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Thread: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

  1. #1

    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Well, most people look back, and talk about how characters like Zabuza are so weak, yet, wouldn't be be considered a strong Jounin? Compared to people like the Sennin, or members of the Akatsuki, he is insanely weak, but on average Jounin standards, isn't he quite high? Kakashi had a hard time with him, and he is a "specail jounin"

    Hear me out. In the series for example, when the leaf is attacked, and the ANBU/ Jounin's of the leaf counter-attacked, the Sand and Sound Jounin get slaughtered... fast.

    Also, look are characters like Mizuki, Iruka, Demon Brothers, etc. They are all considered Chunnin's, yet they are incredibly weak in comparison to this years Gennin's. I know this years Gennin's are exceptional, but have any strong Chunnin's been shown? Is Iruka and the others really the strenght of the average Chunnin? Apart from Itachi, before joining the ANBU.

  2. #2

    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Strength doesnt necesarily matter...look at shikamaru! compare neji/naruto/sasuke to shikmaru..he'd be a weakling..

    becoming a chuunin doesn't always mean having strength and chakra..
    it also involves strategy

  3. #3

    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Shikamaru is strong. His shadow strangling move kicks ass. Not only that, but his strategies are amazing, he could hold his own very nicely verus any of them, if not win. Neji and Naruto need melee combat to win, and the closer they get, the best for Shikamaru. Sasuke would be more of a problem /w his fire techniques, and Sharingan.

    And he is still stronger then the any of the Chuunin's.

  4. #4
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    the genin arent all that powerful and zabuza is not weak he is comparable to kisame. they are at similar strength. naruto and the gang just seems ultra powerful because all of them knows one ultra supermove and nothing more. a jounin is far more powerful than this.

  5. #5

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Man, Zabuza tried to assasinate the mist kage. Mist kage probably sucks but thats not the point, Zabuza was probably a really good jounin. But we all know that the leaf's jounins are higher than average other village jounins.

  6. #6

    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Of course a Jounin is more powerful, if Kakashi fought Naruto and Sasuke, he would kill them very quickly. I am comparing the Gennins to the Chuunins that have been shown. Since all the Chuunins should have been weak. Although yeah, all the Gennin's so far have one master technique, thats it.

    But Jounin wise, I have seen alot of posts here say how weak Zabuza is and stuff, yet he is one of the stronger Jounins released. Kakashi almost lost the first time, and exhausted most of his Chakra both times fighting him. Although I would say that Kisame is much stronger then Zabuza... mainly because his sword eats Chakra.

    Edit: Jing, iunno. I'd say alot of Leaf Jounin are weaker. Its just because the show doesn't focus on them much. Kakashi, Gai, and the others are some of the higher ones.

    BTW, while I have this thread. How strong was Haku? Zabuza said "no one has escaped his master technique, yet, Sasuke came damn close, and in normal hand-to-hand combat, Haku got beaten in speed, before he copied Lee's insane Taijutsu.

  7. #7
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    personally, i don't see why everyone wants to suck haku's dick. they love him so much and think so highly of him. i bet that haku has only used his technique against weaker people so that's why no one has been able to escape it. i'm 100% positive that kakashi could've man-handled haku.

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  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    the average strength of a jounin is 512 lbs (232 kg)
    while the average strength of a chuunin is only 331 lbs (150 kg)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Originally posted by: Coolman
    Of course a Jounin is more powerful, if Kakashi fought Naruto and Sasuke, he would kill them very quickly. I am comparing the Gennins to the Chuunins that have been shown. Since all the Chuunins should have been weak. Although yeah, all the Gennin's so far have one master technique, thats it.

    But Jounin wise, I have seen alot of posts here say how weak Zabuza is and stuff, yet he is one of the stronger Jounins released. Kakashi almost lost the first time, and exhausted most of his Chakra both times fighting him. Although I would say that Kisame is much stronger then Zabuza... mainly because his sword eats Chakra.

    Edit: Jing, iunno. I'd say alot of Leaf Jounin are weaker. Its just because the show doesn't focus on them much. Kakashi, Gai, and the others are some of the higher ones.

    BTW, while I have this thread. How strong was Haku? Zabuza said "no one has escaped his master technique, yet, Sasuke came damn close, and in normal hand-to-hand combat, Haku got beaten in speed, before he copied Lee's insane Taijutsu.

    we havent seen any of the chuunin fight so we dont know how strong they are(exept mizuki) but i dont thik we can count him.

    haku is like all the other genin he had one powerful jutsu then sucked in all other fields.

