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Thread: help with the download?

  1. #1

    help with the download?

    how can i speed up my download? i'm only going at 1k and i know i can download faster than that. I'm trying to download episodes 71-80 of naruto. any advice?

  2. #2

    help with the download?

    be patient

  3. #3

    help with the download?

    look for torrents with more seeds, wait a while for your download to speed up, or download each ep seperatley ^^

  4. #4
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Bellevue, WA

    help with the download?

    Also try raising and lowering the max upload KilB limit. It helps to speed up the connection. Also mach the numebr of peers to the number of max number uploads allowed this weill also raiseyour dl speed. But yeah all of this comes down be patient anf getting some on the dl that has a super fast speed and is really generous with their bandwith.

  5. #5

    help with the download?

    Also, it could be that you have a router that is behind a firewall. If you do, you are going to need to forward the ports for Bittorrent (6881-6999) on your router. If you don't know how to do this, just tell me what kind of router you have (D-Link, Linksys, etc.) and the model number and I'll give you a step by step guide on how to forward the ports. Hope I could help.

  6. #6

    help with the download?

    I'm moving this to the Anime Downloads section, as this is where such a thread should reside.

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