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Thread: Your ability at Japanese

  1. #1
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    Your ability at Japanese

    Are you mediocre at Japanese, decent or have no idea. I was just wondering becuse in other threads they were saying that most Naruto watchers were no good and Japanese.

    I my self am no Japanese expert but i understand keywords and silly thinks like Ero-sennin and Chindori over Lightning Edge.

  2. #2

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    i just started a pimsleurs course that i "bought". thanks foomanchew [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. but anyway, assuming that most people would start a series from the beginning, there would eventually be a point where the japanese words can be used instead of the translation

  3. #3

    Your ability at Japanese

    Shouldn't this be in general discussion?

    Any way, I myself, have taken three years of Japanese - which is enough to a) understand what is going on in raw eps, though a lot of the grammar goes over my head. b) recognize different dialects and ways of speaking; c) with the aid of a dictionary, be able to translate raw manga a bit. d) read basic kanji.

    Honestly, I finally understood most of the grammar concepts after hearing them used in anime.

    [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img]"tsukarimashoo, tsukarimashoo, sate, sate, naniga dekiru kana. hai! dekimashita!" [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img] a song from azumanga daiyo (!!!), was a life saver on a couple of tests, when i had to write short paragraphs on tests - it has so many common verb forms in one little song . . . Thank you, Chiyo, from the bottom of my heart. [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Your ability at Japanese

    no fucking idea.


  5. #5
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Your ability at Japanese

    Lol @ InnerSakurachan.

    I think my Japanese is good enough to eat at a restaurant. Point at the pictures and arigato arigato.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #6

    Your ability at Japanese

    dropped college Japanese one three times, due to my lack of study skills and kept falling behind as teh class progressed without, haven't gone back in 3-4 years to attempt my fourth failure. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    heh, so my pronunciation of words is getting way better on speaking the language while watching the dubs but my comprehension is still at basically zero.

    does it count if you pick up that the translation has left out things? Like when you say to yourself wait I think they really said more I can read faster why didn'tthey include all that they said. Or why drop off some of the affectations, of words.

  7. #7
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    I have never taken any Japanese classes in my life. My sister has taken a several years of Japanese and I still correct her pronunciation. I find that through my many years of watching anime, I have developed a good ear for the language aswell as good pronunciation. I intend to learn Japanese in the future when I'm not too busy with my animation classes.

  8. #8

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    I would love to have true training in japanes. but i was so bad at french they kicked me out of that class the thrid year. Most canadians go thought all those French classes. heck the town i live in is supposivly got a high concentation of french speaking people. WHy am i talking about french? because it is 5am and i am keeping myselg busy i guess. need sleep. But must learn japanes and go to japan and get lost

  9. #9

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    I got no idea, although some of the words do sound the same as Chinese.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    If I know any Japanese at all, I've learned it from anime. Shows that have serious repetition (like naruto, to give this topic some relavance for being in this section of the forums) make learning a few words really easy.

  11. #11

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    I know I've picked up a fair amount of Japanese from watching anime, rather than practicing via by books and tapes. I'm hoping to go to Japan and become fluent via immersion later this year.

  12. #12

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    Ive also learn most of my Japanese through animes. And my pronunciation is getting better.

  13. #13

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    i would say im inbetween decent to no idea, because i just started
    i do understand the basics, and i actually borrowed a couple of books from my friend who already took a year of japanese
    im gonna take japanese courses once the fall quarter begins though
    right now im trying to learn the basics and try to write hiragana and katakana
    i know all of hiragana and the vowels of katakana so far, but its useless unless i know more japanese vocabulary[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    kanji is gonna be hard, but im chinese and my parents know how to read/write it, so the translation is easy but saying it would be a different thing

  14. #14

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    I didn't know any Japanese at all before i got into the world of Anime
    The anime (and ofcourse the fansubbers!) teached me some japanese words and expressions

    Gonna do a course in the basics of japanese soon, want to understand and speak it a bit to get along when i go to Japan next year [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  15. #15

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    I just started the Pimsleurs course as well as a book that I bought. I can count.

  16. #16
    Missing Nin
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    Jan 2004

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    ive done the first couple of lessons of pimsuleurs thingy

  17. #17

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    I learn about 1 new word for every 5 episodes or so of an anime i watch. I've watched a lot of anime during this year and last year (when i got my ADSL), and i learn to see connections between words, but i can never really put my finger on what i have learned, i just understand it sometimes when i see it...

    The first word i learned of japanese was sayonara (i think), and that was when i was a mere child... I don't even know from where i did learn it, i just understood the word without even having any direct connection with anything to do with japanese at such a young age.

    The first word i learned from anime was baka which was used very very much in Sailor Moon [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] And now, the more i learn, the faster i learn because i easier can make connections between words now... But this doesn't mean that i've practically learned how to speak japanese, i'm mearly at the beginning of my learning. Some day i will be able to speak, type and understand japanese [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    The only words I know are from anime and they are the simple things like sorry and the phrase they say before they eat.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  19. #19

    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    Same for me as well. I only know Japanese from the animes I watch so I know only a few words or phrases, but I would love to learn the entire language.

  20. #20
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    RE: Your ability at Japanese

    Therefore ANBU&AONE can place the Japanese words at the bottom and english at the top. All in favor say "I"

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