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Thread: actual 221 manga discussion

  1. #21

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Uzumaki Naruto
    kinda boring, i mean its good that there getting into sasukes past but i wanna c some dam action wanna c naruto kik sasukes ass with kyubi power or something
    dude... calm down...this manga isnt just about action, you would think that getting 6 months of action would make someone kinda bored of that by now...the manga needed to slow down for the sake of story porgression

  2. #22

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Just beacuse Itachi talkes to his brother doesnt mean that he is a good guy!

    Itachi secret mission can be the killing of his clan.

    This chapters flashback was better than the last weeks but i hope the next weeks flashback is the last cause the story has to move on.

    Death B: You are right they should make good flashbacks like these about Narutos past,when they do flashbacks about Naruto i want atleast 10 flashback chapters[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  3. #23
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    actual 221 manga discussion

    This chapter was as awesome as the last one. I'm very anxious to find out more about how this ended up.

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    more flashbacks yay! [/sarcasm] looks like next week will also be a flashback well done kishimoto you just totally fucked yourself, now i actually have something bad to mention about naruto, this is just stupid bring on the fight they are just retelling us what we already know the next chapter better be good because these flashbacks are getting on my nerve and itachi is still evil i don't care what kind of sweet flashbacks they give about him he remains evil he killed the entire uchiha clan and that's that appointing a different murder is wrong and i'll hate kishimoto forever if he makes up some bullshit crap like that
    Can you please just go and drown you goddamn imbecile?

  4. #24

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Kalean
    I would say that while conclusive evidence has yet to be presented, this chapter has provided another point for people like me that believe Itachi is not actually evil to harp on. 'Even if it means being hated, that's what being an elder brother is all about.'? Itachi keeps telling Sasuke to hate him with every fiber of his being, in the hopes of driving Sasuke past his own limits, and it looks like that idea was formulating way back then. Some people will find this ambiguous, but to me it says that Itachi loved his brother and was willing to sacrifice any love he could get in return to benefit his brother in the long term, which is quite a high level of brotherly love, although a bit twisted. Then again, they're Shinobi, wishing your loved one to be strong is about the highest wish you can have for them, I suppose. Putting oneself in a position for someone you care about to hate you, knowing that doing so will benefit them the most, is quite a painful thing to do, but it's obvious that at least in the past, Itachi was resigned to that.
    or MAYBE... kishimoto is purposely trying to make itachi look like a good guy to trick us. and what was your theory on itachi again? that he didn't kill the uchihas (therefore, innocent), it was someone else and itachi took the blame so that sasuke would chase after him? if you're gonna stick with the innocent itachi theory, tell me who really did it and why. i'm curious.
    One doesn't have to know who's guilty to discover who's innocent. Kishimoto is more than capable of throwing Itachi's alignment into question while still keeping that a mystery. Unless you're trying to say he's a bad writer...

    Perhaps some of the more intelligent people that disagreed with me before will re-consider after this chapter, it seems conclusive to me.
    sorry, but that is the stupidest thing to say. sounds like you're trying to be some sort of harvard professor who is trying to correct people.

    and... those two guys at the end look like they want a fight with itachi. i hope itachi buries them in the dirt.
    I merely meant that there are some people who stubbornly cling to their precious evil Itachi, and some who actually try to discover the truth. Rasen Dori converted to the 'light side' after this chapter, albeit hesitantly, and I thought the chapter would be enough for many others. It would seem I was wrong.

    As for those two (Three? There's an Uchiha member standing behind them, possibly just a bystander.) people that want to talk to Itachi... If they want a fight, they're going to die, and we all know that, so I hope they actually say something interesting before he murders them.

  5. #25

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    i'll hate kishimoto forever if he makes up some bullshit crap like that
    Oh my god, that will really make him get nightmares.
    Image, there is this dude living at the other end of the world, who doesn't pay you a single buck for your works because he downloads all the stuff from the internet without buying the domestic releases afterwards - and he doesn't like it.
    I am sure that will drive Kishimoto into some serious depression, really.

    If you don't like it - don't read it. No one is forcing you to do so.

    I would love it so much if in 225 Orochimaru starts a second attack, in 230 killed the last kown konoha ninja and by 232 overtook the world. Series end. Just to see the faces of the so called "naruto fans".

    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  6. #26

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Perhaps Kishimoto is making Itachi look good now, so when they show him killing the clan it becomes even more badass and evil.

