World-class freak INDEED!!!!! So damn true. Just accept it.
Respect for Viz +5912
World-class freak INDEED!!!!! So damn true. Just accept it.
Respect for Viz +5912
Dang.... just read another butchered chapter of naruto.. my god they made neji sound homo/pediphile
...and there went the Viz respect I just built up...Originally posted by: JusDaMan
Dang.... just read another butchered chapter of naruto.. my god they made neji sound homo/pediphile
oh thisll hella tick u off then terra, the byakugan is called catch this "evil eyes"
Someone really should mail Viz about this shit. I think a boycott or somthing should be done. God knows I've stoped buying Naruto. The translation is too Vizified. Naruto is ruined for the US.
Originally posted by: Melvinmaniacs
I don't know what the deal is with SJ translators, but a couple of months ago, Asuma was mistakenly called Kurenai, and last month, they described Lee as "one of many student ninja from foreign villages". How is he a foreigner when he wears the leaf symbol as a belt?
When did they said that?
For what I recall Shounen Jump is currently in the very same part from that pic... just entering the classroom for the 1st exam... the only part where they have said their name was when they postulated their teams for the exam, and they said it correctly.
I also am very dissapointed in many translations, but hey... only way to support Kishimoto-sensei's work
Yeah I read that at narutofan, I had a seizure and cried 2 bathtubs full.Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
oh thisll hella tick u off then terra, the byakugan is called catch this "evil eyes"
Hey ppls, I just found this~
OOh and does anyone have that scan? The Bandwith has been exceeded and as painful it will be, I want to see it for myself
Signed.Originally posted by: hyuga_hinata
Hey ppls, I just found this~
OOh and does anyone have that scan? The Bandwith has been exceeded and as painful it will be, I want to see it for myself
Here's hoping it's not an exercise in futility.
man i hope this works. all self-respecting naruto fans should sign this petition.Originally posted by: hyuga_hinata
Hey ppls, I just found this~
OOh and does anyone have that scan? The Bandwith has been exceeded and as painful it will be, I want to see it for myself
I hope it works....
signed that too but i just got to say they translate the manga like this in the name of reaching the non anime/manga freak but in the process they've forsaken their base fans.
translating like that destroys it for everyone even if naruto is some ppls first manga they read they will probably learn more about all this once they are into anime and manga completly which will result in that they will also hate viz for what they did. ill sign that petition later i dont got the time now :/
Signed only 866 sigs cmon people!
just signed it. i hope Viz takes the petition into consideration and pleases the fans.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Signed, i'm no longer buying shonen jump or the graphic noves.
Signed, and I have been boycotting the Viz translations since I bought the third book and found the translations to still suck Ass.