Ebisu for not being a genius like Kakashi, and becuase of ebisu hate for porn, Jiraya suspects that Ebisu is gay, so he was afraid that he'll fuck him in the ass, so he sent the frog out.

    and even after that, when they talked, they used a too-formal language, like how shinji (evangelion) talks to his father...

    and about Kakashi, i think he told Naruto to train with Ebisu becuase he believed Naruto's sexy no jutsu could awaken Ebisu hentai genes and they'll all have a happy family reunion at a X rated movie.

    if anyone tries to say i'm wrong, he should be shot for being stupid.
    It actually makes more sense than kakashi being jiraiya's son.

    well while were at it, how about Sakura and Ino being cousins?

  8. #28
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Random speculation

    hmm i think that itachi and orochimaru were lovers and itchi broke up with orochimaru thats why he left akatsuki.

  9. #29

    RE: Random speculation

    Why do you guys have to be such asses? I don't see why there's no possibility, meaning there's plenty of room to theorize, and none to make fun of someone for doing it. Talk about oppression [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #30

    Random speculation

    Another meaningless thread!! Grrr!

  11. #31
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Random speculation

    it IS very possible though.......since it seems the generations of master/pupil in respect to the hokage lineage do have connections in terms of family as well

    but judging from the conversation that took place between kakashi and jiraiya when jiraiya told him about the akatsuki, it really didnt seem like they were all that close like they'd be family or anything
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #32

    RE: Random speculation

    Wouldnt kakashi call Jiraiya , "Dad"? Jijueh

  13. #33

    RE: Random speculation

    Chichiue (pronounced chi-chi-weh)

  14. #34

    RE: Random speculation

    Ok, this thread has run it's course and will be closed.

    Any and all theories about a given person's parentage are just that, THEORIES, and until canon evidence is given, this argument cannot be settled one way or another.

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