  7. #27

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    more flashbacks yay! [/sarcasm] looks like next week will also be a flashback well done kishimoto you just totally fucked yourself, now i actually have something bad to mention about naruto, this is just stupid bring on the fight they are just retelling us what we already know the next chapter better be good because these flashbacks are getting on my nerve and itachi is still evil i don't care what kind of sweet flashbacks they give about him he remains evil he killed the entire uchiha clan and that's that appointing a different murder is wrong and i'll hate kishimoto forever if he makes up some bullshit crap like that

    Dude just shut up and wait, its not like you gonna die next week or something. Our just go back to your dragon ball if you have a need for action.

  8. #28
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Kalean
    I merely meant that there are some people who stubbornly cling to their precious evil Itachi, and some who actually try to discover the truth. Rasen Dori converted to the 'light side' after this chapter, albeit hesitantly, and I thought the chapter would be enough for many others. It would seem I was wrong.
    sounds like you're trying to convert people... like how they do it in religion. and when you say that people are stubbornly clinging to something, you make it sound as if what they're clinging to is wrong. yeah, don't do that.

    is itachi innocent? i don't think so. but is it possible? maybe. i just think that there would be too much plot bullshit if itachi doesn't end up the one who killed the uchiha clan. it would be better off if he did it for a 'good' reason (i don't know how, but whatever). there can't be any logical explanations if itachi wasn't the killer. let's look at the possibilities of who could potentially be the real killer:

    1. orochimaru: ok, so i don't know if this is before orochimaru found out about kimimaro's illness or not but if orochimaru wanted sharingan, he could've jacked them from itachi 5-6 years ago. UNLESS, itachi was already so much stronger than orochimaru (which i doubt). anything else?

    2. higher eschelons of akatsuki: i don't even know why they would possibly do it or if they were even around back then. anything else?

    3. random bad guy who will be introduced later: that'll be complete bs.

    4. a bad guy who's already introduced: who could it possibly be when the only major bad guys we know of are orochimaru and itachi.

    someone work with me here.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #29

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Kalean
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Kalean
    I would say that while conclusive evidence has yet to be presented, this chapter has provided another point for people like me that believe Itachi is not actually evil to harp on. 'Even if it means being hated, that's what being an elder brother is all about.'? Itachi keeps telling Sasuke to hate him with every fiber of his being, in the hopes of driving Sasuke past his own limits, and it looks like that idea was formulating way back then. Some people will find this ambiguous, but to me it says that Itachi loved his brother and was willing to sacrifice any love he could get in return to benefit his brother in the long term, which is quite a high level of brotherly love, although a bit twisted. Then again, they're Shinobi, wishing your loved one to be strong is about the highest wish you can have for them, I suppose. Putting oneself in a position for someone you care about to hate you, knowing that doing so will benefit them the most, is quite a painful thing to do, but it's obvious that at least in the past, Itachi was resigned to that.
    or MAYBE... kishimoto is purposely trying to make itachi look like a good guy to trick us. and what was your theory on itachi again? that he didn't kill the uchihas (therefore, innocent), it was someone else and itachi took the blame so that sasuke would chase after him? if you're gonna stick with the innocent itachi theory, tell me who really did it and why. i'm curious.
    One doesn't have to know who's guilty to discover who's innocent. Kishimoto is more than capable of throwing Itachi's alignment into question while still keeping that a mystery. Unless you're trying to say he's a bad writer...

    Perhaps some of the more intelligent people that disagreed with me before will re-consider after this chapter, it seems conclusive to me.
    sorry, but that is the stupidest thing to say. sounds like you're trying to be some sort of harvard professor who is trying to correct people.

    and... those two guys at the end look like they want a fight with itachi. i hope itachi buries them in the dirt.
    I merely meant that there are some people who stubbornly cling to their precious evil Itachi, and some who actually try to discover the truth. Rasen Dori converted to the 'light side' after this chapter, albeit hesitantly, and I thought the chapter would be enough for many others. It would seem I was wrong.

    As for those two (Three? There's an Uchiha member standing behind them, possibly just a bystander.) people that want to talk to Itachi... If they want a fight, they're going to die, and we all know that, so I hope they actually say something interesting before he murders them.
    I was looking at the last image and to me it seems all 3 people in the image are Uchiha members, since their clothing style is similar.
    I cannot say for sure where Kishimoto is taking this subplot, but I have confidence in his ability.

  10. #30

    actual 221 manga discussion

    I dunno, it's a huge stretch but maybe Kabuto could be involved, like i said highly unlikely but it would be interesting, we dont know much about him. And it's a bad guy that has already been introduced.

