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Thread: 223 by Inane

  1. #61

    223 by Inane

    Jing, may as well. Judging by his posts, I doubt he even knows that Kimmi was ill.

  2. #62
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    223 by Inane

    Originally posted by: highbass
    Originally posted by: Coolman
    Finally, some back-up. Without a good storyline, Naruto is shit, and Flashbacks are the way. Besides... that Sharigan is something to think about.

    Also, Gaara is always calm when fighting, he just seems calmer because he doesn't talk to himself or his mother anymore, and he isn't a demon badger.

    But Kimmi would've owned him. Because of his illness, he was most likely weak to start, and his fighting just went downhill from there.

    i think you are forgetting that he had one of the demons in him (he doesnt have him anymore) but... gambuta (sp?) mentioned that it takes a lot of strength to withold the demon ... when he was fighting iwth gaara... besides that even when naruto had to summon into gambuta... it took a lot of strength... he had to use kyubbis chakara... im sure you guys will day he isnt stronger then kimmaro.. cause of just that but i dunno... gaara seemed like he was the shit. ..

    edit: and i think he is the shit ... gaara > kimmaro... thanks!
    did you just say that gaara doesnt have the sand demon shukaku in him anymore?? cause.....that would be a ridiculous assumption if you did. He was born fused with the spirit of shukaku, it would take alot more than that fight with naruto for him to lose it. Besides, having shukaku is how he can control the sand that he used against kimimaro

    There's a good chance there will be a break of the story in the anime version, but there's no reason why that can't take place after this current manga saga. It will be long finished by the time the anime gets to this point. In fact, i cant imagine how they'd do it otherwise, since what does tsunade do after they return to konoha? heal kakashi and sasuke. and what is the FIRST thing on sasuk'e mind when he wakes up? yeah......itachi......

    on topic, however........
    whats this about katon being an uchiha thing? it's cool and all, but i KNOW ive seen other people perform fire jutsus (and im not just talking about the 3rd)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #63

    223 by Inane

    The fire technique thing. Its not that only Uchiha's know them, its that they are all taught them. And everyone must master that technique to be considered a true Uchiha.

  4. #64

    RE: 223 by Inane

    The Inane version said that once you learn katon you are considered an Adult.

  5. #65

    RE: 223 by Inane

    it isnt a low level jutsu. its not chidori level but its more then what a normal genin knows. and being acknowledged as an adult doesnt mean you are elite, just that you are at least genin or chounin level.

    I am sure anyone can do the fire jutsu, but uchiha specialize in it with many of their abilites i would guess.

  6. #66

    RE: 223 by Inane

    probably not a jounin, but about genin level.

  7. #67
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    223 by Inane

    why does highbass keep on talking acting like he knows what he is talking about.

    i just wanna clear something up just in case people were confused (but none of you should be).

    the last jutsu kimimaro did (the one that brings up many spikes from the ground) is not any sort of suicidal jutsu or a SUPER jutsu. it was just one of the 5 dances he mastered.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #68
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: 223 by Inane

    maybe hes smoking the crack pipe

    R.I.P Captain America.

  9. #69

    RE: 223 by Inane

    Well I was exaggerating a bit - lets see,

    Assuming - each episode covers 2 manga chapters on average, and that neither the manga or the anime takes any breaks for the next few months.

    Anime Episode 90 ended with the end of chapter 158, (vol 18 of manga)
    The Tsunade storyline - including the 3 Sannin fight goes all the way till the end of volume 19 (ch 171)
    so about 14 chapters to cover (159 to 171 inclusive) or 7 episodes of anime

    Then there is Volume 20 - Giant pile of flashbacks and character development at konohana + Naruto/Sasuke 1 - this is chapters 172 - 181 (inclusive) so 11 chapters or 5.5 anime episodes.

    So the question really becomes, will the Naruto/Sasuke fight and flashbacks be over in the next 12 weeks?

    Or will we be watching somebody elses flashback at that point and still going GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!!!!


    all things considered, other than how much the 1 on 1 fights got stretched out in vol 22 and 23 this a been a good story arc - since this one has ended with us finally getting to see why sasuke is such a doink I hope the next story arc gives at least as much development to one of the other "Main" Characters.

  10. #70

    RE: 223 by Inane

    I replied to this a bit back (when the thread was just overa page long), but unfortunately for me, the internet ate my reply. Thanks RoadRunner for yet another kick in the testes.

