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Thread: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

  1. #21

    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Jiraiya - fair nuff I guess. Although I'm not sure if Sakura is really considered a main character anymore. Lately she hasn't done anything. At the beggining she was there, but she is starting to fade away, and just become a character that cheers the others on. That is, assuming Tsunade doesn't teach her a thing or two.

    Death Boo Z - That seems about fair. Temari would also be considered a Chuunin. She was pretty good while fighting Shikamaru, she was able to thing ahead and calculate his shadow, although she wasn't quite good enough, she still did well, and has one hell of an attack.

  2. #22
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    how is temari concidered a jounin?

  3. #23

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Sorry, Chuunin. My bad.

    But she had the skills required to... Powerful, yet not insane like Naruto and Neji.

  4. #24
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    yea for chuunin but not for jounin.

  5. #25

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?


  6. #26
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    u don't really want to watch chunnin fight. we watch the genins fight because...well, naruto is a genin. we watch jounins fight because when really strong fight, it's exciting.

    chunnins are not all about the brute strength. it's their leadership ability or how they can protect their teammates.

    I tried my best...

  7. #27

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Originally posted by: Eurasian
    u don't really want to watch chunnin fight. we watch the genins fight because...well, naruto is a genin. we watch jounins fight because when really strong fight, it's exciting.

    chunnins are not all about the brute strength. it's their leadership ability or how they can protect their teammates.
    Good point. But gennin vrs chuunin fights are waht we are going to be moving into. I doubt they are going to release many more Gennin's with this years kind of talent.

  8. #28
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    the average strength of a jounin is 512 lbs (232 kg)
    while the average strength of a chuunin is only 331 lbs (150 kg)
    Are they that fat?
    no no, strength is different than WEIGHT [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #29
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    I think AssertnFailure was refering to the max weighet the chunin\jounin could put out with a fist.
    think a couple of years back, to the days you believed there's no anime better than DBZ, i'm talking about ep 194 (200 jap version), where the Z fighters hit a machine to determinate strength. most of the normal fighters scored 70-100...
    so since Ninjas are at least 4 times better than normal people, i guess his calculations are righ on spot...

    sorry, i've read too much Hajime no Ippo today, so my head's all wrong with boxing stances and terms, go figure... i just feel that my punches are alive!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  10. #30
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    lol, well that and i like to answer topics like these with a sarcastically serious tone [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #31

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    Originally posted by: Coolman
    Gaara could take out the strongest Chuunins with ease I bet. Judging on his last fight in the manga... he has a lot of cool new sand Jutsu's. Him and Neji are main characters in a way, cause they haven't been dropped yet, and are still involved in the current arc.

    The Manga made Haku out to be so strong, what with what Kakashi said as well, but yeah... I doubt Haku was really THAT great. He had the Ice Mirror Jutsu... but his Taijustu was just crap, plus, he almost got smoked by Naruto's shuriken.

    Chuunin wise, the show has to release some more. They either focus on purely Gennin's, or the extreme Jounin/Sennin/Hokage type battles. What do the 4 sound nin qualify as? I mean, they needed curse seal level 4 to beat 2 Jounin's low on Chakra.
    no neji and gaara are not main characters. according to your logic all the characters involved in the current arc is main characters but thats not the case. the 3 main characters are still naruto, sasuke and sakura. the sound 4 is probably average chuunin or something.
    Thats changed, I dont see Sakura at all anymore.

    In the current arc, the main gennin chars are:
    Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru.

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    she didnt do much anyway

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  13. #33

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    The two main characters have been and always will be Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto has a demon inside of him, and much of his history remains a history. What happened to his parents? Is he related to the 4th? Plus his future is filled with possibilities. can he become Hokage? How much power will he release this time? When will Akatsuki strike next?
    Sasuke is a main character because he has the Sharingan, which is deeply rooted in the manga, his brother happens to be one of the strongest ninjas alive, he is a "sole surviver" (always good for plot development, and hes Naruto main rival. Its interesting to see there relationship sway from simple grudge, to close friendship, to burning hatred.

  14. #34

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    I have almost lost all hope in Sakura. I don't know how Kishimoto will work here into being trained by Tsunade. She has become a whiny bitch at this point in time.

    Naruto an Sasuke will be main characters, although Sasuke will drop out from time to time.

  15. #35
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    they shift the major protagonists around all the time......

    1st saga: naruto, sasuke, sakura, kakashi
    2nd saga (part 1): naruto, sasuke, sakura, kiba, hinata, shino, shikamaru, ino, chouji, lee, neji, tenten
    2nd saga (part 2): naruto, jiraiya, sasuke, shikamaru, kakashi, gai, 3rd hokage....a bunch of other jounins......
    3rd saga: naruto, jiraiya, tsunade, shizune
    4th saga: naruto, shikamaru, kiba, neji, chouji, gaara, kankuro, temari, lee

    sakura, hinata, and the other girls are ridiculed about being useless, but im certain its just a matter of time until they play a big role in a later saga
    thats one of the great things about this series, is that despite it being named after one person, there are LOTS of other characters that play important roles
    in fact it kinda reminds of chrono trigger in a way......with a bunch of characters having different abilities and being grouped differently depending on what point in the story is taking place....which also effects the kind of team strategies you can apply
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #36

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    This is my first post in these fourms.

    If you look at how good a Chunnin is by how well he/she protects their team, then I'd have to say Shikamaru has done a pretty lousy job so far. If all five of them had they had taken on each of the Sound Four, then they probably would have finished faster, lost less Chakra, and still been in the condition to keep going. But then again, Shika didn't know about the cursed seals.

  17. #37
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Originally posted by: Wererat42
    This is my first post in these fourms.

    If you look at how good a Chunnin is by how well he/she protects their team, then I'd have to say Shikamaru has done a pretty lousy job so far. If all five of them had they had taken on each of the Sound Four, then they probably would have finished faster, lost less Chakra, and still been in the condition to keep going. But then again, Shika didn't know about the cursed seals.
    i think if every member of team leaf stayed behind to fight one guy each time then that would've allowed the barrel carrier to escape easily. and besides, it was only a matter of time until kimimaro came and he would have wiped out the entire team and then fought gaara and co.

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  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    except if you paid attention....most of the genins chose to fight on their own so that the rest of the team can pursue sasuke
    they all offered their lives for the mission......

    besides....consider the fact that this is prolly shika's FIRST mission as a chuunin.....i think he's doin pretty good
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #39

    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    ur rite coolman
    y is zabuza sooooooooooooooooooooo weaker then the ataksuki and u no the sannins.
    and hes like a Jounin.
    Well time passed so there are more good characters coming out.
    but wat wonders me is that Naruto is a Genin and he wasted KABUTO. That confuses me badly

  20. #40
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    There are no "power levels" for a Chuunin or Jounin, obviously, since one of the weakest Genin was the only one promoted to Chuunin.

    The positions aren't based on power. An elite Genin would whoop an underacheiving Jounin's ass.

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