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Thread: not a fan of the new ending animation...

  1. #21

    not a fan of the new ending animation...

    I dont know why. But i think this is the greatest song ever made in the history of EVER!!!
    Oh my god it is so good. Please someone help me find the download to the full version, i checked everywhere but the sites are all in japanese and i cant read them.
    This song is really great, i dont know why you think its so bad, its much better than all the other songs combined.

  2. #22
    doki doki

    not a fan of the new ending animation...

    Was it really so hard you couldn't figure out that the song isn't released yet?![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Especially considering it's listed right in front of you when you enter the sight "2004.8.4 2nd single A

    Yeah, the single for "Ryuusei" won't be out until August 4. So, you're going to have to wait till then to get the full version.

  3. #23

    not a fan of the new ending animation...

    I was thinking maybe Team Ninja or whoever did DoA Extreme Volleyball did it to like advertise another volleyball game with poor gameplay that looks nice.

  4. #24

    not a fan of the new ending animation...

    but that ending suxored cuz it was a gurly ending to a kick ass anime. nothin like seeing your screen saturated with pink and little swaying giblets of characters at the bottom of your tv after just seeing a major kick ass fight....
    I quite liked the song & quite liked the animation for this ending however the actual scenes wern't so great and its probably one I will skip after seeing it maybe 1-2 more times.

    As for it being a girly ending? Maybe as I like the song and animation more than most guys here i'll accept that. However im sure what any real female fan wants to see is the girls kicking some serious ninja tail or possibly some of the boys in their swim wear [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img], girls at the beach im sure is directed towards the Japanese male audience and not the other half.

  5. #25

    not a fan of the new ending animation...

    oh god that new ending song is so good. Its just too good for words. I cant explain it. Does anyone else love that song as much as me or am i crazy?

  6. #26

    not a fan of the new ending animation...

    The whole little girls in bathing suits didn't quite do it for me... I was already accustomed to lackluster ending theme songs though.

  7. #27

    not a fan of the new ending animation...

    Originally posted by: ezkial rage
    In hindsight, this ending is not at all totally useless. we now know why Sakura Suxors so much....shes been on the beach all this damn time and not workin on her skill..

    LOL, that was a good one.

    Yeah I agree with all of you that "wind" is the best ending in naruto ever. I think that the best opening is Haruka Kanata. It was just grate, I watched it over and over again when the first episode came out.

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