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Thread: How strong is kakashi really?

  1. #41

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    I agree with Mutata hyuga hiashi could be beaten by both Kakashi and Gai. I'm sure Kakasi could find some way having over 1000 techniques to beat Hyuga Hiashi. And Gai, Well i'm pretty sure he can open all 8 gates so if he had to he could kill Hyuga Hiashi pretty quick.

  2. #42
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    Originally posted by: Alai
    I agree with Mutata hyuga hiashi could be beaten by both Kakashi and Gai. I'm sure Kakasi could find some way having over 1000 techniques to beat Hyuga Hiashi. And Gai, Well i'm pretty sure he can open all 8 gates so if he had to he could kill Hyuga Hiashi pretty quick.
    you're not understanding this yet. kakashi knowing 1000 jutsus is not really what makes him strong. it's the fact that he can use those jutsus well and according to the situation. a random ninja could know 4000 techniques but if he doesn't know how and when to properly use them, he's completly useless. do you understand?

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  3. #43

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    yeah Random Ninja technique knowledge>j00

  4. #44

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    all those techinques simply mean that he has a huge arsenal of weapons at his disposal. the majority of them could be gay like his 1000 yrs of pain or the one where he buries sasuke in the sand up to his head.

  5. #45

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    I think Hyuga Hiashi isn't Ninja material, he could really beat the fuck outta someone, but he's not ninja material. Just the way he dresses makes me feel like hes a master that doesn't have to make big movements (climb tress, throw a kunai, just comes in and kaiten's everything). Kakashi would win though, he is quick witted and knows how to use jutsus at the right moment.

  6. #46

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?


    Kakashi is a smart SOB. So even if he IS weaker, he has more going for him strategically than most Ninja. Against a stronger opponent, he could just fight them in an indirect way, and smack them down with a creative fashion.

  7. #47
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    as of right now..i still think kakashi is the strongest (good) ninja of konoha besides the sannins. yeah..give it some time and naruto and sasuke will surpass him in a lot of areas but not right now. also gai has to be pretty strong since their fight record against each other is pretty close.
    sure kakashi knows a lot of techniques but i have to agree with mut@t@ when he stated something about knowing many techniques doesn't make you strong...its how you use them.

  8. #48

    How strong is kakashi really?

    You know what'd be cool? If after kakashi woke up he became extremely motivated and trained a lot. I bet the days when he was an ANBU member he was stronger than he is right now. So what if he went back to that state, the state when he was really strong? That would be awesome and i really hope we havent seen Kakashi's true strength yet. That would be such a waste to the coolest character ever [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Sorry bout that off topic comment but here ill say something on topic.

    I think that Gai would defeat Kisame easier than Kakashi. Since Kisame's sword eats chakra, Gai could defeat him with taijutsu (unless i mis-read the anime subs and didnt know that taijutsu uses chakra...) what do you guys think? Go ahead burn me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #49
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    Originally posted by: Pyron
    as of right now..i still think kakashi is the strongest (good) ninja of konoha besides the sannins. yeah..give it some time and naruto and sasuke will surpass him in a lot of areas but not right now. also gai has to be pretty strong since their fight record against each other is pretty close.
    sure kakashi knows a lot of techniques but i have to agree with mut@t@ when he stated something about knowing many techniques doesn't make you strong...its how you use them.
    technically......gai is better by 1 win

    and in all honesty.......i have no idea how they would compare to hyuga hiashi
    neither gai nor kakashi inherited a bloodlimit, so they shouldnt be able to take on a master who does have least one as powerful as the byakugan anyway

    gai i cant see beating hiashi, mainly because hiashi's defense would give him a strong advantage over gai's taijutsu

    as for kakashi.....well out of the 1000s of abilities he has, we've only seen like, a dozen or i have no idea
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  10. #50
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    Hiashi is highly overestimated... the only thing he's done so far is to take down some sound ninjas.. and comon', let's be honest, who can't take down the sound ninjas? the only guy who was 'defetead' by them was Shikamaru, heck, it might be possible for Sakura & Ino tag team to beat one of those guys by themselves...

    Kakashi is a super genious who was a chunin at age 6, and the head of the ANBU, Gai is a super hard worker who even without any special talent managed to rise to the spot of being Kakashi's eternal rival.
    what did Hiashi do so far? he was born into a noble family and got beaten by his small brother. PATHETIC.

    saying that Hiashi is stronger than Kakashi\Gai (and heaves's sake, i remember people saying that he could beat Itachi) is as absurd as saying that Sakura could beat Lee with her booksmarts, or that Shino could beat Asuma. It's stupid and it's wrong.

    here's the jounins how i see it, from the most powerfull down.

