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Thread: naruto & dragonball z

  1. #1

    naruto & dragonball z

    well... i always thot any of the energy bombs or any sort of shooting thing be chakara?? well i mean when gohan was teaching videl how to do something he told her to get energy and put it to her hand... and she got a baseball size energy ball and some strong guyz from dbz can make an earth size energy ball... and when people from naruto does chdori.. they're like WOW he has so much chakara u can see a ball of it on his hand... so... i juss wanna see what u guyz think about this

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    ugh......why do people bother to make such comparisons? its been done before......but just to set things straight.....

    yes, they are similiar......and kishimoto was a fan of dbz when he was growing up, so he, as well as many other artists these days, tend to follow dbz's example in their work. both are long series that involve people with crazy powers and energy/type abilities.....there's no denying some of the obvious details

    im hoping you arent comparing them in a bad way though.....because while everyone seems to associate dbz with evil.....alot of them are just past-dbz-fans-in-denial
    the series was extremely popular for a reason....and i feel naruto took all the good points of dbz, and fixed the bad ones. This, imo, is one of the reasons why naruto is as popular as it is now, because it emulates a classic.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #3

    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    Please, no!
    DBZ and Naruto have nothing in common.
    Because I said so.
    And because I despise DBZ
    and I love Naruto
    they arn't similar!
    No way!

    aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

    *falls on the floor, twitching and foaming at the mouth. real attractive.*


  4. #4
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    everyone has their own opinion.
    i personally like dbz. crazy powers and all but weak story line. its always the bad guy...train or new character...then bad guy dead.

    some common traits both have are:
    the comic relief...and
    the male characters seem to eat soooo much and sooo fast. ie. naruto and sasuke eatting before running up the tree...shieeet

  5. #5

    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    Naruto=No Repeted battle scenes.(repeted used of a clip)
    DBZ= =Why buy the collection, its almost 50% repeted clips.

    Yeah theres some similaritys like the chakra, and what not, but thats about it. Either way, both were pretty damn good anime. Lets leave it as that.

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    Start reading the manga to find similarities, LONG, drawn out fights with overwhelming powered opponents is eerily similar.

    However, Naruto does have a plot, and that's the real deciding factor, there are mysteries in Naruto more complicated than "who is the leader of these strong guys that we are fighting?"

    I'd like to say I'm a fan of DBZ, but the fights are TOO drawn out, really 79 eps? (ONE GUY).

    Naruto's worst so far in the manga, maybe 6 or 7 chapters.

    And if you try hard enough, I'm sure you could easily say that Naruto had SIMILARITIES with Pokemon, so just enjoy naruto, and you know you watched DBZ too.

  7. #7

    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    god...dbz is so weak...i hate myself for ever liking it. anyways dbz was only interesting because of the fights and nothing else. naruto will consume you becuase of the excellent plot and character development

  8. #8
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    I don't think they are alike.

    Naruto is a decently paced adventure series. Alot of character developement.

    DBZ is a bloody animated soap opera, the stories are old repeats of older stories, stock footage, it takes them an episode for three minutes of the timeline to pass, and the characters are stale and underdeveloped. 'Oh no! the everyones dead again, lets go gather the dragon balls again and ressurrect them again and again and again'. They also spend the majority of every episode charging up instead of fighting.

    Naruto = Good
    DBZ = Crap

  9. #9

    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    for the love of god, how many times is this topic going to be discussed. obviously they are gonna be some comparisons. hello same creator(kishimoto). I'm so sick of seeing this, can't somone come up with a good thread.

  10. #10

    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    for those who say dbz is weak... pls recall tat its already 10++ years old... to come wif something like tat 10++ years ago is something already... juz imagine 10 years down the road and something better than naruto comes along... are we gonna get sensitive again and start critisizing naruto... well the sad part is people dun appreciate the things they love and take things for granted... AssertnFailure mentioned kishimoto was a fan of dbz when he was growing up so can we say tat without dbz there wont be naruto... yes of course!!!
    true bdz have its flaws but to err is human... so for a dbz to err when it aint humane is absolutely acceptable... tats where the concept of improvement comes along... naruto corrected the flaws in dbz and 10++ yrs later... another show/anime will correct the flaws in naruto too... so for those of us who embraces naruto so warmly now are we gonna start critisicing naruto... maybe... see tats the whole fuckin problem... WE muz learn to appreciate HISTORY...
    PS//about the new show/anime thing... it will be ME... i will be the author [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    RE: naruto & dragonball z

    This thread has been made more times than i can think, thread closed.

  12. #12

    RE: naruto & dragonball z


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