  11. #31

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Kalean
    I merely meant that there are some people who stubbornly cling to their precious evil Itachi, and some who actually try to discover the truth. Rasen Dori converted to the 'light side' after this chapter, albeit hesitantly, and I thought the chapter would be enough for many others. It would seem I was wrong.
    sounds like you're trying to convert people... like how they do it in religion. and when you say that people are stubbornly clinging to something, you make it sound as if what they're clinging to is wrong. yeah, don't do that.

    is itachi innocent? i don't think so. but is it possible? maybe. i just think that there would be too much plot bullshit if itachi doesn't end up the one who killed the uchiha clan. it would be better off if he did it for a 'good' reason (i don't know how, but whatever). there can't be any logical explanations if itachi wasn't the killer. let's look at the possibilities of who could potentially be the real killer:

    1. orochimaru: ok, so i don't know if this is before orochimaru found out about kimimaro's illness or not but if orochimaru wanted sharingan, he could've jacked them from itachi 5-6 years ago. UNLESS, itachi was already so much stronger than orochimaru (which i doubt). anything else?

    2. higher eschelons of akatsuki: i don't even know why they would possibly do it or if they were even around back then. anything else?

    3. random bad guy who will be introduced later: that'll be complete bs.

    4. a bad guy who's already introduced: who could it possibly be when the only major bad guys we know of are orochimaru and itachi.

    someone work with me here.

    Fine I'll work with you just for the sore purpose of presenting a post that actually "looks" intelligent instead of "OMFG MORE FLASHBACK or OMFG THAT THREAD IS SO GAY AND THAT GUY HAVE NO LIFE!!!".

    Orochimaru used a illusion technique on Itachi while Itachi had his guards down, possibly with some dirty lowlife trick involving Sasuke. Itachi slaughter the clan but manage to break free the mind control from Oro (or some other bad guy, dunno, could even be the leader of Akatsuki) and thus gain Manga-Sharingan.

    If the mind control was from Oro, then it's because Oro wanted to take over Itachi's body and process the only Sharingan in the world.

    If the mind control was from Akatsuki leader, then it's because of some other sinister plot blah blah blah (ok I'll stop right here)

    Have fun flaming and attacking the bigass hole in this theory!

  12. #32
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    actual 221 manga discussion

    here's another one

    Orochimaru sends someone to kill the Uchiha clan, but Itachi kills him just after the enemy killed everybody but Sasuke. So he takes responsability on the killing to prevent Sasuke from getting himself killed. and then he joins up with akatsuki to find the true killer.
    by that time, Kabuto sneaks into whatever group who came to check out the killing, and see's the killers' body and hides it from everybody else, without infiorming Orochimaru.

    so this way, Orochimaru thinks that Itachi killed the entire clan before his man got to it, and so he speaks nothing about it once Itachi joins the Akatsuki, but Itachi doesn't know who sent the attacker, or believes that the attacker acted on his own, so he doesn't suspect Orochimaru and tells Sasuke to keep on living, so he could build the Uchiha clan once again...

    so you see, this way, everybody's fucked up with only half-truthes and we, the readers, win a nice plot...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #33

    actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Destroyor
    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Kalean
    I merely meant that there are some people who stubbornly cling to their precious evil Itachi, and some who actually try to discover the truth. Rasen Dori converted to the 'light side' after this chapter, albeit hesitantly, and I thought the chapter would be enough for many others. It would seem I was wrong.
    sounds like you're trying to convert people... like how they do it in religion. and when you say that people are stubbornly clinging to something, you make it sound as if what they're clinging to is wrong. yeah, don't do that.

    is itachi innocent? i don't think so. but is it possible? maybe. i just think that there would be too much plot bullshit if itachi doesn't end up the one who killed the uchiha clan. it would be better off if he did it for a 'good' reason (i don't know how, but whatever). there can't be any logical explanations if itachi wasn't the killer. let's look at the possibilities of who could potentially be the real killer:

    1. orochimaru: ok, so i don't know if this is before orochimaru found out about kimimaro's illness or not but if orochimaru wanted sharingan, he could've jacked them from itachi 5-6 years ago. UNLESS, itachi was already so much stronger than orochimaru (which i doubt). anything else?

    2. higher eschelons of akatsuki: i don't even know why they would possibly do it or if they were even around back then. anything else?

    3. random bad guy who will be introduced later: that'll be complete bs.

    4. a bad guy who's already introduced: who could it possibly be when the only major bad guys we know of are orochimaru and itachi.

    someone work with me here.