    I loved this chapter. Some good info was shared, and a good story was told. All you people clamoring for more action, you're missing the good stuff. Fights are fights, and they're over with quick. You gotta get into the meat, the substance of the story, otherwise you're missing the best parts, cuz jeez... it's a good story. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]


  11. #71

    223 by Inane

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    why does highbass keep on talking acting like he knows what he is talking about.

    i just wanna clear something up just in case people were confused (but none of you should be).

    the last jutsu kimimaro did (the one that brings up many spikes from the ground) is not any sort of suicidal jutsu or a SUPER jutsu. it was just one of the 5 dances he mastered.
    first of all i think we are all reading the same shit... and if you read my shit more carefully i said that i think gaara is cooler/seemed cooler in that fight wasnt tring to force my opinion into anyone of your moronic heads.

    ... second off about shaku (sp?) not being within gaara.. he isnt because gambuta said that shaku.. takes over a body of somone who is insominac... so if gaara isnt insomniac.. (seems like so because he isnt crazy anymore) then shaku isnt within him.

  12. #72

    223 by Inane

    itachi said in chap 148 that, "until Tsukiyomi becomes Amaterasu, we should not use it." perhaps he was referring to the sharingan shown in the latest chapter. this may seems like a pure coincidence, but the sharingan that we usually see consists of 3 commas that surroud the pupil.... which also seems like 3 moons orbiting a planet. the change of sharingan shows a larger pupil minus the 3 dots, perhaps symbolizing the sun?

  13. #73

    223 by Inane

    Originally posted by: highbass
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    why does highbass keep on talking acting like he knows what he is talking about.

    i just wanna clear something up just in case people were confused (but none of you should be).

    the last jutsu kimimaro did (the one that brings up many spikes from the ground) is not any sort of suicidal jutsu or a SUPER jutsu. it was just one of the 5 dances he mastered.
    first of all i think we are all reading the same shit... and if you read my shit more carefully i said that i think gaara is cooler/seemed cooler in that fight wasnt tring to force my opinion into anyone of your moronic heads.

    ... second off about shaku (sp?) not being within gaara.. he isnt because gambuta said that shaku.. takes over a body of somone who is insominac... so if gaara isnt insomniac.. (seems like so because he isnt crazy anymore) then shaku isnt within him.
    no, shukaku IS within him. its just that he can only be surfaced when gaara is asleep.

  14. #74
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    223 by Inane

    Originally posted by: kenshi
    itachi said in chap 148 that, "until Tsukiyomi becomes Amaterasu, we should not use it." perhaps he was referring to the sharingan shown in the latest chapter. this may seems like a pure coincidence, but the sharingan that we usually see consists of 3 commas that surroud the pupil.... which also seems like 3 moons orbiting a planet. the change of sharingan shows a larger pupil minus the 3 dots, perhaps symbolizing the sun?

    I think you are absolutely right about that. So then, is Itachi only truly powerful when his Sharigan becomes the sun, with little solar flares shooting out of it? After seeing this chapter, we finally know what Itachi was talking about all the way back in 148.

    I guess Mut@t@ was right, Itachi really is unbeatable, but only when it's his time of the month.

    As for the anime rapidly catching up to the manga, aren't we assuming the manga has to be ahead of the anime? It would be pretty cool over there to read a chapter in the manga on Wednesday, and see it animated that night or next week. Buy Jump and watch the show about what you just read, full of advertisments? Smells like capitalism to me...

  15. #75

    223 by Inane

    Originally posted by: highbass
    first of all i think we are all reading the same shit... and if you read my shit more carefully i said that i think gaara is cooler/seemed cooler in that fight wasnt tring to force my opinion into anyone of your moronic heads.

    ... second off about shaku (sp?) not being within gaara.. he isnt because gambuta said that shaku.. takes over a body of somone who is insominac... so if gaara isnt insomniac.. (seems like so because he isnt crazy anymore) then shaku isnt within him.
    God damn it. Thats it, I think we should start a poll for the forum retard. I nominate Highbass.

    Ok, Gambunta also said you can tell about the rings around his eyes, last I checked, Gaara still has those. Gaara was always a lil crazy, not he isn't anymore, and has that shit under control. Shuka being bound to Gaara allows him to use the sand. It is the thing that makes it defend him.

    Of course Gaara seemed cooler, but that doesn't mean he is stronger. Gaara doesn't fight himself, he has the sand to do that, so he sits back, and waits. He doesn't use any Taijustu that we have seen, or Genjutsu, all he does is manipulate the sand, so moving gives him no real advantage.

    Highbass, every post I have seen of yours have been horribly thought out. How old are you?

