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Thread: comp problems

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  1. #1

    comp problems

    my fuggin comp is fucked
    i cant update or install the things that i downloaded
    whenever i try to install something, an error occurs that asks me if i want to send an error report
    i cant figure out what is the problem, but i think it has something to do with Windows Installer

    what sucks more is that i deleted bittorrent 3.3 to update to 3.42 and now i cant even use it, fuckin gay
    man i hate my comp

  2. #2

    comp problems

    --First thing--:
    Maybe you have a virus, thats probably the most direct answer to your question. Run a free test at here , download the trial norton or run a scan from their site.

    --Second Thing--:
    Has your comp done this before? If it only recently started doing this follow these steps.

    Start-->All Programs-->Accessorys-->System Tools-->System Restore.

    This allows up to back track your comp to when ever time you had the last Restore Point Done.

    Such as if Today I had a problem i could go back 2 days where i didnt have the problem, and my originaly files that exisited on that day restored.

    Your computer might make check points automaticaly if the computer is on at a given time. If not you may be forced to back track 1-30 days to find a restore point.

    If this confused you or it is confusing pm me and ill try to help u out more.

    ---Third Thing---
    Have you made any software or hardware changes? That may be causing your problem. (driver, ect)

    ---Final Thing---
    You Might be screwed if you can't find out what happend to your computer. If you have Windows XP then you might still be in luck. But anywho you might have to do a reboot of your computer.

    Advice: if you have more than one drive, move all your anime to the secondary drive and not the main (C:/ <---generaly the main drive)
    and what ever files you might need, and hope that only a C: drive format is required.

  3. #3

    comp problems

    Thank you for your advice
    i do have windows XP
    yeah, i thought about rebooting a lot of times
    the thing that kept me from doing that was all the anime i have, lol
    i already have about 100 gigs on my comp of stuff i want to keep, plus about 70 out of 80 gigs on an external hardrive
    but just today i checked the help section in my comp and tried the restore point (bc i deleted bittorrent and tried to update with the new one but couldnt install it), and guess what, the freakin error popped up - so that decision was screwed
    its been happening for a while, like maybe sometime in the beginning of this year

    anyways your other suggestion about reboot/reformat is probably the way im gonna go
    my brothers friend came over with a 160gig external hd today so ill probably use his, and also my other friend has reformated his comp before so hell help me with that


  4. #4

    comp problems

    Hey thats why the Help Section of this fourms is here for right?

  5. #5

    comp problems

    yes the help section
    well, my comp still sux
    i ran the norton free scan and it says i have a possible virus
    i cant install anything still
    cant even reformat my comp
    most likely, ill check if i still have warranty on it (bc it was bought last july, and we probably payed for warranty) and exchange it for a new one

  6. #6

    comp problems

    Hi i kind of need help too. I Started building my own Pc I have an AMd 2600+ Processor I have the foxconn 400 series MoBo. And Basically have everything you need to build it. I have all the connections in Properly, But when I tried to start it up I get Nothing On my Screen, But i hear everything initializing, I also checked every connection over and over but now i am lost, Can any body please help Me out here. I also tried 2 different moniters but still the same result. Thanks In advance.

  7. #7
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    comp problems

    Hokage Inuyasha: The biggest thing I didn't see you mention, is an OS installed? Make sure you setup your BIOS correctly, and also make sure your monitor is plugged in the correct port (many recent motherboards come with built in video cards, and sometimes people mix them up with inserted cards).

  8. #8

    comp problems

    My Mobo has a built in Video card and i use the same monitor i use on my regular PC.But my problem is the initial power up, i dont see anything on the screen, But everything(meaning all Hardware) seems like its coming on. But no OS is installed yet because i just finished putting it together from Scratch.Thanks in advance if you can help.

  9. #9
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: comp problems

    Hokage Inuyasha: Thread hijacking is a bad thing. In the future, start your own thread for this sort of question, k? Also, have you inserted any extra video cards, or other addon cards? Since the motherboard has on board video, have you tried pulling out all addon cards and everything but a single memory module (and obviously leave the cpu in there too) and trying? Do you get any sort of beeps when stuff starts up (a single short beep would mean "bios POST successful" which is a good thing, but a long beep, or several beeps would indicate errors).

    I'll double-post for my next volley at tensai, 'cause I'm hoping a moderator splits this off into a new thread.

  10. #10
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: comp problems

    tensai: did it say what possible virus? Or have they turned completely frigging homo these days like I suspect they did.

    Everyone should have antivirus software. It's a must on the net these days. Antivirus and firewall software both, preferably. It's seriously worth it to pay the 30 or 40 bucks for mcaffee or norton or whatever if you can't find any other way to go (even though both mcaffee home and norton's end-user offerings are craptastic). You might consider trying housecall ( ) since it doesn't seem like the sort of autosoddomistic crap that I think symantec's has become. If you can figure out what virus it is, you should be able to find free removal tools for it.

    There are free antivirus programs out there.... the ones I can think of off the top of my head are Avast! and AVG. Avast! has a signup process, I'm not sure about AVG's. But you'll probably need to figure out what virus it is that's interrupting installers before you do that. Hence housecall [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img].

    Let us know how it goes, and good luck.

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