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Thread: 2cts about Hellsing:

  1. #1

    2cts about Hellsing:

    So HAH! now you know it, those that have been using the wrong name for all those years MUHAHAHAHAHA..
    I already never understood why they ever compared it to Dracula anyways, it was neevr meant that way!!
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  2. #2

    2cts about Hellsing:

    something about the bats and the wolves and alot of the other imagery

    as well as OMFG HELSING??? AS IN van HELSING?????!~?~?!?~?!~?~?~!?!~?~!?! (no relation to the bad action movie by the same name btw)

    if you have read Bram Stoker's Dracula then you would understand why so many people come to that conclusion

    its probably not Alucard and helsing out right because of intellectual property rights
    although i have no idea who the hell owns the rights to it atm.

    Hellsing plagarises so much that it could be considered derivative work and they might be obligated to pay royalties or some such thing

  3. #3

    RE: 2cts about Hellsing:

    Ok, if only I understood which part of your story is a quote from someone and which part is your own saying + if you could write in a more structural way, I might be able to actually respond to this.

    Hellsing is one of the sweetest anime out there, mainly through its great music, theme and athmosphere. How ever much plagiate they have committed, which is btw, bogus, I dont care.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    2cts about Hellsing:

    ooh, you're getting you're information from a fansub?
    well, too bad for you, the manga (both scanlation and english dark horse version) and the official DVD refer to him as Alucard - Dracula spelled backwards.

    from what i understood, in the story (the hellsing anime\manga story), hellsing (the ancesstor Integral) caught Dracula and imprisoned him to make him a servent of the hellsing family, and changed his name to Alucard.

    of course, non of this was precisly said (publishing rights and stuff), but it was strongly implied and hinted.

    Conclusion: it's ALUCARD, and you, my friend, are an IDIOT.

    Edit: before you all go crazy on me, i'm joking, i don't think that ?igma is an idiot, and i do not mean to dissrespect him at any way, just to point that his argument is weak and false.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  5. #5

    RE: 2cts about Hellsing:

    Have you read the manga? It has a bit about the origin of Alcuard, He is really Valdamir Tepes aka Vald The Impalier who was a Carpathian Prince who renounded god after his Wife killed herself because she thought he was dead and was eternally damned by the church. He is the origin of the Dracula myth look it up its historical fact.

    Thats just a bad sub even if he is not really Dracula his name is not spelled Arkard that just a subber who doesntb know that in japanesee l's and r's are pronounced the same


  6. #6

    RE: 2cts about Hellsing:

    Yes well, if this subber can provide pure quality subs, he can certainly see that difference [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    And no I'm not an idiot, you should at least know, that the U is perfectly pronouncable in Japanese, and it is NOT IN THE ANIME ONCE!!! Not even when Incognito actually SPELLS Arkards name.
    And oh yeah are now going to tell me that you read the manga in Japanese..
    Ive always been correct about this and always will be, for one, Alucard sounds too lame to be true, so it should atleast be Arucard then,but I prefer Arkard, because that is actually the way it is said in the anime, always and ever.
    Not too big a fan of the manga, it misses the music that makes it such a good series.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  7. #7

    RE: 2cts about Hellsing:

    It's Alucard

  8. #8

    2cts about Hellsing:

    yes , of course, I appreciate your opinion , and the fucked up whole worlds opinion it is too, but I'm just saying I have MINE!! Muahahaha

    but maybe I should make this topic :

    Finally Ive found someone that agrees with me!!
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  9. #9
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    2cts about Hellsing:

    It's Arukado in Japanese so the translation Alucard not Arkards it's a miss understanding of the name pronounced in japanese. this happens a few time with weird names in japanese that make it even weirder. This has happened in other subs. but if you listen to how it's pronounced in japanese or read the original text it's Arukado but the O is silent so it's Arukad. I klnow your enetitled to your opinion, but you also need to leave your self open to the fact you could be wrong about it and should take that into consideration and reasses your orginal opinion about what ever.

  10. #10

    2cts about Hellsing:

    ^^ Spelt or pronounced? I'm not criticising (as I don't know), I'm just asking, seeing as the Japanese have an accent such that when they try to pronounce 'L' they say it more like an 'R'.

