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Thread: translated 222 manga discussion

  1. #21
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    I think it ruled like blue hell.

  2. #22

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    you guys are looking at what itachi is saying all wrong
    he wasnt saying that rank, clan, duty etc. are worthless and only the pursuit of strength is important
    his main point is that all these puruits are corupt because they make you lose sight of whats actually important
    he never really defines what he deems as important, but it seems to me that all the other clan members are afraid of him because he does not succumb to the same corrupt values as everyone else
    all of there beliefs/values are therefor threatened by itachi's existance
    i have a feeling that the slaughtering of the clan isnt going to be initiated by itachi but will at least start as self defense

  3. #23
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    Self defence?? LoL. Sounds too unlikely.

    The way he's talking about it, sounds more likely that he's pursuing after power, because thats whats most important to him.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  4. #24

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
    flashbacks are fine, but friggin month long flashbacks gotta end, take us back to the naruto sasuke fight pronto i say. once this goes to anime itll translate to about an hour or mores worth of flashback, gah!
    the anime will probally break it up in between things like they did with the gaara flashbacks

    yes!!! i dont have to doubt that itachi murdered the clan for his own amibitions anymore this chapter proves it! only thing is i feel that there is something up with his relationship with sasuke...the speech he gave him in the last chapter...him giving up upon sasukes comand...and the fact that he kept him alive...there is still more than meets the eye here

  5. #25

    translated 222 manga discussion

    pursuing power??? LoL Sounds too simplistic.

    he only said that once and that was when he was obviously trying to piss sasuke off
    plus we also know that itachi believes brotherly hatred to be an important thing (for growth/motivation?)so he very likely just said that he killed everybody to test himself to piss sasuke off (among other reasons most likely)
    Itachi is most likely the most complex character so far introduced in Naruto yet everyone keeps trying to reduce his motives to some simplistic explenation
    Itachi definately is not completely evil and he most definately isnt a misunderstood good guy
    Not a single vilain with the exception of maybe Orochimaru has been pure "evil", but plenty have been confused and emotionaly underdevoloped psychos

    also i said STARTED in self defense from the looks of it all the other Uchihas are threatened by Itachi and would get rid of him at any chance they got
    Im thinking they see an excuse with perhaps blaming for this murder and go after him Itachi retaliates, slightly too harshly(he flips out and kills them) then more Uchihas try to stop him because hes gone too far Itachi does no when to quit and doesnt stop till every last one who trys to stop him dies

  6. #26

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    Good chapter, I don't mind this flashback.

  7. #27
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: onlyelliot
    Itachi is most likely the most complex character so far introduced in Naruto yet everyone keeps trying to reduce his motives to some simplistic explenation
    just because itachi is a complex character that doesn't mean he can't have simple motives. for example, he simply wanted to take naruto away because he was ordered to.

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  8. #28

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    yes i realize that he can have simple motives however you gave an horrible example Itachi isnt some obedient dog who does whatever he is told to by his superiors so he wouldnt "simply" take the orders of anyone in less their motives paralleled his own
    that does not sound really all that "simple"

    my point is that a good story teller gives his characters depth and i think that we would all agree that Naruto has some great story telling
    if you want to understand itachi then you have to look at him as more than just a "psycho" or "not a psycho" type of guy

    even the simplist of actions have complex motivation

  9. #29

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    Nice chapter. I'm starting to like Itachi more and more.

  10. #30

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    the inane version is out btw, u can get at narutofan. After reading through with the better translations that they provide it came together much better, it seems maybe itachi left sasuke the way he did to gain power in the same vein that itachi himself pushed everything aside for power.

  11. #31

    translated 222 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: onlyelliot
    yes i realize that he can have simple motives however you gave an horrible example Itachi isnt some obedient dog who does whatever he is told to by his superiors so he wouldnt "simply" take the orders of anyone in less their motives paralleled his own
    that does not sound really all that "simple"

    my point is that a good story teller gives his characters depth and i think that we would all agree that Naruto has some great story telling
    if you want to understand itachi then you have to look at him as more than just a "psycho" or "not a psycho" type of guy

    even the simplist of actions have complex motivation
    why is it that he just cant be taking orders? itachi rose the the ranks of the leaf by following orders and my be doing the same in the akatsuki. you give this arsertions about itachi being a complex character but never give any reason y some things cant be simple...not everything has to be complex. i think that it feeds into the complexity that is itachi if his motives have a simple reason. its kind of erie and leaves you asking what is he thinking. and there is plenty of depth to itachi that he done know...and we will learn it all later.