    Fine I'll work with you just for the sore purpose of presenting a post that actually "looks" intelligent instead of "OMFG MORE FLASHBACK or OMFG THAT THREAD IS SO GAY AND THAT GUY HAVE NO LIFE!!!".

    Orochimaru used a illusion technique on Itachi while Itachi had his guards down, possibly with some dirty lowlife trick involving Sasuke. Itachi slaughter the clan but manage to break free the mind control from Oro (or some other bad guy, dunno, could even be the leader of Akatsuki) and thus gain Manga-Sharingan.

    If the mind control was from Oro, then it's because Oro wanted to take over Itachi's body and process the only Sharingan in the world.

    If the mind control was from Akatsuki leader, then it's because of some other sinister plot blah blah blah (ok I'll stop right here)

    Have fun flaming and attacking the bigass hole in this theory!
    A master of Sharingan being beaten by genjutsu, riiiiigghhhht!

  14. #34

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    I have a feeling that the 3 guys on the last page is there to find trouble with Itachi and the one back facing them is Obito. Kishimoto might just tell us how Kakashi get his sharingan here since it was never mentioned and since its about Uchiha now. Its just an instinct that I think the guy back facing them is Obito and he is gonna lose and give Kakashi his sharingan before he dies.

  15. #35
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    okay i didnt read many of the posts since i didnt want to see more bullshit posts like deluxskillz's... these flashbacks have been very, very good. i cant tell if itachi is good or evil anymore, his father is hiding to much secrets with all these "missions" that are exclusive for the uchiha. its possible that he killed the clan for the greater good of konoha? i dont know anymore.

  16. #36
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    Itachi killed the damn clan. This is build-up on his motives. Nothing more, nothing less. If you don't believe me, you'll see. And if this proves to be wrong, which it won't, I never said it. (...)

  17. #37

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    the story of the uchiha's death has become more and more revealed to us.
    but by the way itachi was talking to sasuke, i think that the whole clan's death is for a greater cause and it's not because itachi is trying to prove to strength.

  18. #38

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    okay i didnt read many of the posts since i didnt want to see more bullshit posts like deluxskillz's... these flashbacks have been very, very good. i cant tell if itachi is good or evil anymore, his father is hiding to much secrets with all these "missions" that are exclusive for the uchiha. its possible that he killed the clan for the greater good of konoha? i dont know anymore.
    i agree...although i cannot say that sasuke and itachis father is up to anything siniseter...but i think that on some level itachi is doing what he can to protect sasuke

    i really cant say if itachi killed the clan or not...and i still think he did. if he didnt we shouldnt expect to see the truth anytime soon. this is sauskes flashback and hes clueless

  19. #39
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    the guy on the bottom left of the last page doesnt look like an uchiha......not only do most uchihas have dark hair, but that thing around his waist looks more "sound ninja" style.....although that cant really be the case, since the sound village didnt exist back then.....but eh i dunno

    its really interesting with this flashback, because you get a perspective of sasuke that you wouldnt consider otherwise. Sasuke was always known for wanting to avenge his clan, and being all lonely and junk, but even when his family was around, he still was depressed, just for different reasons. I was kinda hoping that i would see naruto in the flashbacks of the classroom, to help support my theory about how he was in the same class as the others the whole time, and not just held back or anything. (although him being the same age alone should be enough evidence)

    The whole "using itachi as a connection" sorta thing sounds fishy and kinda corrupt.......maybe itachi catches on that the whole clan is trying to take over konoha? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] in any case, im sure the "secret mission" will give us a big clue
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #40

    RE: actual 221 manga discussion

    Heres a theory.

    Itachi's special ANBU mission involves tracking down Oro and bringing him to justice. While Itachi is away, Oro comes in and slaughters the clan. Itachi returns just after and see's Sasuke coming home from practice (the pole scene)

    Itachi does not want to show Sasuke that he is weak (Itachi failed to protect the clan and let everyone die) so thus creates the illusion that he did it himself.

    This theory is flexable since it doesnt have to be Oro to have killed the clan, it can be anyone. I would also like to introduce a sort of twist in to the plot in which Itachi and Sasuke's father actually betrayed the clan. (Their father doesnt really seem to be a nice guy from what we've seen)

    His purpose was to get Itachi away from the village (as he is so strong) and thus the killings can happen. When Itachi returns he see's his father killing his mother and quickly binds him in some sort of manner. Itachi then kills his father execution style for betraying the clan and sasuke walks in just at that moment..

    Okay I got to much time on my hands to think of all this but I think its a good theory

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