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Thread: How do you feel about Tsunade?

  1. #1

    How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Okay, since Tsunade's about to be featured in the anime, I thought I'd see everyone's opinion about her.

    Personally, I fall under the 'can't stand her' school of thought. She's got some serious character flaws that I feel make her completely unworthy to be Hokage.

    First, her gambling problem. Now, the Hokage is supposed to be the village's leader, not necessarily a frontline fighter. Leaders are generally supposed to be reliable, honest and of good moral character. Tsunade has lied to the point of changing her appearance to run away from gambling debts, and there's certainly a suggestion that she's stolen her fair share of money in order to have money to gamble with. Where else would she have gotten that huge case of bills that shocked Shizune so much? Personally, I don't want a robber and debt-evader for my leader.

    Secondly, her inability to deal maturely with grief. Yes, her younger brother and the man she loved died in battle and she couldn't save them. That sucks. It's sad. However, they died honorably, in battle during a time of war. They're ninjas, that's what happens in war time. Yes, it does place a burden of guilt on her that with her medical skills she couldn't save them. However, all doctors, ALL of them, have to deal with patients dying. If you're a combat field medic, and half of your patients die, you're ahead of the game, no joke. Tsunade by this time was a mature ninja, not a child, and should be expected to be able to deal with both grief and survivor's guilt. To become so non-functional that she not only can't be a medic, or even a ninja at all, is showing a lack of coping ability, but becoming so freaked that she can't even stand to see blood is completely uncalled for.

    Grief is difficult and trying, but it's also part of a coping process, and adults should be able to deal with grief and move past it, even when dealt very heavy blows, most especially when one is a ninja and death is an accepted part of living as a ninja.

    Look at Kakashi: he admits to Sasuke that everyone he held precious to him is already dead, yet he continues to do his duty to the village, completing missions as a jounin, training students and even protecting Sasuke as much as he can. His teacher died, his best friend is on the memorial and one assumes his teammates also died, so he had no one obvious to lean on during his grief, yet he still continues to do his job and live his life. Tsunade, on the other hand, still had teammates and a teacher who would have helped her cope. Jiraiya seemed to care about her wellbeing, and the Third was very kind, so she wouldn't have been alone in her grief.

    So, let me hear your thoughts.

  2. #2

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Tsunade seems to have dropped a lot of her bad traits when becoming hokage. She's dealing with current situations rationally and is planning ahead for unexpected events (sand treaty , etc.) The fear of blood is no longer there and she has learened to cope with the deaths of both her boyfriend (?) and her brother. I think she's fine.

  3. #3
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    i thikn she's okay. i think her gambling problem is there to give some comedy to her character. such as jiraiya's pervy-ness. i dont think its all that serious. and i dont think you're really fair there with the deaths. okay a doctor should learn to handle deaths but both her boyfriend and little brother died in her arms. personally i would of course want to see jiraiya as hokage instead of tsunade but she was the best alternative. and besides jiraiya is still there to give advice if needed. so its not all that bad. and she is one of the sannin you would think that she can be serious if its needed.

  4. #4

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Eh... certain Good qualities makes up with certain Bad qualities tsunade has.

  5. #5

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    If you're talking about bad qualities then none of the legendary 3 would make the worst hokage's ever. Jiraiya would the laziest, lech of a hokage who does not like anything administrative (he left Konoha to make smut novels !?) Don't get me wrong he's one of my fave characters but him, Orochimaru who would be like Hitler if her were Hokage aren't very good candidates. Tsunade I think is the best one even though she has many faults. That's whats so funny about the legendary 3 they're not the greatest people. However Ithink Jiraiya was right in getting Tsunade to do it because it also makes sense to have the best medic nin at home base especially when the population of working ninjas has dwindled greatly. Plus I LOVe her brashness, and short temper that balances off the laid back attitude of Jiraiya who is sort of a recluse. I guess I'm partial though cause I like strong female characters

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    i don't care about tsunade.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #7
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Tsunades cool, her becoming Hokage, being the 1sts granddaughter, its like starting the Hokage line all over again and thats cool in my book

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #8

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    tsunade is fine. I think she will be a good hokage.

  9. #9

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    I don't like her.

