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Thread: Not enough Jutsu?

  1. #1

    Not enough Jutsu?

    In all of the naruto episodes my favorites were during the Chuunin exam, when they introduced us more to the other characters in Naruto. (I loved the ones in the Forest of Death) Now that it's over it looks like they're gonna go back to not involving naruto's classmates in the storyline.

    I love all the different personalities that his classmates have, makes the series a lot more interesting, but as far as their Jutsu's go, it feels like Pokemon or somethin. Like Naruto = Pikachu (the main character/pokemon) and all he does is Shadow Replication, Transform and now looks like he's going to use the Typhoon thing attack all the time. The fights get pretty boring since we all know what moves Naruto/Sasuke is going to do. (Not even gonna include Sakura, she doesn't do jack)

    The classmates are worse though, they basically only know 1 jutsu each and barely know how to use it well. (The classmates are all the rest of the pokemon, all they do is 1-2 different attacks max)

    Take Shikamaru for example. He's supposedly this uber-genius lazy guy, but for an uber-genius, even a lazy one. You'd think he'd know more than 1 Jutsu (would make since if he didn't use any hand to hand but knew like 50+ jutsu) and he doesn't even use his Shadow Imitation well at all. When he had the 8 ninja's in it during the last chuunin episodes. All he would've had to do is force them to take out their knives then stab each other. Not like the hidden 9th ninja would be able to stop all 8 of em from killing each other with hand-to-hand kukuri. Even if he could only hold em their for 12 seconds, could still be able to kill probably 4 of the 8. Hell if he even knew how to make 1 Shadow replication he'd be able to kick serious ass with Shadow Imitation + Shadow Replication. (Make 2 of himself, have one use shadow imitation to hold the guy, then have the other kick his ass)

    Then Shino only uses his bugs. Random forgot her name chick who was in Lee and Naji's team only uses weapons. Naji and Hinata only use byakukan basically. Lees got his martial arts. Chouji and even his dad only have double weight. Ino is about as useless as Sakura. Kiba had a decent amount of moves but we only saw him fight ONCE.

    They all have awesome personalities but they need more air time and more jutsu definitely. Would make the fight scenes a lot more interesting.

  2. #2

    Not enough Jutsu?

    ino is not useless as sakura. sakura is as useless as you can get at this point. \

    yes. i agree that there should be more jutsus, which there will be. that i have no doubt about.

  3. #3

    Not enough Jutsu?

    Eh... I understand what you're saying, but then again the series is being treated differently than others. Without large scale "time-warps" or some insanely stupid teacher-student Jutsu Transfer method (No, I'm not criticizing the Sharingan) I don't think people will instantly learn jutsu. It took Sasuke a month to learn Chidori and Naruto is currently going through his Rasengan training, which has taken a bit of time (And by the way would take MORE time if he tried to learn to control the technique with one hand).

    I'd like to see morre jutsu too, but right now its all about story. Maybe when other characters come out during new episodes, if they do, they'll have some new jutsu, but this show is going somewhat in a reality sense where people learn things.

  4. #4
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    you need to understand that these guys are genin the lowest class of ninjas. they dont know many good jutsus. the jutsus naruto has is all jounin level jutsus which is very good for a genin. also neji is a real genius he learned a hard hyuuga jutsu all by himself. sasuke also got some fire jutsus on jounin level and the chidori. most of them are stronger than they should be at genin level.

  5. #5

    Not enough Jutsu?

    Well lets look at Shadow Replication a sec.

    It only took Naruto 1 day to learn it and apparently Shikamaru's family has a "thing" for Shadow jutsus, yet he doesn't even know Shadow Replication, which would take an uber-genius even less time to learn than Naruto, specially since Naruto was a lot weaker back then than he is now.

    You'll counter this arguement with the idea that the Shadow Replication jutsu is a "forbidden" technique, but wtf is that supposed to mean? Naruto and Kakashi both have used it, Naruto using it all the time, what's so forbidden about it? Maybe it's forbidden cause it's such an awesome technique that takes so little time to learn?

    I understand that Rasengan/Chidori would take a long time to learn, but I'm not asking for an uber-leet jutsu for all the non-main characters, just a 1 or 2 new ones, they could suck for all I care, long as it makes their fights more entertaining to watch.

    Main reason why the creators don't want Shikamaru to know Shadow Replication at this time? Forbidden Technique is just an excuse to let Naruto use it all the time, making it look like his own unique thing he does. If they let Shikamaru do it also, it'd take away from the "specialness" that is Naruto, the main character.

    But I seriously would prefer more interaction/background on the other characters than Naruto/Sasuke. We've known their story since the beginning, we can guess the outcome of their battles an episode ahead of when they happen.

    Main reason I really don't like PVP in most MMORPGS? Same reason, you can guess the outcome of the battle before it even starts.

    It's a lot more fun/interesting to see other characters battle it out with multiple jutsus that you haven't seen 50 times before. It might not be "realistic" in the world of Naruto to know more than 1 unique jutsu as a genin, but this story isn't exactly supposed to be realistic, it's supposed to be entertaining.

  6. #6
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    you are a anime watcher i guess? the story is what makes it entertaining not the jutsus.and kage bunshin IS a jounin level jutsu. the fact that naruto learned it so quick is maybe to show that he isnt a complete retard we have seen many hints at him being more of a genius type of guy.

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Not enough Jutsu?

    Not only does NokturnalAndy have a very nice name, he shares my sentiments too. While it might not be mega logical if all charas know a shitload of jutsus, I want more jutsus and DEFINATELY more air time for the classmates. I mean just look at the openings & endings, they suggest that the classmates are almost as important as Team 7. I think the series needs to show this more.

  8. #8

    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    my opinion on the kage bunshin is that its forbidden because it hurts the user more than it hurts the 'target' mainly because of the chakra loss

  9. #9
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    hmm yea naruto can use it well because he got an eternal amount of chakra(more or less) other ppl need to think how they use their chakra.

  10. #10
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    the shadow of "kage bunshin' isn't the same shadow in 'kage mane"...
    the shadow clone is merely a replication technique with a cool name, it has nothing to do with shadows, while the Nara family actually utilizes their shadows to catch thier enemies... is the diffrence clear to you?

    they can't all know super cool jutsus, becuase there aren't that many jutsus to know... it's not YYH or some other super-powers anime, where everyone has thier "ougie" movement... the charecters in Naruto will probably learn a couple of new Jutsus until the series end..

    oh, and just for a quick note, it's only team seven who doesn't have jutsu, the rest of the teams know quite a bit jutsus (ino had the hair thing, and both Neji and Tenten know the basic's of the lotus)... the reason? Kakashi sucks as a teacher.

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  11. #11
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    the point for each character having few specific jutsus is to distinguish them from others. it'd be stupid if neji's main techniques involved using kage bunshin or mind transfer.

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  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    I agree with what the Resident Gimp said. I mean, if everyone (I mean EVERYONE) knows how to do Kage Bunshin or Mind Transfer, then the ending result is another Dragonball Z. Eventually, we should see more jutsu's from everyone and they'll all be different from one another.
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  13. #13

    RE: Not enough Jutsu?

    its not about the number of justus a character has...its the way they use will be surprized by the number of times you can be impressed by the same jutsu. eventually characters will learn more jutsus, but it is interesting to see them dealing with what they have and managing a victory

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