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Thread: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

  1. #41

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    I like Haruka Hana the most (2nd intro) but i won.t mind losing this intro either. New intro with new animation = new goodie scenes ^_^

  2. #42

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    I like the outro with the big heads a lot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Its the second last (Sry for my bad English )

  3. #43
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    When it comes to the ending themes, I don't think it's a matter of how well-received the song is.... they just change the ending themes way faster than the opening themes, I don't know why. But it's always like that! Check Inuyasha, for instance, it has at least five more ending songs than opening songs, the same goes for Full-Metal Alchemist and Prince of Tennis.

    If you ask me, to change the ending song quickly means that the show is getting popular, and to have an idol doing the song (such as the girl that's gonna do Naruto's6th ending) will be like one big commercial ad for both the show and the idol!

    So, even though I have to say I like "Ima Made Nando Mo" quite a lot (the song, the animation is completely bleh), I welcome the new song as well!!

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  4. #44

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!


  5. #45

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    when a naruto doesn't come out for one week, does it mean there's gonna b a new intro or something? cuz 90 hasn't come out this week!!! so who knows it's definitely a possibility that there's gonna b a new intro and ending. I'm sure it's gonna be good, all the naruto intro's and endings are really good, so i expect something good.

  6. #46

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    uhh its only the ending thats changing.

  7. #47

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Originally posted by: NoKKiE
    i think it's all good.. only thing im sad about is now we have to wait extra long for some subbers.. *cough cough*
    I just don't get it, how do people complain about a FREE service, if you don't like how they do something you have no room to complain as you are getting it free.

    I don't get why some people are so anal about other people saying ANYTHING about A/A, if you read what I wrote there is nothing I said about complaining.. all I said was that I am sad and I'm sure everyone would feel sad because they ahd to wait extra long =/ there is a big difference between complaining and feeling sad, it's like when naruto wasn't aired this week and you go oh man... sigh... i guess ill wait another week.. is that complaining?

  8. #48

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    The way you ended your message made it seem like a condesending message, sorry I misunderstood you.

  9. #49

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    That's too bad, I sort of liked the new intro that they had from ep 78... I think they should just keep the intros... But then again, I guess tehy change them because they're not acctual anymore.

  10. #50

    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    Im pretty sure only the ending is goind to change and the topic creator misunderstood what was said at though its not up at the site anymore, Narutofan wrote "a new theme song" not specifically a new intro. And since it doesn't make any sense that they'd change to intro already im sure it's the ending thats going to change.

  11. #51

    Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    From what I remember reading at was Tazmo reporting that the ending was the thing that was going to change.
    He even made an announcement of the group who was slated to do the song.

    But, since all of that is gone from the site I can't back it up solidly.

    Guess we'll have to wait till the next ep. for the truth, ne?

    Edit: I checked for reference and here is how it went for intro/outro changes.

    1st intro: Ep 1 - Ep 25
    1st Outro Ep 1 - Ep 25
    2nd intro ep 26 - ep 53
    2nd outro ep 26 - ep 52
    3rd intro ep 54 - ep 77
    3rd outro ep 53 - ep ??
    4th intro ep 78 - ongoing
    4th outro ep ?? - ep 78
    5th outro ep 78 - ep 89 (by my guess)

    Soooooooo, by this, I'm guessing that it IS the outro that is gonna change, due to the pattern of late of the outo changing faster than the intro.

  12. #52

    Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    ep 104 will be new op it's simple because the series follows a patern 26-52-78-104

  13. #53

    Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    I agree completely.
    And I'm pretty sure that is around when this current Tsunade/Oro/Jiriya arc should end.

  14. #54
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    that is very likely and i dont want an intro change for a while. the intro is cool but the outro is getting boring.

  15. #55
    Genin Pyron's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    when all outros show up it pisses me off......and probably everyone else too starts to get excited for the next episode then forgets about it a few hours after haha

  16. #56

    Episode 90 to come with new intro!

    this could be good...or bad....Naruto hasnt done too well as far as endings for me, the one i liked the most (the munchkins on parade) got changed pretty fast, and dont even get me started on harmonia....if this new song is anything in the style or sound or in any way similar to harmonia, i will edit my personal stash to have the current ending, i wish they'd just use Wind and call it a day, it was the best one, the intro's are fine for me, if naruto had Haruka Kanata and Wind as the op/ed for the rest of the 500000 eps of the series, i'd love it, guess we'll have to wait and see tho, sometimes change is for the better

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