Originally posted by: logic
First.. wait.. yup, the name of the anime is <strong>naruto</strong>.. not sauske or neji.
Naruto has recently been proclaimed the #1 ninja at surprising people.
Your arguement is that sauske will do better then neji because he 'knows' naruto.
Naruto has not been with sauske in a long, long time. He's been training on his own, training with jiraiya, and other things that I don't know where the anime is yet, but I do know that sauske has not witnessed narutos development, while sauske has been in the hospital.
Yes, there is a 3rd step, I didn't know the anime had got that far yet, but obviously it hasn't gotten much farther then that.
Even with the 2nd step learned, I still believe it would conquer the chidori and sauske.
Sauske has the sharingan, and lots of talent. Granted. Naruto has kyubi, this alone.. nuff said. Plus his shadow replication, mass shadow replication, rasengan, etc. etc. etc.
Sauske has a knack for underestimating naruto, and thus being more surprised when it occurs.
In a 1v1, sauske will lose. Naruto has seemingly infinite chakra to support him, whereas sauske will lose all of his rather quickly, in his haste to use chidori (for 'flash'). Naruto will win.