    Sannin (Itachi as well)
    Kakashi and Gai
    Morino Ibiki
    Ino\Shika\Chou adults
    Gekku Hyate

    i'm leaving out a few (Shizune, Raidou, the final's referee) becuse they haven't apearred enough in the anime. and i'm basing the spots of Anko and Ibiki on instinct, not from the manga, i'm just guessing that being head of the ANBU, Anko was somewhat good, and by his overall neatness, Ibiki is no pushover as well...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  11. #51
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    for one thing.....who ever said anko has anything to do with anbu? she does NOT deserve to be way up there on the list.....i would say she fits right below asuma

    hiashi and hizashi are supposed to be about equal strength.....i believe neji even stated that

    and ibiki's a pansy......i would put him down below hayate [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #52
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Pyron
    as of right now..i still think kakashi is the strongest (good) ninja of konoha besides the sannins. yeah..give it some time and naruto and sasuke will surpass him in a lot of areas but not right now. also gai has to be pretty strong since their fight record against each other is pretty close.
    sure kakashi knows a lot of techniques but i have to agree with mut@t@ when he stated something about knowing many techniques doesn't make you strong...its how you use them.
    technically......gai is better by 1 win

    and in all honesty.......i have no idea how they would compare to hyuga hiashi
    neither gai nor kakashi inherited a bloodlimit, so they shouldnt be able to take on a master who does have least one as powerful as the byakugan anyway

    gai i cant see beating hiashi, mainly because hiashi's defense would give him a strong advantage over gai's taijutsu

    as for kakashi.....well out of the 1000s of abilities he has, we've only seen like, a dozen or i have no idea

    gai is winning? i i guess gai is the best ninja we're seen so far in konoha

  13. #53
    Missing Nin
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    how is gai the best ninja weve seen so far in konoha. what about sarutobi

  14. #54

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    he was born into a noble family and got beaten by his small brother. PATHETIC.
    he got hit by the Hyuuga taijutsu style by Hizashi because he didnt realise his intentions. Hiashi can kill Hizashi easily (that Hyuuga Curse Seal looks like it causes permanent brain damage...)

  15. #55
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    Originally posted by: r3n
    how is gai the best ninja weve seen so far in konoha. what about sarutobi

    hello do you not read..
    out of all the "good" ninjas ALIVE right now. i stated that kakashi is probably the strongest. and AssertnFailure pointed out that Gai is 1 up on Kakashi so since he's winning...i'm saying he's the strongest right now.

  16. #56
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    How strong is kakashi really?

    don't believe in that record of 50-49. as you saw during the konoha invasion, gai and kakashi keep records of the stupidest things. actually, just gai.

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  17. #57

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    I think that kakashi is stronger, that they're not just showing it right now, maybe with some new person, they will show how strong he really is. They said that he's really one strong ninja. maybe in the next season or whatever they will show how strong he really is. Like he has some kind of past or something. I highly doubt that, but its possible.

  18. #58
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    it'd be less entertaining to watch if naruto and sasuke and all of them were constantly being upstaged by the jounins.

    Just like kisame showed that he didn't have to worry about naruto (by eating his leaking kyuubi chakra before naruto could do anything with it), I think the jounins in general are just on a different playing field than the kids are.

    Kakashi is probably around the same level as kisame -- if he and kisame fought one on one, I think kakashi would probably take it ('cause sharingan is just nifty like that). I think Gai would have more trouble with kisame (because of all the water techniques, Gai would be harder pressed to match them without the kakashi-style arsenal of counters and such), and of course itachi would own him too one on one, but then that's not really particularly fair either (itachi owns pretty much everybody except jiraiya one on one).

    I'd say kakashi and gai are just different styles, and not good to compare to each other. But clearly everyone else has a great deal of respect for kakashi and his opinions, so I think it's safe to assume that he's pretty goddamned strong.

    As far as the Hyuuga go, well .... in general they don't seem to play along with the rest of the village. Everything they do is tuned to their unique abilities. I think it's safe to say that Hiashi knows fewer techniques than Kakashi, but I think it's also safe to say that the ones he knows are generally more devestating. For example, the generic punch/kick/stab become "explode your internal organs" "close your tenketsu" and "stab" (there's not much you can really change about stabbing someone [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]). I think the hyuuga style is more of a defensive one though.

    In terms of guns, I would say kakashi is a sniper rifle, gai is a cannon, and hiashi is a machine gun, which is to say that kakashi and hyuuga are more specialized to a purpose (assasination of a single target and taking out loads of stupid peons) and gai is more general (he can take out specific targets, he can take out loads of stupid peons, but he doesn't do either quite as well).

  19. #59
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    i guess we all agree then that Hiashi, Kakashi and Gai are the strongest 3 right?
    out of those 3...debating can only take us so far...i think we won't know until one of them admits their not as strong as the other or until they duke it out

  20. #60

    RE: How strong is kakashi really?

    As of right now I couldn't say what ninjas are the strongest because there are a lot of ninjas that we haven't seen the full power too. As for Anko, we haven't seen much of what she can do, so it would be hard to judge how powerful she is.

    I believe that we have seen Kakashis power because he used his full power with the first fight with Zabuza and didn't even use Chidori. I do think he has lost strength since he was anbu, so they might have him get stronger. I think with the organization that Kisame and Itachi is in, I forgot the name, there are 9 right? So there are 7 more we get to see, and they must all be really powerful, so I am hoping to see all the main Ninjas they have been showing, including the ANBU girl with the purple hair get some good fighting in.

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