    EDIT: Back onto topic. Well, we gotta wait and see about teh Sharingan think. But.. the fire jutsu is about Chuunin level I am guessing. Its not that amazing, but not everyone is serious about becoming a Ninja in Naruto, so the bar is low, so everyone in the end is considered an "adult" Most ninja I am betting don't surpass the Chuunin level, so why give them a Jounin/ higher technique they couldn't preform.

    Besides look at how quickly Itachi knocked down 3 Itachi clan members, all with their Sharingan's on. He was younger in that... so must be weaker then he is now, but a Jounin should be fast enough to dodge that, Kakashi with his 1 Sharigan /w no Itachi blood went for a while. So I am guessing they were only Chuunin level.

  16. #76

    223 by Inane

    gaara definatly still has shukaku, he just has him more under control. as coolman said he still has the bags under his eyes.

    about itachi. i think the three uchiha he beat were good experienced fighters, but just not his level. hell we know that NONE of them are his level and he has already realized it. the uchiha are great, but the greatest of the great is a whole new level. I think he killed the clan (maybe the reason he stated) but i definatly think it was him, not someone else. I dont really understand the sun and moon reference but i am sure we will get more info on it later.

    yeah i hope the flashbacks end but think about this, its been a while since we saw itachi in person, maybe after this flashback he is going to arrive?! we can only hope.

    and i hope no more drawn out crappy fights. i know the other characters deserve their 15 min spotlight but plllllzzzzz no more. we definatly understand the skills of the other ninja's but it only goes to show how great naruto will become

  17. #77

    223 by Inane

    Actually... I'd like to see a Kakashi flashback, I wanna know about Obito, and if it was him that gave him the Sharingan, or someone else.

  18. #78
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    223 by Inane

    Originally posted by: highbass
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    why does highbass keep on talking acting like he knows what he is talking about.

    i just wanna clear something up just in case people were confused (but none of you should be).

    the last jutsu kimimaro did (the one that brings up many spikes from the ground) is not any sort of suicidal jutsu or a SUPER jutsu. it was just one of the 5 dances he mastered.
    first of all i think we are all reading the same shit... and if you read my shit more carefully i said that i think gaara is cooler/seemed cooler in that fight wasnt tring to force my opinion into anyone of your moronic heads.

    ... second off about shaku (sp?) not being within gaara.. he isnt because gambuta said that shaku.. takes over a body of somone who is insominac... so if gaara isnt insomniac.. (seems like so because he isnt crazy anymore) then shaku isnt within him.
    shukaku was put in gaara from birth he cant just take him out. you become insomniac because of shukaku. shukaku takes over your body if you falls asleep therefore you cant sleep and is forced to be insomniac. i thought you read this series i guess not......

    on topic: this chapter was great just like the other recent flashbacks the person who says that its crap shouldnt read naruto.

  19. #79

    223 by Inane

    Originally posted by: Coolman
    God damn it. Thats it, I think we should start a poll for the forum retard. I nominate Highbass.

    Highbass, every post I have seen of yours have been horribly thought out.


    on topic.

    as much as like story devlopment and flashbacks , i dont want it all at one time. ( dont get me wrong i've enjoyed these past chapters. i just dont want to see another 3 or so )
    which shouldnt happen , cuz they're already at "that" day ....ANYWAY,

    wanna see what that sharingan thing was , could've been itachi fugging with sasuke's mind though.

    The fireball jutsu info was nice. also shows sasuke's talent in becoming a ninja. how quickly he could do the technique.
    ( most likely he learned it so fast , because he sought acknowledgement from his father.
    which we can see too in naruto , as he seeks it from his village and friends ,why naruto can grasp techniques so quickly. but that's something totally unrelated bull**** from me.)

    oh and itachi is one crazy guy >_<

  20. #80

    223 by Inane

    I also have to say each post i've seen from highbass has definetely not been thought out. dude re-read the manga and read it carefully. there's no need to keep embarassing yourself when you continue to be wrong. maybe you just don't realize that you make mistakes or something. but stop fighting people on things your not sure enough about. heck i find that i make mistakes all the time. hence why we are here on the forums. to learn, discuss, and have a better idea about the series and what people know or think about. emphasis on discuss not argument or debate.

    On topic.

    Yeah, since leaf village is in the country of fire. i would make sense that many of the ninjas there use fire jutsus. we saw that when the villge was being attacked. but i would say odds are that the uchihas know more of the higher level jutsus of fire. they also incorporate them in their fighting like sasuke. as a matter of fact, during the first test, kakashi was surprised that sasuke knew and could use a fore jutsu at his age and level.

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