Well, there's nothing wrong about a woman loving another, but the president is just CRAZY. She's way too obsessive.
Well, there's nothing wrong about a woman loving another, but the president is just CRAZY. She's way too obsessive.
I think crazed psycho bitch is the term; obvious that Natsuki will take her crazy ass down
but yeah I figured the whole "Shiho(name?) being raven sheet girl" when they showed her with that look and then the bird shot came out of now were. oh well next to die: I'd say Crazy is the one to go in the final four
R.I.P Captain America.
Unless I'm forgetting someone, I think there's already 4 remaining: Mai, Natsuki, Mikoto, and President.
The ones that lost are: Akira, Nao, Shiho, Sister, first girl that got owned by Miyu, Alyssa (if she counts), Midori, and Yukino. That totals up to 12 HiMEs total.
The one that Miyu owned was Akane.
Midori described her "most important person", but we never saw him.
These past episodes have been really great! The president is quite the psycho, as you all have already said.
A hell of a lot different from the first part of the anime, wouldnt you say?
EXACTLY! The first part was all about joining them together. I thought that once they all worked together, they would kick everyone's ass. Oh, the twisted fate of the HiME's just changed that. Now it's all about backstabbing, haha. My type of anime right there.
Wonder what Miyu is gonna do. We see her become "alive" again, but haven't seen her ever since. Who's her first target, that's the question [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Oh wait, I guess Alyssa didn't count as a real HiME. In that case the 12th HiME is the maid with the scythe, which I forgot.
Alright, finally watched the last 5 episodes which i putoff for a couple of months...
I have to say that I really loved this series... something fresh and new from what I've seen already...
Now, time to start watching Mai-Otome, though i'll probably wait for SS to release...
I thought the ending was a copout. I think it should have ended with everyone dead or dying saving the world. They deserved that much.
yeah, they should've...
But it was ok for what it was...i won't complain much
hmm.. found this at boxtorrents:
Here's a movie trailer for a Mai-HiME movie.... looks like it might be good... Some characters of Mai-Otome are there...
Isnt it a fake I mean not the file but the movie they just did for the hell of it
How can a movie be a fake though? The scenes in it seem new to me... or what do you mean exactly? What's fake about it?
On animesuki it says Joke Movie Trailer next to the torrent
that can't be fake. All of those scenes are new. Are you telling me the trailer was released just to give up peoples hopes. I refuse to believe that unless they decided to go from movie and use the idea for a whole new season of Hime.
Arika was able to beat Nao and Shizuru by the looks of things, I already don't like this movie [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Yeah I felt the same way.Originally posted by: Aeon
Arika was able to beat Nao and Shizuru by the looks of things, I already don't like this movie [img][/img].
As much as it would rule to see more HiME, Shizuru losing makes absolutely no sense bevause she is a goddess, and therefore this movie must be fake, or Natsuki was brainwashed and told Shizuru not to fight, that might allow for this situation...either way, more Shizuru!
Just watched this, the ending and romance felt forced and gay ( pun totally intended ) but other than that it wasn't half bad.
The worse part about this is the ending. It was a total cop out, ruining what would have been an awesome show.