CALLING ALL TECHS... I have been dling Naruto for some time now. I have up to episode 50. It has come to my attention that my weak sauce hard drive is filled to the brim with info. So being the genius I am (not really) I decided to make an svcd for the whole series and eventually play them through my dvd player to record them onto a vhs. I have tried a variety of different programs; my personal favorite is Nero 6. In all of my attempts two problems always remain: first off the about ¼ of an inch gets cut off of the bottom of the screen, this is a BIG problem because half of the time you cant make heads or tails of the subtitles (I have tried changing the aspect ratio to 16:19 but I dont want a BIG BLACK BOX around the video). And then later on in most episodes the audio just all of a sudden stops sync with the video. I was wondering if I had to re-encode the vids (with tempg enc or virtual dub, or other comparable program), or if there is another easier way to fix this problem. Thank you in advance.
(I bet there will be at least one person who will tell me to clean the other !@#$ off of my hardrive)