  12. #32
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    translated 222 manga discussion

    well, apparntly, Itachi said all those things just to piss off Sasuke, and he also kills the clan just to get Sasuke mad at him...

    if Itachi was able to kill shisui (whatever that sucide guy name is), i don't think that anyone in the Uchiha clan could rival him, so he decided to force Sasuke (his brother, and therefore, the person who is most likely to have the same strentgh as him) to get better and to hate him...

    but becuase he was afriad that someone else will attack Sasuke, he contatcs the largest crime orginazation, and promises to work for them as long as they promise not to hurt Sasuke. but Orochimaru hears that, and quits th akatsuki...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

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  13. #33

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    ...that seems to be far off for me. there is one major hole...what would the akatsuki want with sasuke? i think that itachi joined the akatsuki because the members are as strong as he is. like he said when you have power you can become arogant and isolated...the akatsukis members are powerful, arogant and isolated from their respective villages

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    last week i was looking forward to seeing itachi totally mess up those 3 guys that came to his house, and then conclude the flashbacks shortly after.....and instead i just got a discussion about how they think that itachi mightve possibly killed some guy....and then itachi saying that he didnt, and then talking smack. It is interesting and all, but not worth waiting a week for
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #35

    RE: translated 222 manga discussion

    Very interesting chapter indeed, it makes me believe that Itachi felt he had to slaughter the clan because of all their "corrupt" ambitions/motives. Of course, he spared sasuke cuz he either wanted someone to punish him for his action, or he felt Sasuke could be different from the other clan members.

  16. #36

    translated 222 manga discussion

    i explained why he cant "just" be taking orders
    itachi has a serious problem with athority as he explains in the chapter following orders for the sake of loyalty to the clan, village, or whatever makes you lose sight of what is really important
    if itachi says something like this does that really sound like the type of guy who would be someones lapdog hell no
    to me it seems like itachi is rejecting the fate he is bound to as the most powerful uchiha
    yes he probably has followed many orders thus far but im sure its not out of respect for his superiors or anything like that he just sees these missions as ways to test himself/bide time to figure out how to escape his fate as the uchiha clan's poster boy

    if you are going to accuse me of not having support for my arguement you could at least try reading my posts first

  17. #37
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    translated 222 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: onlyelliot
    i explained why he cant "just" be taking orders
    itachi has a serious problem with athority...
    he's taking orders from the higher eschelons of akatsuki. kthx.

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  18. #38

    translated 222 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: onlyelliot
    i explained why he cant "just" be taking orders
    itachi has a serious problem with athority as he explains in the chapter following orders for the sake of loyalty to the clan, village, or whatever makes you lose sight of what is really important
    if itachi says something like this does that really sound like the type of guy who would be someones lapdog hell no
    to me it seems like itachi is rejecting the fate he is bound to as the most powerful uchiha
    yes he probably has followed many orders thus far but im sure its not out of respect for his superiors or anything like that he just sees these missions as ways to test himself/bide time to figure out how to escape his fate as the uchiha clan's poster boy

    if you are going to accuse me of not having support for my arguement you could at least try reading my posts first
    i read your damned post the first time and i read it again a second time and i STILL dont sufficient analysis to support why itachi cannot have a simple motive. i argued before that itachis simplistic reasoning for murdering his family and clan only serves to make him more complex., and i dont buy itachi has a problem with authority...he only problems with the clan. here is the reasoning that something simple can lead to the complexity of a character. itachi doesnt follow the akatsuki because of loyalty, but because he believes what they support (whatever that is). thus itachi has reached kolhbergs 4th stage of moral development where a person follows and/or do certain actions based upon entirely on what they see as right. its the most complex part of moral development that not everybody reaches in life. (if you dont know kolhbergs analysis on moral development...look it up...its interesting) and there is a decent analysis on how the simplicity of itachi killing the clan, and his reasons for following the akatsuki make him more i gave my argument...wheres yours?

  19. #39

    translated 222 manga discussion

    damn RasenDori we are saying the exact same thing lol
    my whole point is that on surface level his actions appear simple but noone seems to wont to look any deeper than that thats where the complexity comes from
    I dont think Itachis actions should be taken for their surface value because of the undrlying complexity of his motives
    Really i dont know why you are arguing with me when we are both making the same points
    maybe i wasnt specific enough in what i was saying sorry but i really agree with what you are saying
    oh and btw i dont think Itachi was sugesting that he himself has become arrogent from his strength but was more stating as a concern he has for himself

    and yeah Mutata he is taking order but read RasenDori's post for my reasoning of why its more complex than that

  20. #40

    translated 222 manga discussion

    then i apolygize

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