Wed, 07-07-2004, 07:14 PM
Wed, 07-07-2004, 07:38 PM
Naruto 90 out now
Awsome thanks.
Only question is though, did the not sub the preview for the next episode on this one, like they did on the last, because that annoyed me alot. anyone know?
Wed, 07-07-2004, 07:47 PM
Naruto 90 out now
they didnt subb the preview last time , so i dont no if they will subb it now. But is better to Not watch the preview because that can spoil many tings
Wed, 07-07-2004, 07:49 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
sweet getting now
omly 35k/s this is slow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
i usially get 200+k/s
Wed, 07-07-2004, 07:50 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
god the connection is so slow but thanks anyways for the heads up
Wed, 07-07-2004, 08:19 PM
Wed, 07-07-2004, 08:38 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
watched it. They subbed the peview this time.
Wed, 07-07-2004, 09:21 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
damn dling this is slow
i just went to narutochuushin site and noticed a guy talking about sganime and how much they suck......but does anyone really care...its free
anyways i have the ABC bt client, does anyone know how to set it up to get the best dl speed
Wed, 07-07-2004, 09:59 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
It was allright episode, though it did take me awhile to download, this torrent wasn't giving all that great speed compared to what I am used to.
Wed, 07-07-2004, 10:06 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
God damn, I cant Stress it enough how totally BAD ASS THOSE NEW CLIPS TO THE OPENING WERE(brain overload), They were tight as hell

R.I.P Captain America.
Wed, 07-07-2004, 10:20 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
i just finished watching the raw - was a pretty good ep - with some funny moments.
oh man I <3 tonton!!! (the pig)
surprisingly - i understood what was going on.
seems to me there's a bit of sexual tension between Tsunade and Jiraya.
i personaly think that Tsunade grew huge boobs, just to torment Jiraya.
Wed, 07-07-2004, 10:28 PM
RE: Naruto 90 out now
There's no tension, Juraiya just wants to pork her like every other woman he sees. Tsunade doesn't really like him [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Wed, 07-07-2004, 10:41 PM
ANBU Captain
RE: Naruto 90 out now
the new clips for the new intro is awesome. makes it way better than the previous. although i hate the ending. I really like the previous, that was my favorite one.
Wed, 07-07-2004, 10:48 PM
ANBU Captain
RE: Naruto 90 out now
Okay, closing this thread to start the official episode 90 discussion.
The end.
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