  10. #10
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Whoever said Zabuza was weak? I don't really recall anyone saying that. He's not weak, he's a master assassin. I think he'd easily slaughter Kisame, he'd use stealth and assassination techniques and take Kisame's head off before he knew what was happening. From what we've seen Kisame only uses brute force and charges into battles - no match for Zabuza's style.

    And you've got to remember - the reason Sasuke/Naruto/Neji seem stronger than chuunin level nins is because of poetic license (is that the correct term?) - they're the main characters, of course they're going to be stronger than no-names.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
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  11. #11
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    neji is not a main character but its okay to count him as one of the stonrger tho you also forgot gaara...

  12. #12
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    the average strength of a jounin is 512 lbs (232 kg)
    while the average strength of a chuunin is only 331 lbs (150 kg)
    Are they that fat?
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  13. #13

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Gaara could take out the strongest Chuunins with ease I bet. Judging on his last fight in the manga... he has a lot of cool new sand Jutsu's. Him and Neji are main characters in a way, cause they haven't been dropped yet, and are still involved in the current arc.

    The Manga made Haku out to be so strong, what with what Kakashi said as well, but yeah... I doubt Haku was really THAT great. He had the Ice Mirror Jutsu... but his Taijustu was just crap, plus, he almost got smoked by Naruto's shuriken.

    Chuunin wise, the show has to release some more. They either focus on purely Gennin's, or the extreme Jounin/Sennin/Hokage type battles. What do the 4 sound nin qualify as? I mean, they needed curse seal level 4 to beat 2 Jounin's low on Chakra.

  14. #14

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    if I remember correctly, the sound nin only use a cursed seal of level 2, and using that they still lost to the genin, (except for the three that the sand trio helped beat, but they were still beaten by genin). They would probably be chuunin level though, because they used their curse seal to beat jounins that they outnumbered, so they are probably not jounin level, and they seem to be past genin because orochimaru favor them a lot.

    Then when you think about it, do the sound ninja have ranks at all?

  15. #15

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    the average strength of a jounin is 512 lbs (232 kg)
    while the average strength of a chuunin is only 331 lbs (150 kg)
    what the......where did you get this?

  16. #16

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    his ass.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Indeed. This forum has a mild reputation of trollers especially when it comes to threads that are based on pure speculation.

    Like I've said before. Naruto ain't like DragonBall.. you can't quantify a persons strength based accordance to their chakra or so what not.


    Naruto = 180kg
    Sasuke = 152 kg
    Kakashi = 290 kg
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  18. #18

    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Meh, but you can judge it on Shakra Capacity, Taijustu skill, Ninjustu skill and Genjustu skill to get a feel for their strenght.

  19. #19
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    Originally posted by: Coolman
    Gaara could take out the strongest Chuunins with ease I bet. Judging on his last fight in the manga... he has a lot of cool new sand Jutsu's. Him and Neji are main characters in a way, cause they haven't been dropped yet, and are still involved in the current arc.

    The Manga made Haku out to be so strong, what with what Kakashi said as well, but yeah... I doubt Haku was really THAT great. He had the Ice Mirror Jutsu... but his Taijustu was just crap, plus, he almost got smoked by Naruto's shuriken.

    Chuunin wise, the show has to release some more. They either focus on purely Gennin's, or the extreme Jounin/Sennin/Hokage type battles. What do the 4 sound nin qualify as? I mean, they needed curse seal level 4 to beat 2 Jounin's low on Chakra.
    no neji and gaara are not main characters. according to your logic all the characters involved in the current arc is main characters but thats not the case. the 3 main characters are still naruto, sasuke and sakura. the sound 4 is probably average chuunin or something.

  20. #20
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Whats the Average Strenght of a Jounin and Chunnin?

    an avarge chunin is probably Kankaru or Shino, while an avarge jounin is probably Asuma...

    yes, i'm aware that my avarge chunins are genins, but we haven't seen many chunins yet... and the ones who were in the first exam as cheating detectores were the chunin elite...

    Kankaru and Shino both seem to have both the fighting ability and the strategic ability that a chunin needs, but neither of them has supreme abilities, so i think both of them can represent the avarge chunin...

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