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Thread: Could someone recommend an anime music video site, please.

  1. #1

    Could someone recommend an anime music video site, please.

    I want to watch some anime music videos. Could someone please recommend a good site for this?

  2. #2

    RE: Could someone recommend an anime music video site, please.
    you have to sign up and wait a week or something to download but they have alot of stuff

  3. #3

    Could someone recommend an anime music video site, please.

    you have to wait 2 weeks for them to send you your confirmation thingy.

  4. #4

    Could someone recommend an anime music video site, please.

    Thanks alot!

  5. #5

    Could someone recommend an anime music video site, please.

    It should be 2 weeks to be able to use their local downloads, but you can use the direct and indirect downloads even if you're not a member. You just need to hope that people maintain their own links.

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