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Thread: Bakuretsu Tenshi

  1. #101

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Well episode 19 in the preview of 18 seems to introduce the green brain thingy again and an older character we all know [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] but i must say, the whole deal with the episodes in between that police cop traitor in osaka and jo's encounter with the other angel, was just a waste --> not needed. I mean, the drawing turned me off. They ruined the characters. I mean, talk about fanservice, but this is just wrong. They seem to be covering it up well and not making it so obvious, but was a turning point for me. I guess episode 19 might be the last mission they go on and might stretch all the way to the end. Let's just wait for it to get subbed and see.

  2. #102

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    erm.. sorry to say this but i'm lazy to search for the result i want... so is it going to continue to be subbed?

  3. #103

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    If you're too lazy to search for results, I'm too lazy to tell you if it's going to continue to be subbed as well! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  4. #104

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    I recently found out that AonE is continuing BakuTen. I just finished episode 14 and saw Jo's name was spelled "Joe" just wondering if this was fixed in the later episodes?

  5. #105

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    dont remember... but it's the same shit

  6. #106

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Meg is still screaming getting kidnapped and tied up with a bunch of cables in nasty little positions while Joe does the usual. Kinda repetive =/ I think this anime would have been better if the other characters could kick as much ass (or atleast kick some ass period) like Joe can... atleast let the cooking guy throw eggs at enemy robots or something... but no... Joe gets the spotlight... and only twice has that badass mark on her arm appeared =/

  7. #107

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Ep 19 released....go get it....and I wonder what happened to ep 20...didn't see it this week for some reason, did it air?

  8. #108

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Originally posted by: OpTicaL
    I recently found out that AonE is continuing BakuTen. I just finished episode 14 and saw Jo's name was spelled "Joe" just wondering if this was fixed in the later episodes?

    Well, I heared that her official name is "JOE" so if you want AonE or Lunar both spelled it wrong at the beginning as they only called her "JO" least that's what i was told.

  9. #109

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    damn.... havent even watched any of the released episodes, just never got the time and some crap about computer errors. so yea, looking forward to seeing ep. 15+ soontimes.

  10. #110

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Yay my first post.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Anyways, Just wondering what happen to the sub 20 and beyond? It seems AonE as well as any chatter about Bakuretsu Tenshi here have stopped. Has this series been drop? or is on the slow sub mode? Btw... AonE, you guys are the best. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  11. #111

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    nope it hasnt

  12. #112
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    i think they sub a couple epi at once.when they release it, it's like "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" u got like 3 or 4 epi. at least that's what it was like last time.

    I tried my best...

  13. #113

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Yeah, sounds true to me. Also you don't have to forget it's a licensed series so you have to be a little more careful.

  14. #114
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    well, i finally caught up to the current release (19) and i must say that this anime is going downihill....

    I'm so sick and tired from Joe... she's probably the most boring charecter in the anime. not to say that the other charecters aren't boring, of course... Sei and Amy are also boarding on the line between 'Shut up, bitch!' and 'Drop dead, bitch!'.... but back to joe... she sucks.

    even though the action is great (nothing like seeing somebody wasting 20 bullets into someone elses' body), the plot is so non existent that it hurts. the only things resembilng a plot are the green brain guys, which might be the most stupid villians since Majiin Buu, and the orginazation who is agter joe, which also sucks, since it's tracking the stupidest charecter in the entire anime...

    and just to empthize more on how much i hate joe... she's as intresting as Layla Ashley from Avenger... and she has about the same vocabulary, i hate her.

    and one last thing... throwing a drinking can at somebody's face when he 40 meters from you and 20 meters in the air? i'd say it's immpossible even if it was a badass guy like Spike (bebop) or Gutts (Berserk) doing it, so when it's a female (joe), it's completly stupid. shoot the bitch, i say.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #115

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Haven't Seen a BT release recently... has it been dropped? or is it one of the less important projects Aone is doing?

  16. #116

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    cant you read a little above... same question is asked

  17. #117
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    what hate i feel from Death BOO Z!!! yah, i don't really know what i plot is. it's a 26 episode series, right?? so i don't even know how they r gonna end it. despite all these flaws, i like it. i really don't know why. joe doesn't suck. meg sucks. she's portrayed as being a tough chick but it always end up joe saving her. i hate meg. why is there always one of those characters in every anime?!?!

    I tried my best...

  18. #118

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    Eh my bad, i tend to ignore the small responses...

  19. #119

    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    24 episodes and an OVA

    also I really don't see what problems you guys are having with the characters. I like them. Okay, they're nothing really new but they're girls, kick ass girls and as a guy I can only say..I love kick ass girls...if you don't that's your problem.

  20. #120
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Bakuretsu Tenshi

    oh 24 not 26. my bad.

    I tried my best...

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