    All I know is the DVDs I watch say Alucard, the manga I've started reading says Alucard, so whether the 'real' name is Arkard ur Arudako or whatever is pretty much redundant for me now (like how it seems a load of people call Aeris from FFVII Aerith etc). To me the character only suits the name I've always known...but on the whole, it doesn't really bother me the specifics of the characters name that much anyway, the fact the show/manga is about vampires and is violent is what I'm interested in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    The only criticism of the manga (and probably the English dub but I watch it subbed) I have is the slightly naff over-stereotyped English speak, which makes it feel like ironic comedy speech taking the piss out of god knows how many regional tongues and accents etc...they tried so hard to sell it as English they set the language as like early 20th/late 19th century! I know foreigners won't notice that anyway....but....blah [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    2cts about Hellsing:

    Originally posted by: Lefty
    It's Arukado in Japanese so the translation Alucard not Arkards it's a miss understanding of the name pronounced in japanese. this happens a few time with weird names in japanese that make it even weirder. This has happened in other subs. but if you listen to how it's pronounced in japanese or read the original text it's Arukado but the O is silent so it's Arukad. I klnow your enetitled to your opinion, but you also need to leave your self open to the fact you could be wrong about it and should take that into consideration and reasses your orginal opinion about what ever.
    you are wrong, about the fact that they pronounce it as ArUcard , they say Arkard more. And the O is silent, correct.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  12. #12

    2cts about Hellsing:

    ?igma, you don't know what you're talking about. Study some Japanese before flaunting your knowledge about it.

  13. #13

    2cts about Hellsing:

    Dude ..if I could rip the sound out of it:S, but ill give you a direction.:

    Episode 9

    And 78%

    If you say that they pronounce any U there, you suck satans dick.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  14. #14
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    2cts about Hellsing:

    Besides, it's not about how it's prononuced, but about how it was meant to be...
    the source for the name is Dracula spelled backwards - Alucard, the fact that the voice actors aren't capable of saying it right (the same way amrican dubs say the original names in a horrible way) doesn't have anything to do with it.

    AL\Rucard isn't a japanese name, furthermore, it's a name with a meanning behined it, so, the meanning behined it has more importance than the way it's pronounce or the literal meanning...

    more examples, to empthize this:
    let's take Inuyasha's "Oswari", the meaning in japanese probably is "sit" or something, so in the english language, it became "sit boy", becuase that's how you tell you dog to sit still in the english langauge. however, if you translate it into a diffrenet langauge, that has a diffrent way of commanding dogs (hebrew, for instant), then the other word should be used, and not the translation for "sit", becuase it keeps the meanning more than using 'sit'. are you getting my point? if not, here's another example...

    you have the "Itadaikimuste" thing in japanese, it litratly means "i'm about to eat" or something in the same field, but if you'd translate the anime into french, you won't say "Je Mange..{something-something, i've studied french for 4 years and i don't know shit}", instead, you'll say "bonnappittie" (I can't even spell it).

    and the easiest example: when you have some english charecter names in anime, say... "Jack", the japanese seyius will say "jack-o", becuase the can't finish a word with 'ck', it doesn't mean that the charecter's name isn't jack, does it?

    Do you understand? sometimes, there are factors more relevent than the exact pronocuation or the literal translation...

    Edit: it's funny how you insist on following the Fansub version, while people are telling you that in both the manga (official english and scanlations) and the official DVDs, the spell it "ALUCARD"...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #15

    2cts about Hellsing:

    Arkard is a fansubbing mistake.

  16. #16

    2cts about Hellsing:

    It's Alucard, no doubt about it!
    The japanese pronounce L as an R, so they say Arucard instead.

  17. #17
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    2cts about Hellsing:

    There's one episode where someone said about his name spelled backwards is Dracula.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  18. #18
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    2cts about Hellsing:

    It's pritty obvious from the name of the friggin anime "Hellsing" like Dr. Vanhelsing, that the vimpare on staff would be the one and only Dracula. Buy the dvd and watch the sub, even on that it's Alucard. Nuff said end of story no more arguments about it. Please for all that is holy let the subject end here.

    On a side note which sub group did the ep ?igma is taking screen shots from because i remember one group royaly f-up some of the names for several series.

  19. #19

    RE: 2cts about Hellsing:

    Just to add... Even if the final vowel is silent... it si not uncommon for the "u" in the middle of the words to remain silent or ommited...

    So don't just take it for granted that the way you listen to the name it is the correct way to write it or to even pronounce it...

    How do you say Smith Japanese? You spell it and even pronounce it as "Sumisu"...

    My recommendation is to learn some Katakana, Hiragana, even Kanji and then tell us what you think you ignorant

  20. #20

    2cts about Hellsing:

    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    Arkard is a fansubbing mistake.
    listen to me, I'm not making the mistake to point you at the translation, Im just making screens of the moment where they ----------->SAY, even SPELL <------------------------------------------

    Arkard , ignore the translation goddamnit, and for the fucking tenth time, people saying that it is said as ARUCARD because of the L/R problem GO READ THIS TOPIC AGAIN..morons

    And it is true that even the U can be omitted, but that is only in fluent speech, not in these screencaptured moments, if it would be Arucard, the at that time, they would pronounce it as such.

    And now, clearly because noone took the opportunity to look at the moments I added above, GO LISTEN FOR YOURSELVES.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

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