Oh and about Wing. I do agree that the mechs are pretty nice. But that's about it.
BTW, if Shin Asuka is a new ZAFT guy... wouldn't that mean that Isaac would be his boss, considering he got a badass promotion as seen in the OAV?
Oh and about Wing. I do agree that the mechs are pretty nice. But that's about it.
BTW, if Shin Asuka is a new ZAFT guy... wouldn't that mean that Isaac would be his boss, considering he got a badass promotion as seen in the OAV?
that song kicks alot of ass it got the old seed feeling to. yea isaac would be asukas boss i guess and that means that we will probably see more of both isaac and diakka. i want as much characters from seed as possible.
Another thing which is funny... Seed is loosely based on the story of the original Gundam series. And what's funny is that in the sequel to original Gundam, the main character mysteriously disappears and then comes back for a few cameos. Does it sound familiar? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
yea very similar lets just hope he does more than a few cameos.i want new crazy freedom & justice action!!!
Great Gundam site if you don't know about it already. I suggest checking it frequently for new info, it's better than gundams.net
As of now that site has an image of the new Impulse Gundam... looks exactly like Strike.. hrm... even works the same. Anyway, check out all the info!
Like Budweineken said, Wing characters were way cooler. Kira Yamato is a vagina.Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Oh and about Wing. I do agree that the mechs are pretty nice. But that's about it.
epyon was the sickest gundam ever.
it owns the aegis in like 57 different ways.
i make em knives, you cant be truly legit till u make em yourself!
Oh and I also found a torrent of the newest new type magazine that supposedly has seed 2 scans, the torrent is RIGHT HERE!
Oh and I made this, god im a SEED junkie, the wait is gonna kill me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
AnimeOne just released Gundam Seed - After Phase...
What is it?
is this the same as the Star Valley OVA or an entirely different thing?
@Budweineken: Judging from the file size I'd assume that's the OAV. It's 5 minutes long and a short epilogue which shows what happened afterwards. I'll DL it to make sure.
EDIT: Yep, I was correct.
Oh btw, all Wing fans... read this http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/whywingsux/
It's so funny because it's so true. Written by a big Gundam fan.
Actually, you should all read it because it's very funny.
On a different note, I just loaded up all my Seed MP3s. Quite a lot, since I have all albums, singles & whatnot that is Seed related in existence. Yep, EVERYTHING. I remember sitting on this one site where it took 5 hours to download one MP3, just to get all the rare singles. Amazing.
Nami Tamaki - Realize
When I first heard that song, I didn't know shit about Seed. I later acquired the 4th opening intro sequence which had this song, and the rest is history! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I need to find tutorials on how to make backgrounds in photoshop, anyway yeah I remember those days sitting on my computer looking for the opening song for a anime that came out 16 years ago, very tideous and frustratingOriginally posted by: Terracosmo
On a different note, I just loaded up all my Seed MP3s. Quite a lot, since I have all albums, singles & whatnot that is Seed related in existence. Yep, EVERYTHING. I remember sitting on this one site where it took 5 hours to download one MP3, just to get all the rare singles. Amazing.
R.I.P Captain America.
I wonder if they are going to explain why certain people have the SEED in Gundam SEED 2?
damn whoever actually wrote all that in the site that Terracosmo posted mustve had a lot of free time or just hated Wing a lot... i just read a paragraph or two and then i just stopped because why would i continue reading a bunch of useless stuff. hahah oh well.. i guess it was pretty funny though even though it was just a few lines. well still.. i still abide from my opinion about wing is still a good anime!!... not better than SEED, but still good. (but wing has better gundams [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] heheh)
Actually that is quite far from useless, because it's one of few "essays" regarding Wing's suckage which is actually well written... even if you don't agree with all his opinions, everything he says about the plot and etc are facts. And I like that.
And again I still agree about the mechs being badass, hell I had a period when I was younger that I completely worshipped Heavyarms after seeing it in that one SNES Gundam Wing game...
Why don't we get a SEED forum back? We need it NOW!!!!
I also hope we get to see a couple of hand to hand fights between coordinators...
I think they can make a great fight sequence... even if it's just a couple of minutes...
*AHEM [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]GATX-102 DUEL FOREVER, BITCHES!
In any case, Deathscythe Pwns all [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
"You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow
Forbidden was tons cooler than that gay raider that looked like a friggin parrot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Forbidden was my favorite mech in Seed. But since I am Isaac biased I scream that Duel owns anyway. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
And yeah Budweineken yours truly have already sent a bribe to the big boss about getting the Seed forum back