  10. #10

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    dun really care about her atm

    maybe some more involvement as hokage could work nice for improvement.

    like the 3rd was always about , giving emotional speeches etc

  11. #11
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Well. Thats the typicalness of Kishimoto's Naruto. Where every character has his own flaws. But if given the chance, can aspire to be someone beyond what you can possibly expect. Who knows, Tsunade might bring a Golden Age for Ninja's, with better health care(All those new medic ninja's), and higher higher taxes (probably Konoha might turn communist where Tsunade hogs all the money).

    Hence, goes on the more or less similar "Sakura sucks vs. Sakura would be good" threads.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Tsunade is an awesome Hokage. Her character seems to be more fleshed out than the last hokage, well, at least we know more about her. She even has the same relationship with Naruto as the 3rd did, in her case a kind of older (much older) sister that fights with him but generally likes him.

    She has sweet skills that make her very powerful, super strength (like her grandfather), she can't die, and she can basically turn your own body against you with all her jutsu's.

    I'm starting to see that the characters in Naruto fall into two groups. There are all the female genin, Tsunade, and some of the other genin (like Chouji and Kiba) in one group and Neji and Itachi in the other. People seem to like one and hate the other.

  13. #13

    How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Topic Title: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    I feel all warm and fuzzy inside [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Naah, j/k
    She is nice and all, a bit of a hotheaded person, but ok
    Didn't see much of her yet in the anime and missed the part where she was in the manga, so..

  14. #14

    How do you feel about Tsunade?

    lol, you basically listed the things naruto was upset about. i dont think the hokage are perfect. . well ok maybe the 3rd, hmm actually all four. ok anyway

    i think the important thing about being hokage is both superior skill, but also the willingness to die for the country. thats why orochi cant be hokage, he doesnt give a damn about the people who serve him.

    True she had that phobia of blood but its not that easy to watch your loved ones die, especially after giving them that necklace and they almost immediatly dying afterwards. Watching a stranger die, and watching a loved one die is very different, even as a doctor and knowing that she is the best and nothing could be done. well damn.

    yeah the gambling is a problem and she deifnatly isnt as great as the 3rd but hell, you guys think naruto is going to be that good? he is loud, a trouble maker, will probably graffitti the faces again when he becomes hokage because then no one can yell at him (lol, no but still, i can see him making a LOT of changes when he becomes hokage).

    I think she is an ok hokage, the best for the choices now, and i doubt they could do better. now jiraiya. . he would be a horrible choice!!! as much as i like him you know his personaility isnt suited for leading, thats why he suggests tsunade. he loves the leaf just as much, and thats why he passes it up for someone he knows is better.

  15. #15
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Tsunade is an awesome Hokage. Her character seems to be more fleshed out than the last hokage, well, at least we know more about her. She even has the same relationship with Naruto as the 3rd did, in her case a kind of older (much older) sister that fights with him but generally likes him.

    She has sweet skills that make her very powerful, super strength (like her grandfather), she can't die, and she can basically turn your own body against you with all her jutsu's.

    I'm starting to see that the characters in Naruto fall into two groups. There are all the female genin, Tsunade, and some of the other genin (like Chouji and Kiba) in one group and Neji and Itachi in the other. People seem to like one and hate the other.
    you cant really put everyone on the same line. since all of them are so diffrent for example i really cant handle any of the hyuuga's but i have no problem with kiba and i like chouji. i cant handle sakura but dont care much for ino. tenten is quite annyoing to. itachi is a cool character while neji isnt. each and every character is diffrent so it would be wrong to put them in groups like that. especially putting tsunade in the same group as the female genin that just too wrong. since all the female genin are about is to cheer on one or more male characters and suck themselfs.

  16. #16

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    I like Tsunade. There have been so few good females in Naruto, that Im glad to see one receive recognition.

    See, we are good for something other that washing dishes and making babies.

  17. #17
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    yea underwear models [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] oh and you forgot cleaning, doing the laundry, cooking [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] nah im just playing around sorry about that girls. i dont really think like that.

    yea this series doesnt got lots of strong females, it got temari and tsunade so far, not even anko and kurenai has done anything significant.

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    i dont have much of an opinion about tsunade....since the only thing she did that stuck out in my mind was when she used gamabunta's knife on manda.....i need to see more dramatic scenes with her to get more of an impression
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #19

    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    I like her a lot, probably because she's so strong...

    and she has nice tits.

  20. #20
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: How do you feel about Tsunade?

    Originally posted by: Krazie!
    and she has nice tits.
    Psst.. Which episode is that?? And when can we see them? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

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